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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. *Yawn* go back to school.
  2. atinymonkey


    At least' date=' that's what Dr. Raymond Stantz thought. However, him being a fictional character from Ghostbusters [i']does[/i] affect the credibility of his theory a little.
  3. No. Yes. Maybe. Nobody really cares. Not if there were no viruses/bacteria and Adam had to have been (genetically) the most perfect human to have ever existed.
  4. In that case, how about 'Webmaster caught in his own web of deceit'?
  5. Yialanliu, could you rephrase that as a statement or a question? It's too disjointed to understand.
  6. I stated that it was my opinion that you know very little about the Big Bang theory, and by that extension had no basis from which to dismiss it. Feel free to demonstrate an understanding if you happen to have one, and I'll retract my assumption with an unreserved apology. Nope. I never once voiced my opinion on the theory. What I'm saying is you can't dismiss a theory simply because you don't understand it. You could dismiss it if it presented faulty data or illogical steps, no substantiation, poor maths, bias etc but you have not attempted to do that.
  7. Yes. Yes they are. Actual gangs of street thugs. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2890097.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4678837.stm Of course, that could just be in the imagination of liberal reality, with its liberal leanings. Damn liberal facts. It's a liberal agenda to libralise the way we literally liberal. Liberals. No. As has been said before, the motivations of the bombers has yet to be determined. They can only be referred to as terrorists if the actions fit the specific criteria. The BBC do not want to label incorrectly, as they would receive a backlash from the other media. I presume the statement from the BBC was to help counteract the filtering of the word 'terrorist' which the American media has shoehorned into the public consciousness (the BBC staff included). I think you don't really understand the situation. The bombers were from Leeds, which was the subject of large race riots a few years back which were instigated by the Asian community in response to perceived intolerance of the Police towards Asian youths. Incorrectly labeling the youths as terrorists could result in untold ramifications. The BBC, along with the rest of the British, are not suffering knee jerk reactions to this situation and throwing meaningless clichés around to provoke response. Would they? The proof of this would be the BBC not reporting the story, I presume? Here is just one of the political broadcasters on the BBC who have been discussing the situation. You can download the shows online: - http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/vine/ He's got a good show, if you have any time spare to stream it. Because they are without peer. They are the best. Even considering your never-ending quest to point out minor grammatical foibles in a minority of reporters employed by the worlds largest broadcaster, they are still streets ahead of the competition regarding journalistic integrity.
  8. Yeah, I should have quoted ps2huang. Sorry.
  9. atinymonkey


  10. Jesus. Stop bastardising English History. 'Bloody' Mary was the name of Mary I, the first Queen of England. The term 'Bloody' come from her support of the Catholic Church and the burning of heretics: - http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/timelines/england/tud_bloody_mary.shtml The name evokes images of a woman covered in blood, which causes idiots to create inane stories.
  11. I've just got back from London. I arrived at Kings Cross at 8.50am on Thursday, and was moved out of the tube in advance of the second explosion by the very efficient transport police. Spent the day in Euston, watching the city being locked down, then got driven out to Highgate where I proceeded to get very, very drunk. The media circus at Kings Cross interviewed me on the way home, looking for information. Which was odd. I'd become an eyewitness/bystander (in the obligatory crumpled suit). My two hero's out of it are: - 1) The Metropolitan/Transport Police, who were bloody awesome and saved literally hundreds of lives. 2) Dan. Who, faced with bombing throughout the entire central city and massive pedestrian migrations, made his way to the Savoy and sat down to a late breakfast of tea and toast. Now that's class. So tired right now. Eat and sleep are the only two things on my mind. Catch you later.
  12. Compost is biodegraded material, or mulch. Green manure is plant matter that can be tilled back into the soil without preparation, for instance pea plants (they have nodules that collect nitrogen iirc).
  13. I don't see the gauge as a valid measure. Even if published papers decrease, it's no indication that progress has decreased. As research continues you could expect it to become more focused, and the focus would reduce the published papers. Statistics are notoriously misleading, a reduction could simply mark a watershed in spurious research. For instance, as funding is diverted into areas that are continuously advancing and out of the more stagnant areas; the amount of parallel research will naturally drop.
  14. Now that's bling . Upgrade the styles to 'wicked pimping', upload the new buttons and change the URL to foshizzle.net and we'll be storming. That's why we don't get Hawkins round here, he's westside to the bone.
  15. Fortheloveofjebus. If at first you don't succeed, just give up and call it impossible: - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author-exact=Brian%20Greene/
  16. No. It's because the human eye is shit at separating out fast moving images. I don't understand why you would use the naked eye to work out the relative speeds.
  17. He's not back, and you already have a debate in one of the other threads on the subject: - http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=9786&page=5 Enjoy.
  18. Because US was primarily isolationist regarding the affairs in Europe during WWI. Woodrow Wilson refused to be drawn into anything but mediation, until in the final year of the War. I don't see how that policy would result in a random war protestor being courtmarshalled by a military power who's official stance on the war was 'it's none of our business'. It all sounds a little apocryphal, for a story half remembered.
  19. Yeah, I've no idea why I posted really. I just had a dictionary to hand, and the definition appeared slightly different.
  20. I, um.........what? It's not a game of figuring out the odds, or justifying random theories. The pasta made us, and we praise his noodelness for doing so.
  21. According to mine, its an archaic form that is only included as a reference tool for deciphering. It has no use in modern language O_o
  22. Well, I was being polite about Alt F3's old ones, but I thought they were pretty poor. The new ones are pimp. Probably. But not bling. Nope, not without some gold in them.
  23. I don't know. Rent for a month in the UK is considerably less than £800, so long as your not too fussy you can rent at £250 a month. I've employed 40 or 50 temporary staff at just above minimum wage, and they mostly rent.
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