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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. atinymonkey


    No, you are being difficult. Paraphrasing out of context is the big hint.
  2. atinymonkey


    Because the answer 'viruses are not alive' triggers the thought process of 'holy **** perhaps I don't know much about viruses' in the original poser, as well as reminding other posters the depth of answer that would be required to satisfy the posers query. By all means if you wish to dig out the GSCE biology, at start with the nature of a cell v's a virus go right ahead. I still prefer my answer.
  3. atinymonkey


    I prefer my answer. The words death and virus should never be associated.
  4. atinymonkey


    You can't kill a virus.
  5. Telepathy, a link between two exiting data stores that have the same hardware is infinitely simpler than making a data store shift a physical object with no physical contact with the hardware.
  6. Yes Vijay.
  7. No, it's an over simplistic interpritation of events. We are all based on a genetic makeup, but that does not account for sociological behaviour. We are more complex animals than that.
  8. Hmmm. If a jet fighter travels at more than mach 5 the human pilot inside of it becomes a dead human pilot. The limits of fighter technology are the human passenger, not the airplane, and modern fighters are designed around the limits of human endurance.
  9. Your saying that the bigger you are the less you know about physics? How ironic that you are arguing with MrL. My comment, no matter how oblique it may seem to you, was that you are happily skipping over the logic that has been repeatedly presented to you by rather well qualified physists. It's boring. You bore me. *Yawn*
  10. Why, in the sweet name of zombie Jesus, do you think that random spewing of hippie trance theories will help someone with panic attacks? At the very least don't sit there and smugly drool that you don't have a problem. Just because it dosn't effect you does not mean people should be more like you.
  11. Make sense, you fool.
  12. Somewhere where 1 and 1 does not = 2?
  13. What?
  14. Talking of abominations, I re-loaded the Tron 2.0 game the other day. For some reason the programmers saw fit to remove all but passing references to the Tron program, yet still call the game 'Tron'. I mean, whats the point? They even hired Bruce Boxleitner to reprise his role of Alan, in a prominent role in the game, but still could not be bothered with the Tron programme. Jesus. What's the point? Mind you, it's still quite pretty.
  15. It's stage fright. You get over that with practice.
  16. I would disagree. Lethargic, maybe, but not actively shunning human contact.
  17. It's his homework, methinks.
  18. Trebuchet, always use the trebuchet. That'll surprise them all.
  19. To sum it up, there is a link in genetic makeup but it's far from being the cause. I don't like mushroom because I was forced to eat them as a child, however some people don't like them because they have a different inherited abilitys to taste. Genes are only one part of the answer, but the question is vauge to start with.
  20. You are crazy. Try to stop being so crazy.
  21. Blarg: - http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bijection
  22. A few people I know who are missing in the aftermath. It's to horrific to focus on, really. Anyhow, linkage: - http://www.prh.noaa.gov/itic/library/about_tsu/faqs.html
  23. All societies involve the restriction of individual liberty, despite the propaganda about the 'free world'.
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