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Everything posted by atinymonkey
Strangely, yes. The source of evil.
I have a programme that NTL broadband gave me. It's a diagnostic tool that works out why you can't connect to the internet. That would be fine, but it needs to connect to the internet to download webpages that tell you why you can't connect, which it can't do because there is no connection. I contacted NTL and they admitted it was a 'beta' release. It's just the most brilliantly ill-conceived software ever made.
Cherie Blair is like the Dark Lord of the Sith. She emanates evil, corrupting those near her. Gordon Brown just had a baby, and Cherie is Tony's agent of evil. If Brown attempts to take over the cabinet, Cherie will be released into the Browns house (no 11) to hunt down and eat the child. Both Ian Duncan Smith and William Hague were forced out of the opposition after threats received to send Cherie into their houses whilst they slept. Cherie in full "I'll eat your baby" mode:- Cherie being restrained while attempting an attack:-
I say you can be his bitach:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3644044.stm
Plus, the President holds almost absolute power and the Prime Minister is the figurehead of democratic government. Technically, whoever the Prime Minister is, the power is the platform they are provided and the cabinet behind them. In the US the President can more or less dictate to the Government, especially surrounding military activities. So, the discussions about Blair normally revolve around Cherie Blairs ability to fit a whole babies head in her mouth (suspicious, considering the recent increased disappearances of babies in central London).
ROLF. Welcome to England.
Adopting the United Nations Rights of The Child bill in the US means an iron clad unchangeable policy to protect children in all the states in the US. It means that individual states cannot pass individual bills that infringe on a child's rights. It also means that policy on children cannot be used as a political tool by self serving politicians following whatever popular opinions of the time would sway voters. The UN presents an unbiased, logical and humanitarian approach to the rights of children. To say that the United States should not adopt it based on some vague form of patriotism is a perversion of nationalism to an unacceptable degree. The rights of a child have nothing to do with which country they are born in, all humanity should work together to protect them regardless of color, creed or heritage. Did you know that a child in America will be refused access to public schools if the parents don't allow whatever injections the local heath authority feels like making mandatory? Given the immunization programs in the past have done everything from sterilization to increase leukemia in the children in the US, what right does the government have to force children to take these programs? It's not about trusting the government, it's about safeguarding future generations. That's not to mention the weight the bill carries in other countries if the major western countries sign the bill. If the US signs it, other less developed countries will as well. To suggest that the US does not sign it is the equivalent of suggesting other more militant countries are allowed carte blanch in regards to the rights of children. We either provide a united front across all western countries, or live with the knowledge that millions of children will suffer across the world for decades to come. It's not about being pro american or anti America, it about being humanitarian or self serving.
It was boring. They were in a village, I got that after 3 min, I didn't need an hour of that. Then there was a loonnnngg wait, then the plot 'twist' and at that point Shayamalam must of lost interest as it just tapered off to nothing.
They are his medals, he can do whatever he likes with them. At least he didn't ask daddy to protect him from the nasty draft, then go awol like a complete pussy*. *that's the right word for a coward, isn't it? There may be a better word for an alcholic drug abusing rich brat who avoids military service.
Honestly, when I first watched it I was waiting for Obi Wan to slice the guy in half. I thought that was what all the annoying behavior was building up to, the gungans doublecrossing the Jedi and getting killed . I couldn't believe that they put some anorexic tellytubbie in the film as a lead character.
Just how many hurricanes must hit the same place before people will admit God is trying to destroy it? Perhaps it's a pre-election warning
Just so long as Jar Jar dies. If he could be sentanced to death by schmoo schmoo with a rancor monster, all the better.
