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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. Not only is that the most moronic flash movie I've ever seen, a very important manager just came up behind me while the childish crap was on my screen. Now she either thinks I'm a moron or lazy.
  2. Because we have spent the last year torturing and slaughtering the friends and family of the executioners. To expect people to lie back and accept aggressive military occupation would be the antipathies of the American idea of independence. The colonists did far worse to the British during the war of independence, and are (probably justifiably) recorded as heroes. The people who committed that act have been arrested, they are not symbolic of an entire nation. There is absolutely no case for damming an entire nation based on the actions of 5 men.
  3. An F probably reflect the amount of effort put into the essay, so essentially it's quite fair. I guess he could ask for a resubmission and write the best essay ever, to compensate. Actually, my advice would be to write a new essay anyway and present it in a very, very penitent manor. Even if they don't accept it, they will be more inclined to help increase the grade point average.
  4. Well, as the president has substancial assests in the oil industry, perhaps the govenment could do something.
  5. I bet your doctor loves you.
  6. It also gives the handy advantage of dispersing heat to avoid comedy glass smashing.
  7. I had similar pains from 12 to about 15. They were apparently caused by growth spurts, with the solid bone length increase rearranging the gooey tendons etc in the leg. It causes pain when your inactive because the muscles relax, and allow thingummybobs to move. Of course, that was just my supergrowth. It could be anything in you, I guess.
  8. Oh, they will. But nobody voluntarily asks, and if they do start explaining it the brian has a trip switch to auto shut down until the mouth stops moving. It's an automatic reflex to prevent the brain from bordom overload.
  9. Especially Tony 'heart as black as coal' Blair. He had most of the country against him, as well as most of his own party, and still commited troops.
  10. atinymonkey


    During the first world war, in 1916, at any one time there was an average of 17 tonnes of metal projectiles in the air. If you can find a gun club that can match that, I'd be impressed. It's not that more bullets have killed people than have ever been fired, it that more bullets have been fired with the intent of killing.
  11. atinymonkey


    It bloody well is it's common use. Your at war, you know? Pop over to France and ask if the Germans used rifles for recreation. Run over to General Mugabe's office, and ask what the target practice to shooting civilian ratio is. Ask in the Gaza strip if they think the main use of guns is for relaxation and entertainment. Stop thinking in an insular middleclass isolated American viewpoint.
  12. In all probability, the rebels who set up the shell to explode would have had no idea of the contents. In Iraq, there is a vast array of military paraphernalia, and they are not the most organized county. It's not even an effective weapon, it's not taking advantage of air dispersal; explosives and gas do not mix well. The news report at not an opportunity for substantiating claims that war was justified, the Coalition has dismissed the homemade bomb for what it is. It was not a WMD, it was an obsolete relic from Iraq/Iran. Stirring up anti Iraq feelings may be seen as more than slightly callous, in the shadow of the activities of the 'solders' in the Iraq prison camps. I have the distinct impression that the patriotism filter is on full force for this issue. Engage logic circuits
  13. That would be why I'd fail the interview, anyhow. Then I'd probably argue about it. Then I'd be asked to leave. The city.
  14. I hate those programmes. It had a tube train driver saying 'I've not been told what to do!’. Seriously, what are the options? It either involves going forward, backward or staying still. I'm fairly sure there isn't a secret track on each route labelled 'escape from terrorists here'. Basically, if a chemical attack happens in any city your going to be screwed. Causing panic through absurd preparations and preventative mesures can't help matters.
  15. It's not been classed as a WMD; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3722255.stm It's certainly not being mooted as justification for the war. It just happened there were leftover shells from Iraq Vs Iran.
  16. Huh. When I was at school, Oxbride had a group who went from school to school chatting to the students with predicted grades high enough to get in. Don't they do that anymore? So far as I remember, they try and separate the people who study day and night to make the grade from the people who can absorb information quickly. I guess the questions are to watch how effectivly you can switch mental gears. You have to be a well rounded person, more than just stocked up on A level answers. I'd advise looking at the types ofquestions asked at Microsoft interviews, there are a few sites on Google, they use the same interview approach (athough there is more information on them). http://www.acetheinterview.com/qanda/microsoft_interview.html
  17. atinymonkey


    I have a rocket assisted model glider in my loft. Well, most of the remaining big bits are in the loft, providing proof of the instability. You can control a glider at speed, but just don't try and turn sharply.
  18. Thanks! I had a party on sat, but forgot to get drunk. I got a guitar out of it, and caught up with some old friends. A girl from work invited me to her house tommorrow for a birthday dinner. Not quite sure what that entails . Free food tho, so that's a plus.
  19. Yay, that's me!!
  20. Thanks! I'm not old, I only own 2 cardigans . (Fung Ku, Rob)
  21. I'm off to steal pretty shiny things.
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