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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. Who said that? Oddly, the bisected sections of Einstein's brain are still around. He donated his brain to science, and it’s sent round various universities for study. It’s a normal sized brain, not small and not large. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8805120&dopt=Abstract http://www.bioquant.com/gallery/einstein.html
  2. We understand about events occuring in relevent position according to perspective. However what I seem to be seeing in the analysis is:- 1)Random object is distance x away 2)Second object is distance x2 away 3)Third object is distance x3 away 4)Something about the big bang 5)Something about being the oldest thing 6)Poor grammar This coupled with your statement about being a 'disbeliever of your faith' and the 'so called big bang' makes a very confused and convoluted post. Try describing what your saying in a statement, i.e. 'I think the big bang occured on earth' or 'I dispute the big bang theory'.
  3. O_o Does anyone know that that was about? Vomiting random words?
  4. Red Wine has antioxidants which react with free radicals, they block them once they are in your system. Although, I'm not sure how effective that would be in nuclear sub, I suspect it's used more for the tranquilizing effects and gives the crew a feeling that some protection is being granted.
  5. It dampens the cortex and then the limbic system, which control inhibitions. Obviously, this also effects reactions and judgement. Those things combined (felling unhibited but not thinking straight) make it quite obvious that you are drunk. It's just to do with the concentration of alcohol or the substance it's in. When consumed, normally only 20% of alcohol is absorbed through the stomach and the rest goes into the digestive track to either be broken down or absorbed. There are way's to alter the ratio, say combining with a suger base, to absorb it faster. Mostly it's just to do with the ratio. If you have a pint of beer, the effects will start to get to you an hour or an hour and a half later. If you have a spirit, then half an hour. Wine, an hour or so. So if you have a pint, a glass of wine and then a shot of vodka it will all take effect at the same time. That's not a good thing. Mind you, I'm quite tired and probably not making much sense. I'm off to get a beer to steady the nerves.
  6. The lizards are dancin', the gophers are singin' and your probably drunk. Whooo ha
  7. Well, you have yet to mention the detail of your new theory. Traditon dictates that we wait until you present your theory before commenting on it. I could try and discuss it now, without hearing the details, but trust me when I say I assume your theory involves Ninjas.
  8. Я думаю что это правильно:- The organized study of the remote, amplitude and angular characteristics of ionospheric radio channels on the middle-latitude routes of different length and orientation is carried out. The work contains the results of experimental research with the frequency of the characteristics in specific ionospheric radio channels and the results of the simulation modeling of the processes and propagation on the routes which are used in the experiments. The procedure of the conversion of distance - frequency into the angular - frequency characteristics is developed by the study. Testing of this technique has been carried out. Но YT2095 смогите проверить его для вас.
  9. Покажите нам русского пожалуйста.
  10. Would A.L.I.C.E. manage to fool the little guys? The A.L.I.C.E. program is quite small, it would need a vocaliser and a small base to run from (plenty of windows CE based handhelds floating around) plus some basic sensors that respond to sound/touch/light. Chuck it all into a large Qee and maybe animate the toy a bit. I don't know how flexible A.L.I.C.E. is, but you can get the source code to play with from the creator (it's a small fee) and develope into your own ideal template.
  11. Hotmail O_o
  12. Well say that then, don't be obtuse. It looks like spam. Stop making meager posts for people to point out
  13. That's not the point. The discusion is about the replacement of one threat with another.
  14. If you bothered to read the link I posted, that was cut out of your quote:- http://www.iwar.org.uk/news-archive/2004/03-30-4.htm You'll notice that a group of people have been arrested and charged, with the only evidence of bomb making being an amount of ammonium nitrate. This is a little at odds with what you said:-
  15. Blind believers ignoring which simple logic?
  16. atinymonkey


    I think you'll find that's horseshit.
  17. 'Apparently'. You've got the BB5 magazine from woolworths, admit it
  18. It's my first night for 3 days that I've spent outside of a pub, so I can honestly say I've missed it all. I read they were going to put them in an oppressive environment with people with vast ideological differences. Well, that's not what they said exactly but something like that.
  19. Er, I think your looking at this the wrong way round. Mix your exercise, do an aerobic workout as well as a gym based exercise. If you run, you teach your body to breakdown the complex fats before attacking the sugar reserves (as running is a long slow drain on the bodies resources, rather than a quick drain that sugar would sustain). Then when you go to the gym the body misjudges it resource management and leaps directly to the complex fats. I’d recommend you do wind sprints where you jog like normal, run full speed for 200 meters, and then return to the jog. It gets you fit fast, but it hurts. That, or swim when not at the gym. Anything that mixes the excercise will do it.
  20. A diuretic, to put it simply, makes you piss more. If you are losing water through exercise, and also through a diuretic then you become dehydrated rapidly. Dehydration and diuretic substances can cause kidney damage. A cup of normal coffee wouldn't really be a problem, but 4 or 5 would. A cafeine pill and exercise would also be a bad idea. But hey, it's your body. I'm sure you injest worse things and do less healthy activitys in your life.
  21. Cafeine is a diuretic, unless you like kidney damage I'd suggest you don't try to exercise with high levels of cafeine in your bloodstream. Just a thought.
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