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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. It's limited to certain forums, from my experiance.
  2. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol? And I don't understand why you would mesure the effects of marijuana against an aspirin. The two are used for different purposes and effect.
  3. Er, true. No, wait. False. Maybe true. Or actually it might be false. Or true. The problem is, there is no answer. Or is there? No.
  4. Because they want to conserve the country and it's values. The conservative values are :- The promotion of the family. The right of individuals to pass on their inheritance to their children. The embracing of Christian teaching and morals. The support of the Monarchy, the Constitution and Law. * Resistance to change for the sake of change. The policys the conservatives support are the ones that suport the core ideals. *Same for the US, minus the monarchy.
  5. I'm : - Which is oddly apt, as people at work are plotting to kill me. Although I'm not sure even a really good gantt chart is going to increase my sexual options.
  6. The service provided is implicit, and so is the duty of care. Cheap? I rather think it's a expensive display of the NOAA's culpability, and the drastic results of failing their obligation. I'm sorry, but sometimes reality is uncomfortable. Again, NOAA's by it's own admission, has the responsibility of informing the member countries. http://www.prh.noaa.gov/ptwc/aboutptwc.htm If you like, justify your position.
  7. I was under the impression that the NOAA's core activity's in fishing and research was funded by the American government' date=' but the non-domestic applications were part funded by the groups concerned. The funding methods come from institutes of higher education, state funds, governments and US Federal agency's. Like all research agency's it provides what's paid for, to whomever pays for it. However all, that is all beside the point. The point is wandering out into the world with a [b']Tsunami Warning Center[/b], which took over from localized warning centers, puts a duty of care on the NOAA that they failed to live up to. Given the huge loss of life stemming from the inept ability to live up to the claims the Tsunami "Warning" Center put out, I'd say the right to demand compensation is justified. If someone offers a service, and people take up and depend on that service, then that places a legal obligation to provide the service that was promised. It doesn't matter about the financial details of the obligation, just the obligation itself. It seems pretty cut and dry to me. Perhaps that's just me, but I actually feel empathy for the millions left destitute and the hundreds of thousands dead. Lets face it. If the Tsunami had hit Florida, and the Tsunami Warning Center was not American, the country responsible would have been invaded and destroyed by now.
  8. TBH, the Sri Lanka government said the day after the disaster that it had not been warned. The NOAA held it's hands up at the time and admitted that it had a warning that was not passed on in time. It's seems fairly obvious that Sri Lanka might be more than a little pissed off that the NOAA completely failed to fulfill it's purpose, and that the funds that Sri Lanka give NOAA were wasted. Honestly, I'm all for patriotic flag waving, go America. But if an office is set up with the explicit purpose of providing a warning, and the fail to do so then they are going to see repercussions no matter the origin of the office. If the NOAA were Austrian, this wouldn't be discussed at all.
  9. Hmmmm, Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary? http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471387355/ref=br_lf_b_15/026-4596870-9158037 Or a host of others : - http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071410376/ref=br_lf_b_10/026-4596870-9158037 http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0922915954/qid=1110225591/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_10_1/026-4596870-9158037 http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471269190/ref=br_lf_b_1/026-4596870-9158037
  10. I assume IDK stand for 'I don't care', with care misspelt.
  11. Surprisingly' date=' you being the butt of the joke didn't make you predisposed to seeing the humour. Jesus, what are the odd's of that? Before attempting to argue about currency and economics, at least try and understand the difference. The ability to trade does not constitute a capitalist state, just as the social security in the US does not constitue communisum.
  12. Forthesweetloveofgod can someone please put the delete post button back?
  13. Vladimir and reverse seem to enjoy the same level of drunkeness before they post.
  14. The Commonwealth is a voluntarily association of independant states sharing dependancies, trade, military resources, democracy and methods of governance. The countrys in the British commonwealth are autonomous but pledge allegance to the Crown. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Commonwealth
  15. I always thought that position was the hallmark of too much T J Hooker or Starsky & Hutch Seriously, Hollywood portrays the Army/Navy/Police/Air Force as a super slick group of all out action heroes. The producers have become so adept at the portrayal of servicemen that the reality now looks amateurish in comparison. They show the John Wayne film 'Green Berets' to the marines as a training film, further blurring the line between fiction and reality. If I was faced with so many positive affirmations of my countries servicemen, no doubt I too would feel my country has an obligation to become the wold police. Unfortunately in reality, as Tom Cruse isn't piloting Jets and Bruce Willis doesn't command battalions, the American Military ranks no better than it's counterparts.
  16. The British Constitution is an uncodified constitution which is in effect a living breathing document that reflects the changing situations over the 800 years it has existed. Citizens of the UK can't find themselves in the rather bizarre situation where the law is at odds with the constitution, as the entire society of government and law is interrelated. It also protects society from semantic reinterpretations of grammar. It's odd, as the US constitution is based on the British, that since it's creation the US constitution has not been utilized to take into account the passing of time.
  17. Ah, sorry. The term 'early doors' refers to the period of time after a pub opens to the public and before it's license allows it to serve alcohol, normally from 10am until noon. It's colloquial usage is used to reference a time frame when nothing meaningful can be done or decided (in the original context, you can't drink in the pub so it's pointless to enter). On a side note, I do hope that the democracy in Iraq will last and create a stable government. It would be a firm base for an overall stability in the middle east. However, past indicators point towards that enduring peace becoming a rather fleeting aspect of the political scene. Hopefully, the balancing act the occuping forces are using to introduce the democracy while withdrawing will be successful.
  18. No. Not unless you are a necromancer. And stop trolling me.
  19. I'm not sure who your trying to impress here, but infantile responses don't reflect well on your general character. At least present the pretence of abiding by the forum rules.
  20. Well, it was probably a rather simplistic conclusion. But we seem to be heading back to simplified leading questions. Perhaps it's all due to the poor 'intellectual value of my debating skills' Patronising, old man, patronising.
  21. I think it is very much early doors to make assertions as to the future stability of Iraq. When they start to be truly independant rather than under military occupation, the events within the country will carry more merit.
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