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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. To be fair, Oyr's mind was always a little unbalanced. Just ask Yossarian.
  2. How old are you? What weight are you? What height are you? How much exercise (breaking a sweat) are you used to, and how often/long? Other than that, are you sure it's 45 min your running for? It can seem an awful lot longer if your hurting. Shin splints normally start to effect runners in their mid 20's, if they often do road work, so I'd not worry too much about your legs dropping off. Aches and pains for teenagers exercising are usually nothing serious, if your not used to pain it can seem a lot worse that it actually is.
  3. Soooo, not self sustaining as such. It's more like a robot that relys on a more complex method of sustaining itself than any previous robot.
  4. Sorry, but isn't that grossly sexist? Plus, is this homework help?
  5. Blair may drop out and the much more popular Brown take over the leadership. That will pretty much make Labours election win a lock.
  6. Yup, that's about the crux of it.
  7. To be fair, there are only two races in Diablo. Humans and the minions of hell. It's not so much a game than a stat builder.
  8. Suggesting things I never said so you can dismiss them. I had not mentied Bush's lies before you attacked that viewpoint. Where we have provided copious offical documnetation expaining in painstaking detail the manufacture and dissemination of lies by the govenment, and you dismiss it with handwaving. No, it's your opinion. I've presented the official, government approved, signed sealed and 100% authentic honest to God facts of the matter. You are presented evidence that you ignore, claim it's too complex, claim it's too simplified, claim it's not real or just dismiss it out of hand. You can't summon up the ability (or perhaps courage) to dig around for a single scrap of evidence to support your propositions. You make sweeping generalizations and refuse to admit mistakes. All people lie, even the sponge faced angelic little baby Jesus. You appear to have elevated the alcoholic Bush monkey to deity status were every burp and whistle issued from his craw is to be taken as doctrine.* *This bit isn't actually true, but it was funny.
  9. Well, it's only the first stage and it also includes 3 days of flight training. The next stage is to build a space station and a moon base. Plus it's better than you can manage, and cheaper than the Russian trips.
  10. atinymonkey


    LOL cue the extremist's apologies.
  11. See the second link in my previous post. It's like I'm precognitive. What part of my rather short and specific post gave you the reason to attempt to strawman me? Aside from that, has there ever been a politician who has not lied? More than that, I was providing links to official reports to quell your assertion that CNN is responsible for policing the government and issuing the reports to the public. If you want the offical reports for the US inquiry, you can google them. I'd suggest you look into Dr David Kelly while your at it:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3901183.stm As the report he 'provided' that formed the basis of the US/UK dossier on Iraq turned out not to have come from the intelligence community, but from a thesis written by a student. This is highlighted in the Butler Review*, where this disregard of official documents in favor of a more theatrical and less factual version was seen as irresponsible. To be clear on this, the intellgence reports the UK gathered formed the basis of the US reasoning as well as the UK. *http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3050582.stm Crucial to this issue is the 45 minutes claim, which both the US and the UK government referred to as fact when the intelligence communities had not made any such reference. In regard to the 45 minutes claim, members of both govenments (Bush & Blair) lied, if this was intentional or not remains open to question. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3051298.stm
  12. It will cause harm to the relations of the victim, those the person had bonds with.
  13. Alight from a bus. Alight from the taxi. Only British rail still use the word regularly. And pretentious writers.
  14. As it was a trillion dollor defict prior to 9/11, then handwaving and muttering about arabs doesn't quite make sense. I certanly can't see a war detracting from federal reserves based on the influx of govement contracts since the war. As even I have been offered a contract to provide supplys to Iraq via Iran, I'm confident the cash is more than covering the monetery costs incurred. Honestly, for one of the highest taxed countrys in the world you should have a nice tidy sum stashed away, with no debts. Bush has even spent the entire US pension reserve, which is just about the wost thing you can do (short of selling children off as organ donors).
