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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. In reality, they are protected by a great number of treaties, not in least by the Geneva Convention. Your ignorance of international law does not make for a convincing argument. No, it's your ignorance. You can tell this by your confusion over the Iraq insurgents and 'terrorists'. The Hauge convention covers nations at war, the US is not at war so by it's own rules, in 1985 the Judge Advocate General in the US defined the convention applicable to nations at war only, the convention does not apply to either side. This discussion is silly, off topic and pointless.
  2. 1. Age? 27 2. Gender? M 3. Where do you live? Yorkshire, UK 4. Natural hair color? Dark brown 5. Natural eye color? Light Blue 6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Nope, but I am going grey so I guess that counts as a change of colour. 7. Do you have colored contacts? No, but bizarrely my eyes can go from strong blue to grey dependent on conditions/ vitamins / exercise. I know not why 8. Heritage? Ango Saxon (English) 1/2, Scottish (Norse Decent) 1/4, Jewish (tribe, not faith) 1/4.
  3. All of humanity is given the same rights and protection. Whatever is done to wrong the least of us diminishes us all. You cannot pick and choose the members of a society, or pick the members of humanity. Labeling one man as a terrorist and the other as a freedom fighter creates a line that is distinguishable only by perspective. I find your point of view oddly inconsistent coming from a resident of a country founded by rebellion and insurgence. I think you may be confusing the term 'hollow point'. I was not inferring you were making a hollow (empty) point, I was referring to the ammunition know as 'dum dums' which are cartridges with a hollowed out point (hence 'hollow point').
  4. All of which leads quite neatly back to the original post in the thread: -
  5. For hostage situations' date=' I tend to agree. I made that point by saying the use of hollow points is 'legal' in Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Slovenia, Mozambique etc.
  6. I don't think there are any free ebook sites. Something about copyright infringment and theft. You could try searching by topic and printing out what you find, it should all be the same sort of stuff.
  7. The US signed a few conventions that were a suppliments to the original Hauge Convention, such as 'The Hauge Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption' in 1994. Such suppliments carry the tag that the respondants will be :- I specified Police Snipers, who seem to use them on occasions where hostages and firearms are involved. I think the SAS used hollow tips in Iranian embassy, I suspect that anti terrorist activities allow the use of prohibited ammo types. Google doesn't provide immediate results though, so I can't substanciate that. Perhaps it's only the Army. Which means they are 'legal' in Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Slovenia, Mozambique etc.
  8. You can defend your opinions all you like, but you are not defending them. What your doing is attacking mine, which is entirely different. I do consider the different viewpoints, I've had a few religious discussions with Arch Deacons and Bishops, but only from a theological standpoint. The key to discussion is discourse, it's not a thin veil to attack other people opinions. I'm fully aware that the people with differing opinions to mine are legion, with a thousand different variations across a broad spectrum. You have to understand that the only way to truly have firm opinions is to test them. If you feel threatened simply by someone stating the opposite viewpoint, it's probably because you have not questioned your own. Every seminary in the Christian Church teaches it's priests about the other religions, so that they can test their faith and be sure that there convictions are genuine. I would suggest you spend some time looking into the nature of faith, and work from there. If you don't trust me, ask your Church for guidance on the best methods of studying theology and your faith. In short, pick up a book. I don't think this is true. Ask yourself how many people of opposing faiths you have actually sat down and talked to about there religion. I've studied theologies, religious texts like the Koran and the Torah, and the nature of Humanities need for a Creator. I've discussed faiths with Rabbis, Bishops, Witches, Hindus, Buddhists, Hari Krishna, Muslims, Druids and a myriad of minor faiths. I have to understand a viewpoint before I can dismiss it. I'm not championing science, nor will I bend my knee to your God simply because you wish it. I have my own undefended thoughts and I'll probably always fight to keep those independent, consciously or unconsciously.
  9. This has been covered in the thread. It's the 'if' that makes the rest of your statement a house of cards. Sorry.
  10. Ask not for whom the bell tolls.
  11. Yes, I can just kick back in my almighty pants of knowingness. I'll solve the world peace later, after I've had some sleep.
  12. I'm 100% sure.
  13. I thought is was mostly Archeologists rather than Scientists who used carbon dating. I suspect mention of 'irregular unrecorder radiation levels' would lead to a blank look, then possibly an attempt to push you into a pit.
  14. To be fair, I don't know many parents who still feel the need to have the 'changes during puberty' talk. Those that do need to find a better school for the offspring, or appreciate how embarrassing the talk is.
  15. Honestly, I suspect you would still love your dad no matter who he loved. Even if it was another man.
  16. You mean show the link. And what does country of origin have to do with your genes?
  17. No, they are not illegal in the US Armed forces. The Hague Convention is only an agreement between the countrys that signed it, and America did not. Your confusing Americas loose agreement to abide by the rules in the Hague Convention with law. In actual fact, in 80's the US saw fit to re-introduce 'Dum Dum' bullets for counterterrorist operations. The US figured the Hague Convention only applied when two nations were at war. Snipers in the US forces and Police use soft-point rounds, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. Because they are nice guys.
  18. Well quite. I'm sure Harry thought it would be a terribly funny costume, in an ironic way. He can't help being an idiot though.
  19. That you think Dan Quayle is a Democrat?
  20. Give me hints! We does needs the hints
  21. atinymonkey


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