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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. No. It's not your decision, it's someone elses. If you refuse to be in the situation the situation does not concern you. It's the egotistical aspect that draws you into that type of problem, you feel it's up to you to do something. The reality is somethings are nothing to do with you, and your involvment will only make things worse. The real question in the dilema is can you help or not, and the answer is that you can't.
  2. At face value Dave's solution is the only viable one. If someone wants to shoot a dog or have a chicken killed that is up to them. The decision has been made prior to the cavet being applied to yourself. It's got nothing to do with you either way, your not responsible for the actions of others. I get attention seekers on the phone who use the line 'if you don't do X or Y I'll kill myself'. You can't force that decision on someone else unless they are willing to accept it, if you refuse from the off (like Dave said) you never entered the position where you would be forced to be involved.
  3. The very idea of a phone vote is out of date by over a century. Postal votes, email votes or poll stations are the three viable options.
  4. My history books don't see it the same way. Actually, they don't see much in the same way unless it happened between 1911 and 1952 in Eastern Europe and was covered in some form of brown chocolate goo. O_o
  5. I like the 'how to commit Seppuku page' If you succeed, everybody will be like “Holy Crap!”
  6. That's really more to do with sentence structure than the origin of words. We put the language back to front compared to, say, French. The grammar is Germanic rather than Latin based, unlike the French. Example:- 'I don't understand' in french is 'Je ne comprends pas' The literal translation would be 'I comprehend not' (if we ignore the verb during translation). The English language is quite basic in comparison to most, and is more akin to German than any other. Keep in mind that we are really Celts and Saxons in England, and the Celts/Saxons have their own language. We also have a lot of Norse in the mix. English is just something we tacked together later on. Sort of a muddle based on German, Latin, Norwegen and the guy wandering past the window.
  7. Whooo hooo! BTW nobody ever turns up for referendum votes either. Ah, the irony of democracy.
  8. Like a tiger, but way more awesome. Some sort of uber 1337 tiger. With swords. And yes.
  9. atinymonkey


    No, just to show the irony of your post, I'll repost from when that point was originally brought up:-
  10. 27/m/UK although I'd like to be 30/m/MonkeyIsland, obviously.
  11. Under the awesome genuine Ninja hood, tofu brained garanowarui gaishou hippy. You gotta respect the Ninja. They are totally awesome. Spend a few minutes each day considering how tight Ninjas are and you'll soon see your life improve, it's a scientific fact.
  12. Ah, hahahaha. Yes, the whole 'but there are two box's, what do I do?' dilemma. Could be over exaggerating? I think perhaps you mean misunderstanding. The mass referendums are only used for specific issues that have major ramifications. They voted in the EU on whether to implement the Euro to replace the national currency of the member countries. They don't, for instance, vote on whether taxes should be lowered. Mass referendums only occur one in every few years. It provides the public with a vote on issues that the government was not elected to specifically deal with. I'd suggest that in America major ammendments to the constitution should be put to the people.
  13. You mean a dumbed down pointless comparison. Pulling in the attack on the trade center doesn't pull the sympathetic weight to detract for the situation in Iraq. Its a unwieldy argument to say you can't control the actions of terrorists ,so why should you try and control the actions of US soldiers.
  14. I made an autonomous sumo robot at school. We were not allowed weapons (hence sumo) but it sill managed to cause a fair bit of damage.
  15. Well' date=' I wouldn't say they shouldn't have been there. They should have been there bolstering the UN troops in a sanctioned international effort. The US would have avoided a lot of dissent that way. This way the US, UK and Spain have become larger (and somewhat more legitimate) terrorist targets. I agree, the UN should have stepped in before now. They seem to be set on teaching the US/UK a lesson by not helping out. I'm not sure any singe country can finish the work, but the UN being a anonymous faceless organisation has an advantage in retaining the respect of the Iraqi people. The way it stands, anything that goes wrong leads straight back to Bush, which gives the resentment a face to point at and a country to blame.
  16. I don't think you gave that the consideration it deserves. If the European Union can manage Mass referendums across 25 countries with 455m people and a mass of different incompatible languages then I'm confident the US can manage it. It's just a ballot' date=' like you have in elections, except it has [i']issues[/i] instead of candidates on the sheet. It's not complex. In relation to 'the war', if the word Bush and Anti American crops up here I'm going to lose all respect for your opinion
  17. Whoooo hooooo! I wear white, 'cause I'm still training. So far I'm learning Feng Shui and Yoga. I'm going to learn Origami and Geisha next term, it'll be sweet. Obviously, not all Ninjas can gain a full time wage from flipping out. To combat this they provide an extensive retraining package for various part time jobs:- http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~mseabury/flizash/ninja.html Shurkien Practice, for those long lonely nights with no enemys to attack:- http://www.konami.com/tmnt/game/flash/ http://www.i-ninja-game.com/game/ninja_game.html Awesome!
  18. We all have those thoughts from time to time. Did you fix your door lock?
  19. Q: Why is everyone so obsessed about ninjas? A: Ninjas are the ultimate paradox. On the one hand they don't give a crap, but on the other hand, ninjas are very careful and precise. Ninjas are sooooo sweet. But you got to respect them, or they'll totally flip out.
  20. To whom is that addressed?
  21. It's not a Russian based site, it's the legal right to distribute the MP3's that comes from a Russian agency. It's just a loophole someone has worked out, that they can offer songs as long as they pay the royalty to the artist. As there is no distributor or manufacturer involved, just paying the royaltys seems quite logical. I’m not sure how that’s actually viewed by international law, but thats the idea.
  22. I'd recomend this excellent advice:-
  23. Yes, if you like. The world powers are set to shift in the next 20 years or so. Economists are likening the US to the Roman Empire at the moment, a major conflict would set the stage for a new player to enter. My money is on China.
  24. I thought it was pronounced as PIE. Is that just me?
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