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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. It works as well as you want it to.
  2. I know a great policeman's bog that's on topic here:- http://coppersblog.blogspot.com/ It's the musings of a middle England copper, who coincidentally is pro gun. It's a good insight into the bureaucracies of the English Police.
  3. Although I agree with you, those shows are British and Norwegian respectively. It may not seem important, but it is if you bear in mind our insidious plot to replace informative television with reality shows (thus negating any education that the audience may have once had). Now, go vote for your housemate to be evicted. Quick, your vote counts!
  4. Jeeze, no monitor? I don't know, it sounds like it's be hard to use with just the sound from the speakers.
  5. Yup. They train 1 in 4 Policemen in armed response, and they carry the equipment in the squad cars (vest, handgun, MP5 and sometimes a sniper rifle if the policeman is skilled). When the call involves high risk, dispatch send the armed response units rather than the usual units. They behave like US armed police once they arrive, rather than 'swat'.
  6. Mmm. I've caught flies with my hands since I was quite young. They are not fast at all, they are quite ponderously slow. The trick is in not disturbing the air too much when you grab for them.
  7. atinymonkey


    Er, as you seem to be in a minority where does the 'popular belief' come from?
  8. It takes none whatsoever. Which is why you think it's true.
  9. That makes no sense. Nowhere does it mention anything about the BBC acting upon email complaints.
  10. Well, you don't even seem to know Paul Hogans name.
  11. I've not done it before, but I've seen it here before: - http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3361 And a comedy version: - http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=9717 Mine is: - Economic Left/Right: -3.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.28
  12. Er. I think you are confusing stem cell research with science fiction and cloning.
  13. No. Read the link before making weird knee jerk comments:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/newswatch/ukfs/hi/newsid_4690000/newsid_4696100/4696175.stm
  14. Neither are science subjects, and this is a science forum. It would pervert the forum if other, unrelated, subjects proliferated. I hope that answers your question.
  15. I think height is precoded. So long as you eat right, excercise and get enough sleep you should reach your maximum height. Oh, and the respect thing may or may not be true. But the link between height and heart attacks is proven to be true. The taller you are, the shorter your life.
  16. Huh. I would have thought studying English TV and/or movies would be the best way to learn English. Silly me.
  17. Actually, average height of an American is not increasing. It's decreasing. There are a few studys on it, here's the first one I found: - http://www.macleans.ca/topstories/science/article.jsp?content=20050404_103140_103140
  18. The answer is no. Stem cell research is progressing well in other countries. The US is officially too late to make any significant discoveries. There is too much ground to cover, and too little knowledge of the subject in the US. Stem Cell research is a political gambit in the US, it's no longer on the forefront of scientific research.
  19. It's not meaningless, marriage is a legal state between two individuals. It provides the couple with protection under the law as a couple. Why do you thing divorces go to court, and not to Church? I'll give you a hint, it not because God likes litigation.
  20. Ah babelfish. Always good for a laugh.
  21. Hmmm. Not very effectively, it seems. I still have no idea who is doing it*, or what they are hoping to achieve. I feel a little sorry for them, because they are obviously putting effort into these things. It's just becoming rather pathetic. *My money is on Lex Luthor, the cheeky little megalomaniac
  22. Oh. My. God. That's wrong on so many levels. You have serious issues. Don't look for people to validate your fantasy. Sort yourself out.
  23. I wonder if we ever see Love Crime?
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