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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. Interesting, the artical describes rascism as . Well, I say interesting, what I actually mean is worrying. Like you said, it's got bugger all to do which which race you happen to be a part of. What a waste of 10 min reading that flimflam.
  2. Well, you lost the top spot so you lose the trophy. edit - he's right, the trophys have gone!!
  3. My only comment would be, no democratic country has ever declared war on another. The only way I see that changing is if people keep declaring the country they live in is 'more free' than any other, as happens with the US. The land of the free, granted, but no more free than any other democracy. Once the countrys have the same system of government, we can intergrate much in the same way as the European union.
  4. Dave stole my chopper hi score, curse him.
  5. How 1337 is that! I have renewed love of the site!
  6. Why is it the religious types are always the first to the post when there is bigotry afoot? I have a suspicion that being taught doctrine allow sets of people to ignore reason and logic in favor of random opinions. Homophobic views like Demosthenes holds just make me tired, and I can't muster up the effort anymore. That's quite worrying because it's all to easy to just get angry when presented with those views, and I don't really see the point in allowing homophobic twisted viewpoints to get me annoyed. It justs makes the sad little man feel like a martyr. I'll just sit and wait until he comments on Jews, and Africans being of less intelligence than white folk.
  7. Uh, nice new look. Scared by the lack of front page.
  8. Mmmmm, I have. Well, to be more accurate, the rig is set up in conferencing rooms where I work so the main baseunit will output to laptops/VDU's/Projectors etc. Not much use, granted, but it's possible to do it. At YT said, direct hardware interface would be tricky but most OS are built to network. I think there is interface hardware to make a docking station out of a base unit, but they are usually specific to one make of laptop and a fixed model of base unit.
  9. We call them fag hags over here. Or rather the gay culture uses the term.
  10. Tai Chi and Tai Chi Chuan are two different arts, one is martial and the other Taoist health. Stick a master of Tai Chi into a fight, and they would lose. Taoism btw, not Toaist
  11. 'Kung fu' means 'apptitude' or 'skill', but actually it's proper translation would be "kuo-shu". Only westernesrs use the term Kung Fu, as it is not a martial art but a term relting to the ability to perform a martial art. Kung Fu as we know it in the west is derived from Shao Lin, as it just comprises of all the styles people wanted to take. Shao Lin or Shaolin is the base of martial arts in China. I appreciate the input, but you are off base. Here are a few links to the origin of Karate. http://www.shsu.edu/~stdgxd13/karate/origin.htm http://www.columbia.edu/cu/jka/origin.html http://www3.sympatico.ca/jeffrey.muir/jeffkori.htm Well, we had establised it wasent 'Open Hand' but 'Empty Hand'. I was highlighting the original traslation was 'Chinese Hand', which I pointed out to highlight the origin of the art. No, Ninjitsu is a method of fighting (Shinobi-jutsu). A Ninja did study Ninjitsu, but it has nothing to do with assassination. I pointed out, Samurai also study Ninjitsu in a teaching method called 'Budo Kai'. It's ether based around endurance or stealth, which lends itself quite well to assasination. The fact that some groups trained assassins in ninjitsu meant they were called Ninjas. Just because all Ninjas study Ninjitsu does not mean all Ninjitsu students are assassins, you are mixing cause and effect. It's like a gun argument, not all people who own rifles are snipers and not all snipers are assasins. I've studied 8 separate martial arts, including Ninjitsu (Togakure Ryu, which isn't really the hstorical style), and I'm not a Ninja. In fact, I was explicitly told the difference between the two before I was allowed to learn that style. Sorry about giving a long reply. I got a lot of thease things drilled into me while I was growing up. Chinese Godfather, learing martial arts, teaching students. I tend to lecture too much given half a chance :/
  12. It applies to all the martial arts that involve pressure points, and that's most of them. It dosen't really apply to Tai Chi, for instance, as Tai Chi is a martial art that involves no kicks or strikes (nor is it really a martial art at all). The derivation of all martial arts comes from the same source, Karate from Shao Lin and Ninjitsu/Jujitsu from Budo Kai/Samurai. The principles of breathing, balance and Ying/Yang, are something that you find common to all physical practice. Ask a sprinter how they breathe when they run, and sit down ready for a lecture. And Karate originally meant Chinese Hand (Kara means Chinese or Empty and Te means Hand) in recognition of it's origin. It' only cropped up in the 1930's, and is the source of nothing new (apart from Chuck Norris, obviously). Plus, Ninjitsu, bugger all to do with assasination. Assasins were sometimes Ninjas, but Ninjitsu is just a style of fighing. Samurai study it as well as 'Ninjas'. It's like saying Karate is a style of pub fight, if you see it in a pub.
  13. Mhph. Not as many as you'd expect. The basic principles are rooted in acupressure and acupuncture, which dates back to around the bronze age. If a point in the body is a center for nerve clusters, hit it and you'll cause pain. It was the sophistication of acupressure and acupuncture that mapped out the body for the martial arts, the points were know by most educated people. Obviously the advantage of martial arts is that hitting almost any squishy part of the body is going to cause pain, the fact they had a better idea where to hit just helped the development.
  14. Come piggy, lets fly - Whup whup , fhhwoosh!!
  15. Do you mean martial arts in Japan, China or the West? Is there a specific martial art that your asking about? Tai Chi, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, The Samurai, Martial arts in Buddhism, The Roman Empire, Strategies in War etc?
  16. Goldeneye N64.
  17. SFA make my skin crawl but I don't know why. Pretentious, I suppose.
  18. Well, It was lazy considering I have photoshop but made the picture in MS paint anyway, because I can't be bothered with the layer function in photoshop.
  19. Lazy, or evil?
  20. What leads you to think that, all the people without avatars?
  21. Bill's plan:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3324883.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3426367.stm details:- http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/twc/privacy/spam.mspx
  22. atinymonkey


    Faf, Blike and MrL off the top of my head.
  23. 1 cent X I kijilion emails = alot of money = one spammy business out of business.
  24. :mutters about cost benefit analysis: Cost of email support team / reduction of spam filtering and support staff Cost of mail server / percent reduction in mail Vs Amount of emails * 1 cent. The 'independant' server can send as many mails as it likes. Without the verification of the goodwill gesture calculation etc, it would be autorejected as spam.
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