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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. The same argument could be applied to anything. America doesn't exisit, the world was created last week etc.
  2. No, your an MPEG.
  3. Have a quick check with housecall:- http://housecall.trendmicro.com/housecall/start_corp.asp I do, even with firewall/antivirus. It's great*. *no Ninjas are involved, so not really great.
  4. The point is it's possible it was faked, but the evidence is not convincing or substantiated. The walls are a common colour; my Aunt has the same colour walls in her house in Cyprus. The chairs are common, the suit a random element and the elements of photo footage blurred. It's not outside the realms of possibility, but the dubious eyebrow has been activated. FEAR THE EYEBROW!!!!112
  5. Waitagoddamnminute, you have that chair and I have that chair. Is that a 'message' of some kind? Jesus. I'm locking the doors.
  6. Yes, it's not very convincing. I've got 5 of those chairs in my garden. Everywere from Greece onwards is littered with them. Interesting if it's true though.
  7. I know it's semantic, but terminology often is.
  8. It's connected to the legality of the action taken, rather than the action itself. If a prisoner is a supect rather than a convict then the term is abuse. If it were outside of a prison, say in a private house or army barracks, then it would be torture. I'd have to get a legal dictionary to find clear definitions.
  9. I'm afraid it's not really seen that way. I don't know what your aware of in terms of prison ethics, but both Turkey and France have prisoners who would be happy to swap establishments.
  10. I have the suspicion that this is something you came up with during a physics class one day. Why don't you bring it to the attention of one of your tutors, I'm sure they will be happy to discuss your extra curricular activities with you. Perhaps they could suggest an appropriate reading list.
  11. The law and sexual relations are not linked via marrage. Although the idea of absence prior to marriage is quaint draconian tradition, free will supercedes all religious law invented in the middle ages. edit: not what I'd tell my children, obviously.
  12. I have a small but adequate ninja balanced ontop of my LAN card. I find this an effective method.
  13. Just to keep it all on track, there have been no allegations of torture.
  14. The political use is the old gambit of putting a political candidate next to an issue/person/item to gain support. Basic example would be a 'Candidate and Baby', to indicate family man without saying 'I'm a family man' as he may well not be. Bush touted the Nick Berg issue around in the same manor, to illicit the same response Faf is showing (i.e. lets get stuck into the Iraq dissidents, isn't Bush great, lets re-elect Bush). It's not overt, but it works. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3739955.stm Like the link showed, the increased antagonism from the coalition troops has cost a great deal of public support. It’s my opinion that Bush is attempting to refocus the pubic eye from the heavy handed approach of the military, if it riles up the people into an anti Iraqi fever then that suit the purpose as well. Prior to the invasion, we were going to Iraq specifically to save the Iraqis. Now we are supposed to believe that they are now an object of hate? Maybe the machinations of the politicians are just in my head, but with the impending elections coming up, I doubt it. Any way you look at it, nobody really knows what the motivation is and we can all just guess at reasons. It's just how I see it, it's no more anti American than it is anti British or Pro France.
  15. The army breeds an odd sort of individual. If your trained to kill, and implement that training it a variety of countrys, it leads to an odd mindset. If a person can't reconcile what they do with who they once were, they can become detached from normality. That's my nice way of saying the Army breeds tw@ts. Civil enough on the outside, seething masses of anger on the inside. I know a couple of high ranking ones, and to be honest they are they guys who get the job done.
  16. Interesting news story:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3739955.stm
  17. The US cannot dictate to the UN what it should do, that was the whole argument when the war started. All in all, it's a shitty situation.
  18. While we are bitching, the debates never appear as a new post. I assume the mod validation has something to do with that, but it's still a bit annoying.
  19. The difference between a civilian and a solider depends on whether they defend themselves. If the US was invaded' date=' Bush toppled and your family locked up and pictures emerged of them being brutally abused, what would [b']you[/b] do?
  20. Er, I'm usually a bit less harsh on the phone. It's been a long week BTW, it's Samaritans week the 22nd to the 29th of May, if anyone fancy's holding a fundraiser. http://www.samaritans.org/support/fundraising.shtm#
  21. I hate you. I really, really do. Instead of being caught by a manager on a science website, with might have been an image boost, I was caught on your flimflam and nonsense. Your evil, evil and tricksey and fat. You couldnt keep the crazy inside your skull, you had to let it dribble onto my PC screen.
  22. Because this happens:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3733797.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3727289.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3727833.stm
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