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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. I asked Mr Google and he found me this http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/salmonellanom.html It looks like you are out of luck. There is no offical classification for salmonella. However, the link spells out which classifications you could use as an author.
  2. Fair point, still a very good book. I've just ordered The Island of the Day Before on your recomendation, so it better be good
  3. It's a bit of a moot point, as the research has been used for the past 50 years. It's nothing new, the Allies fought over the access to this information. The most visible use of Nazi information is the NASA rocket research and the Apollo moon shot. I've read that the research during the war (on both sides, in medicine and science) was the equivalent of a 70 year jump in the space of 7 years. The concept of plastic surgery was created, developed and utilised during the 2nd world war on both sides (as an example). I agree totally that the use of the information should have been at the general consent of the relatives of those interned in the concentration camps and the survivors. However, if medical science benefits, it a small shred of something that can be taken away from the cancer of humanity that caused the unimaginable suffering. It's an epitaph, rather than a exploitation. Well, I hope to God that it is. I don't think anyone would want to think they benifit from the Natzis.
  4. Presumably Losing Faith by Daniel Blythe outsells by a fair amount. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0241140323/ref=sr_aps_books_1_2/026-6200037-2804416 In the UK, anyhow, as only Heretics is sold through amazon in the UK. Anyhow, I don't think making a reference to the Lost Generation will make your book easy to search for, as there are already so many titled in the same way. Plus the majority of people searching for the lost generation will be looking for the Cultural Revolution in China. But feel free to name your book whatever you like, it's just a suggestion that a less generic title would make sense.
  5. I'd also steer away from 'The Lost Generation' http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0962439215/qid=1049110913/sr=1-48/ref=sr_1_0_48/026-6200037-2804416 http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0900984392/qid=1049110899/sr=1-33/ref=sr_1_0_33/026-6200037-2804416 http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0553296809/qid=1049110825/sr=1-20/ref=sr_1_2_20/026-6200037-280441 Plus the term 'Lost Generation' is most commonly used to refer to the teengers lost to the Cultural Revolution in China, not so much to the MTV / Generation X people in America.
  6. How about 'The Oxymoron that is American Education ' (sub subtitle) Why the Liberalism and The Decimation of American Education made American kids Moron's. :flame: I think I'd steer away from 'Why Jonny can't read' http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0060913401/qid=1049110340/sr=1-10/ref=sr_1_3_10/026-6200037-2804416 Unless you are a fan of long litergation trials.
  7. Well, it's a bit of a start. But the link is from the Library of Congress and the US has certain interests in inflating the retaliations at the end of the Gulf War and placing the blame on Hussain instaed of Bush (who instigated the uprising with predictable results) when he withdrew American support from the Kurds. Plus there are no specific's, just generalisations.
  8. Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco. His more famous book, The Name of the Rose, has a bit too much Latin in it to be a good read. But he's a fantastic author who's regarded as a genius, he's a professor of semiotics at Bologna. He has a diverse approach to the use of language, which you won't really find a parallel for in any other author. I'm fairly sure Docbill will endorse his books, given what I've seen of his own texts.
  9. Well, the UN is only a joke becaue it's member states don't agree and so a resolution is never really enforced. What we need is for the major member to sign on to the idea of the UN without the local politics. The UN would be a significant power if the US could agree with the majority of the members. I am aware that I'm being hopelessly naïve. But I'm still hoping for steps towards a global effort to peace, instead of politically self motivated goals of nations.
  10. I like that idea, 'the axis of semi evil'. Just a normal country with a bad reputation. France could join:) . It doesn't really explain why Cuba has be included in the 6 countrys in the Axis of Evil. I have a suspition that its because of the grudge the US holds towards Cuba, or they want a reason to lift the ban on Cuban cigars.
  11. I'm just wondering, as you do, about the 'axis of evil'tm that we now seem committed to looking into. Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq and North Korea all seem to have legitimate reasoning behind seeing them as a threat. However, Colin Powell has admitted that Washington is not accusing Cuba of having biological weapons but of possessing the capability to conduct biological research. Is that not a bit tenuous? Is Cuba a genuine threat to anyone, in reality? I just assumed it had turned into a nice holiday destination and the backdrop for bond films. Isn't Somalia or Uganda a more legitimate focus of the worlds attention?
  12. We people with animal based names tend to stick together. Besides, not only is time travel possibe I've found a place that sells the blueprints for different devices. http://www.futurehorizons.net/time.htm I like the one to recreate the Philadelphia Experiment, presumably we get to die a painfull death as well. Will anyone lend me $24.00?
