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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. Ohhh. That means they have discovered the anti-quark. Apparently.
  2. Heh. Yup. !!The Santa Song!!
  3. As you can see, you can blame Sayonara³ for the Zimmness. We don't even get it on TV over here Gir's worth the downloads though!
  4. Chinese tea (Camellia sinensis) still contains alkaloids and Theophylline. I remember an article referring to the effect that tea could have on the digestive systems ability to break down iron in the diet, leaving unhealthy traces in the blood and digestive system. I'm not sure if that's healthy edit:- I'vejust been told I'm a tea bashing coffee propagandist .
  5. There is no real progressing with a 'youth serum', the studys end up in dead ends. Even if there was, the population expansion is so rapid that the planet would be unable to sustain life after a few years of people ceacing to die.
  6. Can't find one But did find this Orbital Space Getaway
  7. No, you are right. They have mapped the majority, but there are still areas that are a little 'fuzzy'. Like the ice caps. The official line is that it's complete, which is probably where the 97% comes in. Congress changed the definition of complete to 'over 96%' for some legal reason or other. I think they used a laser altimeter rather than an echo transponder, but I could be wrong. I'm still going to take the bet on Europa though. I'm going to find out the odds they are giving!
  8. We haven't quite managed to map 97% of the Earth yet, what with the massive water cover and all. I think if NASA has clamed to have 'mapped' Mars, they must have a fairly loose definition of what constitutes a Map. 1:10000 scale. You are dead right about Europa though, best chance of finding multi celular life in this solar system lies on that rock. I might place the same bet, it can go on my wall £1 bet at a million to one .
  9. Extended life, yes. Immortal? Not really. It would just get boring. Or you would end up like Dorien Grey or Faust.
  10. I'm changing to the cute fluffy icon of doom now. http://www.thedoomsong.com/ Yay!
  11. ROFL
  12. Your not running for governor of California by any chance Aman? Is that why you’ve been away so long?
  13. A bit like '2010 Odyssey two' by Arthur C Clarke, with the chinise led ship, the Tsien, landing on Europa, being destroyed by the native life form and provoking the wrath of the monolith. Seeing as china is the closest to initiating the Mars landings, and the US are rushing to beat them to it, it's running fairly close to the book at the moment!
  14. Some sort of crazy dancin' daisy? Yes indeedy
  15. Your right, I was being pedantic and petty. I went to the homeopathy websites to get information, assuming that classical homeopathy was the same as that widely practiced. I've got a copy of Clemens Franz Maria von Boenninghausen analysis, and I'll get started on reading through it. I don't consider the homeopathy websites to be authorities, but did make the assumption that you would see them as such. Obviously that was a misconception, and I apologise again. I've also got a copy now of 'Chronic Diseases' by Hahnemann. I'll go off and read that too. Unfortunate, I was a bit stuck in 'troll' mode, I didn't give the posts the effort of analysis that they deserved.
  16. Apprecitate the enthusiasum. A little off topic though. But full points for effort.
  17. Just to make this clear, Hippocrates did invent the Law of Similars. At least according to every homeopathy website listed, there are 160 in total with the same statement. You have to be precise if you are going to make remarks about homeopathy. http://www.homeopathy.edu/background.htm http://www.homeopathy-soh.org/web/pages/leaflet3.htm http://www.homeopathycanada.com/homeopathy/whatisit.html http://www.kaamaru.com/Pages/homeopathy.html http://www.health-works.demon.co.uk/homoeo.htm http://www.homoeopathyuk.org/homoeo.html http://www.healthworks.fsnet.co.uk/homoeopa.htm http://www.londonhealth.co.uk/homeopathyintro.asp http://www.maryloftus-cawley.com/homoeopathy.htm http://www.beaumonthealth.com/homeex.html
  18. Yup. The island of Thera, destroyed by the active volcano on which it was built. Fairly close to where Plato was based, it was a central point for trade and so became a rich civilisation, and hence a more developed society. With the influx of trades came knowledge from all areas of the world, hence the appearance of an advanced society. Volcanic rock is highly fertile, and fits with Plato's description. But it has no Inca connections to my knowledge. So it’s probably wrong. I know Tintin may have formed the same connection that Herodotus did, in 'Flight 714', but he had his mind erased at the end of the book. http://www.dustygroove.com/prip/5/6/68465i.htm
  19. Well, thanks troll boy. It comes from the Devil's Dictionary, written 1911. As all my sigs do. It's comedy, for the literate.
  20. I like that. You say I'm using deductive logic, but blindly miss that it's exactly what you are using. You state I have erroneous assumptions as the general principles, when you yourself are making assumptions about my knowledge of the principles. You mark my answer against the 10 Laws of Medicine from the ‘legitimate’ homeopathy, missing entirely that I was outlining the basic logic and not the dogma of a particular group of exponents. To paraphrase yourself, this is why their resultant conclusions as particular facts are always wrong. Hahnemann did not invent this approch, Hippocrates did. Hahnemann simply developed his own branded approach. The principle stays the same despite which group you follow. But I said earlier, I don't enjoy getting into arguments about this. It goes against my basic beliefs in science. It's not that I have anything against homeopathy, I think done right it can be beneficial to a certain section of society. The guys who practice it are in my experience kind/giving and genuine people. Unfortunately they all also seem to be highly argumentative and protective about homeopathy.
  21. Have you considered that the all conquering Microsoft probably have a legion of evil minions attempting your proposal? Just to put what your proposing into context, imagine how much development goes into Microsoft word and how relevant the helpful paperclip is.
  22. Don't know if anyone noticed, but the Russians have launched the first solar sail. Might be pretty soon a sail is launched into space. Fun. http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/space/07/20/solar.sail.launched/ http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/solar_sail_010720.html
  23. Ohh, is this going to link the Sphinx to the Mars face? It's true that the Sphinx predates the Egyptians. It may even have been formed my the Mesopotamians. I'd like to hear the connection; I’m guessing it's about proving the sociological need to construct by showing parallels in our own ancient culture and the Mars face. By the way, I know where Atlantis was. At least I know the most convincing theory. It's got the exodus of the Jews an everything.
  24. Whuff.......... Not a site to vist late at night.
  25. Pretty. I have a lamp that does that.
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