Michael Moore seeks to air F911 on the night before elections..
atinymonkey replied to blike's topic in Politics
I think it's fair for Michael Moore to air his film if Bush supporters get to air a film of his choosing at the same time, on a channel of the same demographic of viewers. Maybe Hero (Jet Li's epic), Man On Fire or The Motorcycle Diaries. Or, well, Bush could do his own film about how great he is. Maybe -
You sound like a redneck hick. If you are only comfortable discussing one issue, stay one one thread. What possessed you to berate people for using the freedom of speech? Why, above all other things, can we not call the money hoarding loon in the whitehouse an assmonkey? Have you got a problem with people actually expressing opinions? If you want a totalitarian regime where the decisions of the great leader are never questioned, get yourself to North Korea. When you are generically profiling hispanics as criminals you are basing that on race, that's racism. When I tell you an AR15 is an M16, I am telling you that the M16 is the US military tag for the AR15 production model. Just because you have a rifle with http://www.biggerhammer.net/ar15/cad/ar15_receiver.pdf, replaced makes no difference to it's design function. That is not racism. Don't compare me with you.
No' date=' actually, I don't. Take it up with Simutronics Corp if you don't like it Last time that was tried, it was open to mods as well as normal members. It lead to preferential points, petty revenge attacks and arguing. The normal members didn't handle it much better either. It isn't a bad idea, aside from ego freaks, but I actually don't see the point in any ranking system, short of a feature used to draw users into the community (which isn't the reason people join this sort of forum anyway).
Soooooo, I'm guessing 14. There are two major producers of forum software, phpbb and vBulletin. http://www.phpbb.com/ http://www.vbulletin.com/ They account for around 70% of the forums on the internet. All of them have the ranking system. It's kinda obvious from forum browsing. There are always people bitching about the titles as well. Most want custom titles, for teh 1337 kudos or some such thing. It's tediously boring imho.
I'd be less concerned about the exit of the air and more concerned about the damage to the superstructure. The depressurization would cause microfractures in the areas surrounding the windows which would compromise the integrity of the hull. Even in a massive ship, the loss of air by itself could be coped with if the damage could be repaired. The ship should contain kits near all vulnerable areas for sealing them off or repairing depressurized compartments, and the lost air should be replaceable via reserve tanks. However, the expulsion of the air could cause the microfractures to spread to bulkheads. I suppose the loss of oxygen would make ark wielding simpler, if it could be useful, but there would have to be an awful lot of work before the area could be pressurized again. In some respects, massive decompression would be preferable to slow violent decompression. The crew could even be forced to manually depressurise the evnviorment outside pressure shelters in order to stem hull damage. I suppose if your writing a story, you have to remember the will have procedures and drills for dealing with the situation. They may even have self sealing hatches around vulnerable areas, like simple window shutters that the force of depressurization would pull shut over the window. The attackers could just break one window at a time, some air would escape from each before it sealed itself.
Depleting our Environment - We should Panic!
atinymonkey replied to NavajoEverclear's topic in Ecology and the Environment
No, sorry. It didn't go down like that in teh hood. -
whats with the member spotlight
atinymonkey replied to bloodhound's topic in Suggestions, Comments and Support
No, you are right, he does have red hair. Not bright crazy red, like a crazy clown man, but red all the same. He's the red headed guy who's punching the guy with the beard. The blurry guy in the foreground is Paul, who only two other people here know. I picked an odd photo for deliberate ambiguity, I forget why. -
How about:- Academic > Posts = 0 Lecturer> Posts = 10 Researcher > Posts = 50 Scientist > Posts = 100 Doctorate > Posts = 200 Post Grad > Posts = 400 Graduate > Posts = 750 Student > Posts = 1000 Schoolchild > Posts = 1500 Preschool > Posts = 3000 Newbie > Posts = 5000 Spaceweevil > Posts = 10000 Dunce > Posts = 20000 I like it , it’s unrewarding.
Quark > Posts = 0 Lepton > Posts = 10 Meson > Posts = 50 Baryon > Posts = 100 Atom > Posts = 200 Molecule > Posts = 400 Protist > Posts = 750 Organism > Posts = 1000 Primate > Posts = 1500 Scientist > Posts = 3000 Genius > Posts = 5000 *edit - but it's not a race.
Dammit, your right. I have no idea why I was thinking it was 1997.
The gas attack on the Kurds was in 1997 while President Clinton was in office. I doubt the Regan administration was aware of it, what with the 10 year leap into the future they would have to make.