  13. Star Trek 'Enterprise'. At leat thats were I get all of my time travel theorys from anyway.
  14. I still cannot quite work out if China will be mounting a trip to Mars. They are quite insistant that they will, hopefully they'll land on Europa and get attacked by the giant alien sea creature as is fortold.
  15. Even Jimmy Carter agrees with us! The war should not be waged in this mannor. Everyone trusts Jimmy, he's such a nice man. http://truthout.org/docs_03/031003A.shtml
  16. Hmm, was the greatest man made disaster:- A) Hussain setting fire to the oil wells in Kuwait B) The nuclear radiation disaster after a meltdown in Chernobyl. C) Setting off two atomic weapons in Japan. D) Destruction of the rain forests. E) The US opting out of the Koyoto treaty. The discussion as it stands is not really about the justification for war, rather the US setting a president of instigating war without the backing of the UN or any other major power (and I know I am classing the UK as being not a major power here). The argument is the US doesn't really have a right to interfere, espeically if they are justifying it by stating UN sanctions have been broken and ignoring the UN.
  17. It's more like a black inverted sphere. Not really that catchy a title I suppose.
  18. No, that's the weakest argument I've seen. I've literally no idea what point he's trying to make, but it doesn't seem to need a dictionary. Chris, you crazy guy, cite some evidence. Read the previous posts, actually think before you type. There really isn't anyone here who want's a random quote war, you Muppet. You really are not contribution to much other that painting a picture of ignorance in America.
  19. No, but you are dictating how other nations must behave, on threat of war. Yes, you do, both in a legal sense in the US penal system and literally:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/2877349.stm By that I assume you mean you don't call US troops terrorists, and not that you don't send troops into foreign countries like Somalia and Iraq under the guise of the world police. Well, no. The US simply drops bombs from B52's onto civilians, or napalms them if they are a 3rd world country. I'm afraid you do. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2820085.stm If the Pope say's it is religious, you can assume he is right. You are in fact "one nation under God", and there was a theocracy in New England when the settlers first arrived. but aside from that I'm not quite sure what that comment means? You don't think Hussain is a Priest do you? The jury is out on that one. I seem to think that the is a certain amount of indoctrination that is a little higher than most western countries in the US. Good idea for a thread though. *cough* Let's not discuss McCarthyism and the anti-communist hysteria that seems to resurface with each new enemy in the US. No, it's run by a manmonkey though . Well, mind you the LA riots were not too stable a situation, now were they? Better than who? Who would turn to the US for advice on economics, politics or (god help us) social graces? The US is run in more or less the same way as the WWE is run by Vince McMahon, fun to watch but not too subtle. God, YES as a matter of fact I think that the US will use WOMD again. It's just wating for the right combination of events, and I'm sure there will be a thread with the same arguments on it when it happens. Not the point of this thread, this was not a soapbox for the US citizens to preach from. This was about the US ignoring the UN to go to war, instead of waiting for UN support.
  20. Well, seeing as how you are dropping names, which Royal Academy were you nominatd for?
  21. That is the point, it is Halabja alone. http://www.puk.org/web/htm/news/nws/16mar03km.html Find a different substantiated example, or don't quote more than 5000.
  22. Right, tell me with actual figure gained from a reliable source how many Hussain has killed outside of war. I can find 5000, which is 495000 off the predictions for casualties of the current conflict. No, we agree that action need to be taken, we just want America to keep the hell away without UN backing. Given Americas shitty track record in these types conflicts its a quite reasonable request. American has no right to be there, no ability to cope with the outcome, no support from any middle east countries and no support from the population of Iraq. Plus they are the country most likely to unite the middle east in defiance of the West, and start the next world war.
  23. There isn't any disagreement on that, read the previous posts and save everyone some time. Prove it. America will not let weapon inspectors in, so how in the sweet name of Jesus are we supposed to know that you are not stockpiling WOMD??? Americans could have one each for all we know, they could be on sale down at Walmart. Where do you get your facts from? A personal link to the CIA?
  24. So the answer is:- War? YES! All hail the conquering heros. :bravo:
  25. The link to Al Qaeda is tenunus, Al Qaeda is in the Middle East and so is Iraq. Did you know Iraq held a one minutes silence for Sept 11? They followed the silence with a silence to contemplate the children who died of malnutrition from the trade embargo but they sill held a silence. The link between Al Qaeda and the US, however, is strong seeing as the US trained them and supplied wepons. Stop trying to link Iraq as the source of all evil. Since when was Peace not the best solution? Did I miss something in the creation of a utopian society? If war is better than peace in your ideology, you might begin to understand why people are disagreeing with you.
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