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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. I have a theory that not understanding the layering in composition, pace and meter etc makes it easer to enjoy music as just nice noise. Most people I meet that like crap rock don’t play instruments or read music. Like Bloodhound, crap music annoys me on a technical level. When you’re talking about the layering Linkin Park use, they are following (not very well) the format of Carleen Anderson, Massive Attack, The Prodigy et al. Even the Beatles were doing this at one point. Considering the sampling work that goes into most modern music to make it more interesting, it’s remarkably overlooked. The only reason Linkin Park stands out is because they are cack handed at it. To put it another way, the idea of musical fusion is the essence of Jazz. It’s not a new format invented by Linkin Park. They are very musically generic; it’s the posturing that people sign up for and not the music. The only time I enjoy listening to the super-metal genre is when I’m out with surfer pals, and in a mosh pit. You only need noise and energy for that though. I don’t think Linkin Park actually crop up that much in the metal music scene, it seems more mainstream pop imho.
  2. Read my post, the albums title. Lyrics and song titles follow the same form. It's not a hybrid. That's my point. Hang on, I have a theory. Can you actually play an instrument or read music?
  3. Ha, Linkin Park. I hate bands that try and communicate through ohso subtle subtext to there 'fans'. Calling an album ‘Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water’ just for the subtext about anal sex isn’t 1337. If I liked crude double entendres I’d watch crap British 70’s sit comms. It dosn't make the band edgy, it's just sad. Linkin park are two steps away from Vanilla Ice in the talent stakes. Using a mix tape isn't fusion, it's covering up a lack of talent and variety.
  4. Any web pages, or just ones connected with ylunch.com?
  5. I found a game someone made to illustrate what they think of Bush and his years in office. http://www.emogame.com/bushgame.html I found it funny. It has Hulk Hogan and the A-Team in it, which is just pure class.
  6. Considering I was replying to you and not zhuam I think quoting you was apt. I don't think implicitly stating I was being nice was being 'defensive'. I was, quite bloodly literally, being nice. It's not an alien concept and it was fairly obvious. That's not a very convincing explanation, is it? If you think the best way to understand what's being said is to repeat yourself and hope for the best, you really do have communication problems.
  7. What in the sweet name of the pink jelly jesus are you talking about?
  8. Yup, the story was in my second link. I still don't trust them. They smell like Jebus.
  9. I don't know. 'The Legend of Bagger Vance' was great. Really great. An opus.
  10. Well, they are not a 'true' Christian rock band preaching the gospel. However they would all like to snog Jesus, given half the chance. With tongues and everything. http://www.christianitytoday.com/music/glimpses/2003/fallen.html http://launch.yahoo.com/read/news.asp?contentID=213059
  11. I've never been a fan of Christian rock, there is something just wrong about it.
  12. 'Controversial' could mean 'bigoted'. It could also mean 'understanding' or 'open minded'* *but it probably doesn't.
  13. Well, such a subtle survey. I can't possibly guess what your thesis is about, because I spend all my spare time on the internet which makes me unfit and mentally unbalanced. And Admiral is right, you can keep dreaming about collecting email adresses.
  14. As Clive Owen is lined up to be the next Bond, and Bourne shot him in 'Identity', that may be quite literal.
  15. We asked the giant jellyfish. He's rather accommodating when it comes to genealogy. It started with Gregory, the amoeba, who just decided to become a jellyfish. Isn't evolution fun?
  16. I think he meant science fiction, as opposed to actual fiction. It's not very well put across tho.
  17. I tend to agree. We don't personally have the choice to make, to some degree that means we have to trust the government to manage the legal system adequately. As we need to trust the government policy, the citizens of countries with the death penalty will naturally not agree with citizens of countries without the penalty.
  18. Yeh, it just sounded a little negative. I was being nice*. *or an approximation of
  19. You are more today than you were yesterday. It may be subtle, but that's the result of your state of existance.
  20. It doesn’t hurt to believe in the paranormal from time to time. For instance, you’d be a remarkably boring person if you never read works of fiction. More than that, suspension of belief is a neat gift to have.
  21. Hmmm. At what point would you, personally, class a human life as worthless?
  22. Solaris, your tag:- Is not a real quote from Einstein. Nor is it true.
  23. Daedalus was Orions offspring. I left a link in a previous post that detailed the lineage. If they are the size of your fist, quite a few.
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