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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. That state was only ratified after the war of independance. It's a simple concept defined thus:- That make the originators of the war of independance rebels. They rebelled. They performed a rebellion. They acted rebelliously. It's fairly cut and dry, I'm afraid. The American Civil War was 100 year after the war of independance. At the time of the declaration, slavery was widespread. It was as much an issue at independance day as 100 years after in the civil war.
  2. A scientist has set back projections for the develpment of nano-technology by having his work subject to claims that results were falsified. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3459769.stm
  3. Hmmm. I throw comments around like that to dissuade peoplefrom tarring the English as evil, as people are apt to do in America when discussing the war of independance. We were far from that. I appreciate the ideals and principles were worth fighting for, but as the country was a part of the English crown. The correct term for freedom fighters in that situation is rebels, no matter what they are standing up for. I'm a bit worried that the slavery thing is not highlighted more in the American history, the continuing slavery in the US was one of the basic reasons the war of independance (and later the cival war) was fought. The English had banned slavery, the coloneys had not. The whole tax issue just brought it to a head. You must have noticed that the US took quite a while to stop the slave trade? Research the way the UK treated the few slaves that came here if you have some time in the future, it's quite a different picture than you'd think. It's all for a separate discussion I guess. We'd need arbitration from some other coutrys resident to get a balanced picture.
  4. Unless he thinks 'Daddy' is God, the man is as mad as a bag of drunken frogs.
  5. I made you laugh until you cried, on purpose. That took some effort to structure posts in a way to illicit such a response. Bearing in mind, nobody partially agrees with you I'd suggest you try to construct a similar post, if you want to appear in any way reasonable. Make me laugh. Go on. Make with the funny funny. People will like you and it'll make you popular.
  6. Just a little point. Someone who rebels against their King is not called a patriot. The civil war had patriots, the war of independence just had rebels. Plus, in my book modest people fleeing from a higher power would ban slavery, not fight to retain it Odd how there are differences in opinion, isn't it? I bet in secret you wish you were still a British colony.
  7. The poster in his lab. -1 observation point.
  8. I don't know, I assumed it had some effect.
  9. Demosthenes just happens to live in an area of the world that isn't as effected as others. China has had a population control program in place since 1973.
  10. He's called John Gibson, and clames to be a reporter of some dubious ilk. The tagline is 'We report, you decide' , decide he's a loony I guess. That's exactly the sort of view fox would take. The first time the BBC's reputation is questioned and Fox invent storys about the BBC supporting Hussain. Ironic use of the word lie there, the broadcaster uses it every 5th word, like a whacking stick. They didn't even get it wrong! Fox is the devil. The BBC quote is:- "All Lord Hutton had said was that if an allegation of impropriety or dishonesty is made, it should be checked out first, and if it is known to be false, it should be withdrawn."
  11. Depends on your definition of a side. Oh look, we are in a conversation loop. How fun.
  12. Income based child allowance. If your income is below the national allowance, you can have one child. On or above get two children (double 3 etc). That way parents don't have children they can't fully support and don't rely on state handouts. A family of low income would find it hard to support more than one child without detracting from the childs wellbeing.
  13. So, we all agreed what I posed was not garbage. We all see the laws of economics are immutable, you agree you had/have no point. I present no charade, no pretense and no hidden agenda. That makes you a troll. Fol de rol rol roll.
  14. Hi. Nice to meet you. Probably. Your right, he even incited the Kurds to start an uprising to prepare the way for American troops. Then he backed off, leaving the Kurds somewhat red faced. With their own blood, obviously, as they were rounded up and shot. That still dosn't excuse Taiwan tho.
  15. Er, no not a heavenly sphere. The concept of the side bei...oh never mind. How does a mobius band work? How does a table work? Who is Spain? Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?
  16. A sphere has one side, or two if it's hollow. You can see if something is infinite this way: - if it fits in your hand, it's not infinite. And the mobius band works very well. Usually using paper and sticky tape. Any other answers probably belong in the philosophy forum, unless the word infinite is replaced with perpetual!
  17. When hungover,he clutches iron bru and rocks, giggling, back and forth. It just has to be a flashback to the programming the cult gave him. Stands to reason really.
  18. Yes. Yes you can. But I wouldn't.
  19. Whatever point your trying to make, stop. Just stop. I don't understand your issue, we don't understand your problem, you don't understand your point. I tried to help, I wanted to help, I gave my help. Fac ut vivas.
  20. I have a pal who also swears by it, never paid much heed to his hungover gibberings to be honest. I believe him to be brainwashed by the scottish cults while at university. He went to study chemistry and came back an engineer with an iron bru complex. Suspicious.
  21. I think the word is 'messy'.
  22. Jadote I have to apologise again, this time for the thread highjack and my 2nd post, without which your thread would have continued along an uninterrupted fashion. Do please carry on. Your post seems to be a neat bit of foresight, based on Mr Bush’s recent instigation of an inquiry into pre-war intelligence.
  23. I didn't, I was pointing out that America's foreign policy and trade agreements were less than noble and sacrosanct. I wasn't comparing Americas policy unfavourably to anything in particular other than the American governments moral standard it sets for others. Ok, in simple terms then. Easier than the 2 lessons:- In order for you to be richer, someone has to be poorer. If 10 pennies make you richer, someone else is going to have 10 pennies fewer. It's not the capitalist philosophy to allow your cheap production facilities to suddenly become self sufficient and independent from you. Hence the pie story, lesson 1. The countrys are on borderline poverty, and don't have any budget for development. When they do, it's foreign owned. Probably, but as it agrees with me it's not much of an issue. How much more explanation do you need? I'm giving free economics lessons here, I really do get contracted out for this you know! Your not jadote, your newbie. I was talking to jadote, to whom I apologized. I 'gave' you nothing, but I can apologise if you'd like. Sorry. I'm aware of 'ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer'. You still haven't looked up the word counterpoise yet have you?
  24. It's made in Scotland from girders.
  25. YT's not exactly what we class as open minded. Although he has very pretty hair. I think the theory is closely related to the orders in chaos theory, that and the theory of alternate universes. It may be a bit convoluted, I've have to read it and map the logic back to a recognised theory or two.
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