  15. Again, questioning your opinions is not a personal attack and hamfisted attempts to deflect discussions through character assassination do not add to your arguments in any way. You don't like my point of view, fine. Discussions upset you, fine. It's not really my fault though, is it? What Blix is not describing is a country where he expects to find a nuclear missile in each cupboard. I'm not sure whether this is wishful thinking on your part, or you just didn't read past the statement you quoted. You seem to be pulling completely different assertions from what appears to be a very straightforward view of Hans Blix, that the search to confirm Iraq was complying with regulations was allowed to finish. Blix even takes time to dismiss allegations that weapons were being 'hidden' from inspectors. This is a clear indication that Blix did not believe that WOMD were being stashed out of sight:- Honestly that must be enough evidence, even limited to the one article, to convince even the most dogmatic of opposing views.
  16. My other Grandfather wasn't a CO in the Air force, but a engineer in the Army during W.W.II. He also received shrapnel when a shell exploded, while most was removed he was left with a 3 inch shard lodged in his brain. Not only did he not get a medal for this, the shrapnel caused him to lose his mind when he reached 70, lose motor control, his bodily functions and essentially killed him 45 years after the event in the worst possible way. I never heard him winge about not getting a medal, nor dismiss other peoples efforts and accomplishments. I have 5 family members buried in Normandy and the Somme. Two of my grandmothers brothers from W.W.I and three of our family in the second world war. It doesn't in anyway diminish Kerrys achievements or right to recognition. One of my friends is in the army special forces, and knows full well he will never receive official recognition for his service, and he's done a damn sight more than fall over a wall. However, he also doesn't question peoples achievements. If a country awards a medal, it's worthy of respect. If you think the government gives the out without due consideration, that's a problem you have with the government and not Kerry. Pick the right target here.
  17. Zog's mind, the grand creator of mocca latte?
  18. When did osmosis become plant only?
  19. It's not that I'm threatened, but don't see why you would post "It's probably not a good idea for you to assume I'm not familiar with his background." and then claim it wasn't a warning. It doesn't sound all warm and fluffy, really. Syke was not agreeing with you. I was not agreeing with you. Nether was I insulting you. What I was doing was discussing your opinion, which in a complete coincidence is what we do around here. The threads, by and large, are not here for the members to pander to each others egos. I'm heartily sorry that our opinions differ, as I am sorry that my perception of events do not tally with yours. The point of discussion is to find some middleground, or for one side to convince another. You have to understand that every single post that you make is open to critique, dismissal, incomprehension and the myriad of events that reading statments may illicit from any browsing user. I'm obviously open to political discussion, debate and conversation. I am not open to character assassination, even when peoples theories don't happen to correlate with reality. In the real world shouting "you are mean" is not a persuasive method of debate, nor is it here.
  20. I never made assertion as to your knowledge of Annan, it's really not important. I appreciate being threatened though, so I'll dare you to follow it through "You know almost nothing about the staff at the UN, you can't even spell their names" - there you go, I temp your wrath You can't hear me laughing, but I am. I'm also pointing quite a bit too. Then you are just plain wrong. There is not much further to be said on the subject, but I'll point out that the wiccapedia is not a reliable resource. Anyone with an internet connection can amend the text. No it doesn't, even if it did it's not a reliable resource. Your reading behind the lines and making assumptions. Blix meant they had not finished searching for weapons, in the same way I haven't finished searching for a bear in my bathroom. Did you even read any of my post, or just skim through it? There is no logical reason to cling on to misinformed opinions, especially in the face of the overwhelming evidence in the form of copious linkage. Either show evidence, or drop it. That doesn't include reference to obscure articles that you might or might not have read that you can't show at the moment. Incidentally, in "Disarming Iraq" Hans Blixs quite pointedly says that there were no weapons apart from small arms and a handful of chemical cartridges from the Iraq / Iran war, and highlights the evidence that Iraq ceased to be a threat in 1997. No, Blix said more time should have been spent finishing the search. This is the crux of it all. Blix wanted more time to continue the search, not because he thought there were WOMD but to prove beyond all doubt that there were no WOMD and Iraq was not a threat. He was trying to prevent the slaughter, he was not on a rampage through Iraq to find any evidence to hand to Bush so that he could attack.
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