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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. I'm of the opinion that IQ tests are only of use for the 5 to 14 year old age group, measured against the same age. Once you get past a certain age you have either begun to use your abilitys to the fullest, or you haven't. Past 25 years and your IQ starts to decline, although you could learn enough about abstract thought to gain a high IQ score.
  2. They also had a large amount of slaves, which freed up a lot of time for thinking.
  3. It's not anti american. It the EU doing just what it set out to do. As it's the second largest economy in the world, I think it's rather anti European to view this as some form of attack on America. It's just business.
  4. Jazz is a blues derivative that was developed in the US. Music, however, is not an invention of the US. That's an Aztec, and South American, sport. It's older than Christianity. The US judicial system is a facsimile of the UK. Every culture has a bat and ball game, but baseball is an adapted game of 'rounders' which is European in origin. Invented at Rugby school, England. Americans just changed the rules slightly and wore padding & helmets. Yes, well. Each country invents musical genres, it's not really a standalone development.
  5. Having a pathetically small 20g hd I never keep games on long enough to need an update more than once
  6. I just download a nocd key from gamecopyworld.com and replace the .exe with it. Seems to work fine.
  7. You are old enough to be influenced by other peoples voting preferences, as we all are.
  8. 'Real' physics?
  9. s'true. Yup. But they found the sculptures were crap in an expanding global economy of military rule.
  10. Cough *slavery* cough.
  11. Illuminati societies. Pah. Smoke and mirrors.
  12. It's the right answer, the horse is called Monday. The riddle had some translation issues before ecoli heard it.
  13. What, just now? After two thousand years? The meaning changed? Wow.
  14. I dropped a cup in the sink. The ripples of water were a side effect.
  15. Comment retracted
  16. Er. I'm not sure if I want to break your sense of security now, but DON'T TRUST THE PLUGS!!!!!112
  17. Ah. Zealots. I see. Thanks.
  18. Can't comment I'm afraid. Affirmative action is positive discrimination, which makes it a bad thing in the UK. The US is a different kettle of fish, and I'm not capable of considering what sort of reparations the society owes any previously repressed groups.
  19. What does the prefix 'Neo' indicate?
  20. I've not seen the desktop bar, but I don't really like the idea. I'm happy enough with the firefox extension. For some reason, messing with desktop bars always equals trouble.
  21. I feel the need to point out here that the conservative values date back to the 16c and the Magna Carta. Although they are equally apt in the US, or rather equally usable, the only reason they exist in the US is because the democratic system of government is a facsimile of the UK's. This is important, because the definition of a conservative cannot be amened by the behavior of the party in either country. Therefore discussions surrounding the values of the US conservatives are moot. Republicans, on the other hand, are unique to US politics. Unless you count the Rome of antiquity, of course. Plus I aught to point out that the Liberals and Democrats have almost the identical core values*, but obviously different PR companys in the US . *I know this is inflammatory due to the mudslinging during recent US elections, but it's one of those little points politicians gloss over. I think it's quite important.
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