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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. I've suggested a BROS medley. 'When will I, will I be famous?' should make him approprite cannon fodder.
  2. ROLF. A kick in the face of Enterprise. It's true though, they are just formulaic now. http://www.starfleetarchive.com/ But Activision have no place to talk, not after the poor games they produced with the licence. Mind you, I quite like Nemisis, it's not half bad.
  3. Yup. Sayonara³ did that, tried to make me buy frisbees. I almost did as well. I was put off with the mail order from the US, I knew it worked postage wise, but I'm happier if I know where people are. I can go chase them down then, should things go wrong. It's worth doing tho!
  4. It's karmic payback. He made my ex-girlfriend cry by sitting with her in a club for an hour explaining that I would never love her again. Subtle and diplomatic I thought. Now I get to watch him being told he sucks, I hope they are in a bad mood when he walks in.
  5. I dunno. I think us norms can just add private events. Stops us putting in 'The end of the world'.
  6. Google is the source of all knowlage. Google everywhere and knows everything. Soon Google will be a God. Mhuhahahah. Sorry. ':D' Hi.
  7. that's genius. Apparently it will broadcast RealAudio sounds. He has to carry a tablet PC and a modem to make it work, but I've got some suggestions of where he could stuff those. I'm going to write to my MP to increase his grant.
  8. Ohhhh. Is there a shop comming? Are you going to do a range of nifty cowboy hats?
  9. A big angry ape with a blowtorch running at you?
  10. Ha. I have a pal who is doing the pop idol this year. Nobodys told him he sucks yet, he thinks he sings like Robbie Williams. I'm waiting for the emotional fallout, that should be entertaining.
  11. Ok, I was wrong. There is an ice sheet. Quite right too. But I'm not convinced 50 billion tons of water would increase the global sea levels by 7m. Plus Greenland is actually a basin, so the increase would not be that much. However, you proved me wrong before.
  12. atinymonkey


    their son was so humiliated by the experience that he had to get psychiatric care Hmmmm. Yes. He needed help after. Sure. After.
  13. I kind of like the idea of people conducting space flights. They are like the great and the good explorers, Scott of the Antarctic, Allan Quatermain, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Don Quixote. More than just people exploring they represent the breaking of boundaries, the struggle to achieve. No matter how pointless it is to orbit a rock, if someone isn't doing something extraordinary then life for us in the real world is a little flatter. As a consequence people have a little less to live for. like the Oscar Wilde quote We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars Hurrah Must stop listening to perk me up tunes. Damn Jack Johnson.
  14. Youve been playing that enter the matrix game, haven't you?
  15. Hey, there was a guy asking the same question in the statistics group. Why not go ask if he got an answer? Science Forums » Mathematics » Statistics » a question of hyperbolic models
  16. Google tells me you asked before. Google knows all. Um, I don't know. It was a weird question. I thought it might have been an extra credit question that a lecturer had posted, and I want credit if I answer it. Like the guy off Good will Hunting
  17. We mostly get to hear of American sourced music in the UK through the tax report we get each year from the American colony. We like to see how our subjects are spending their earnings. We also have a good giggle about the whole 'independance' day thing.
  18. Ah, the Rolling Stones philosophy. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/r/rolling-stones/117887.htm
  19. Um. Greenland has no icesheet. Icebergs and glaciers, but no icesheet.
  20. I don't understand the question. Nobodys accused me of being creative before.
  21. There is a good essay evaluation service. Criterion SM Online Essay Evaluation Service wiil take your money and give you pointers to improvement, but won't rewrite for you. Still, it's better than a fail. http://www.etstechnologies.com/products_crit.shtml
  22. It's a feudal society. We are but serfs, driven by the whims of our lords.
  23. Better than idiot. -IDIOT, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. The Idiot's activity is not confined to any special field of thought or action, but "pervades and regulates the whole." He has the last word in everything; his decision is unappealable. He sets the fashions and opinion of taste, dictates the limitations of speech and circumscribes conduct with a dead-line.
  24. :banana: :stupid:
  25. http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9706050 Do you ever get answers to this when you post it on forums? Is it homework help, or thesis work? BTW Schrodinger not Shrodinger, which sounds a bit like a trowel in Swedish.
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