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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. Linking forbidden remote? Forbidden remote linking? Remote forbidden linking? Linking remote forbidden? How are those eyes? Do they hurt in the rain? Where did you put your books on the train? Hurry man, Elvis is waiting.
  2. Well, not from the 'continuing existence of the human race' point of view. They are a personnel threat though, that's why they keep shutting down your experimental labs.
  3. Actually, Tony Blair reminds me of Alan B'stard a little to much. Especially his presentation style.
  4. Not too well I guess.
  5. American government restricts freedom of it's chess players shocker. FBI informed with current list of chess players.
  6. In his sig there is a link to more links, FAQ and so on.
  7. I remember the theory. The bacterium that causes bubonic plague, Yersinia pestis, was attributed to the Black Plague in the 19th century. It produces a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola ( as recently happened during an outbreak in Madagascar). It was proposed that the transmission rate and effectiveness was far to high for rat fleas to be the carrier, and as the symptoms were similar to an Ebola variant the evidence could equally fit Ebola. Apart from the circumstantial physical similarities, the gene records provide some physical evidence. Between 10% and 15% of Europeans exhibit a mutation in the CCR5 gene product, spotted during HIV research ( The HIV virus enters via the CCR5 gene product, and the modification appears to provide some protection from infection). This mutation could have been the results of natural selection that occurred via a large scale Ebola infection, such as the Plague. But it could be a number of other events, the use of the gene record is still fresh and quite open to interpretation. I haven't heard much else about the theory, it went quiet. I suspect there isn't the interest or resource within Britain to look deeper into it, the physical evidence is hard to come by (plague victims were burned or buried in lime so Archeologists can't exhume anything for study). It certainly seems more substantial than a 19 century diagnosis, but could just as well be fortune hunting science.
  8. It might be an idea to send out reminder emails to people who have not posted. It may remind them they joined the forum, and get them posting. Who knows.
  9. atinymonkey


  10. Well I suppose if you discount everyone who used a regional derision of English (Americanese, South African English) you are probably right. I swear South Africans just insert Afrikaan words into sentences just to watch the reaction. You just stand there for a bit trying to work out if you misheard them, or the middle of the sentence really was gibberish.
  11. Hmmm, well. She's in America, and would like someone close to where she lives in Jersey. Plus, they have to be Jewish. Also, able to hold her above their heads. I'm doubting I fit the bill here. I ain't moving to Jersey or joining a religion on the off chance of a date. On top of that repeated attempts to go to the gym have failed. Actually, there is something a bit sinister about her approach to finding a husband. How come there are no reports of subsiquent dates, what happened to the guys?
  12. It's the third, after Mandarin and Spanish. Apparently.
  13. I honestly didn't think the media was supposed to be politically biased. Perhaps I’m being naive in thinking that they should be. Fox is still the Devil though.
  14. Weird, sounds familiar somehow. You are not showing much to back up this statement, and nothing to refute the link I provided. The link quite clearly states ‘emerged’ and not ‘created’. If you actually read it, you would see the origins in the talibs who fought the British occupation of Afghanistan (1879 > 1919) and are quite clearly not a new group. The site is going over the emergence of the Taliban as a Government, not it’s origins as a group of fighters. No, they don’t. Especially in a country that gives support based on the constituent members of a groups past achievements against the Russians. You mean like posting links that support my view, as I have done? http://www.netbros.com/TheTaliban http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0856490.html http://www.ccds.charlotte.nc.us/History/MidEast/05/cochran/ Thanks for the information. It certainly seems as though they were one of the constituent groups funded by the West, given the supporting evidence. I think the long and short of this discussion is, despite when/where the Taliban originated; members of the group were funded and trained by the west during the Afganistan war with Russia.
  15. That's just plain wrong. Just because you were not aware of them, and they were not predominant in Afghan affairs does not mean they don't exist. I'm getting quite tired of revisionist historians coming along presenting opinions as fact. I tell you what, here is some evidence to back up the previous existence of the Taliban prior to the 1990's:- http://www.infoplease.com/spot/taliban.html A political party did not just popped out of nowhere and take over an entire county in the space of 8 years. They were around since the 70’s.
  16. It's a discussion for a different thread, but Rupert Murdock is the devil:- http://www.outfoxed.org/ http://www.commondreams.org/views03/1023-02.htm Fox is encouraged to distort facts to get ratings. Appeal to the lowest common denominator > less money spent on actual research for storys > cheaper staff > more outlandindish views > high ratings. CNN can't compete using real news, it's boring.
  17. Here is a new report that shows your rusted and ruined artillery shells:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3387607.stm And here is the news report saying they contain no blistering agents:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3407853.stm Reports have been continually paraded in front of you each time you mention your misinformed opinion on the shells. Please, just take the facts and understand them. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2004-01-14-mortar-shell-tests_x.htm http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/news/2004/01/mil-040119-rferl02.htm http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_19-1-2004_pg7_45
  18. Untill you actually read the report, you can shut up about them. 3 dud shells do not a holocaust bring.
  19. Yes, that sounds a dubious statement. If we had funded them, then the Taliban would not have been crying for Aid. The UN never officially recognised the Taliban, and neither did the US. I’d have to see the film, but a common trick Moore uses (as you said) is to mention a year, a place and then a fact inferring it all happened sequentially when it actually didn’t. :edit: Perhaps I aught to have seen the film before commenting at all. Mind you, it's not out here yet, ho hum
  20. Review of intelligence on weapons of mass destruction:- http://www.butlerreview.org.uk/
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