Listening to songs of the past remind me of my past. I remember a day where my emotions were felt. I was close to the world because I could accurately feel and react. However, as I move on in my life I am constantly losing my emotional attachment to the world. Does this mean I have detached myself from reality? In any case it has not driven me insane, but rather impertinent and stone like in relevance to emotional status. It's not that I don't feel emotion. The emotion is just "numbed" for lack of a better term. But this does not make me lifeless. I know this because I still have motivation, motivation driven by the spark to create better lives for others. I sometimes forget this and allow my anger and other bad habits to control my life but I must learn control if I am to survive the path I've chosen. It's moments like this that remind me of these constant conditions of my well being. I realize my detachment as it grows, but will I ever fully detach? Will I get to that point where I can no longer remember feelings before i went numb and therefore no longer feel them as I feel others can? I feel as though I have taken the quote "don't grow up too fast" too lightly. But I chose to throw away my emotions for others long ago or so I thought. My goal is to gain power to use in a righteous way. But the definition of "righteous" is rather difficult to comprehend. In order to learn the difference between "righteous" and "evil" I've had to create this detachment. This detachment allows me to focus on facts and truths, allowing me to utilize reasoning in an attempt to fully explain righteous and evil. However, I've come to realize, we live through our emotions, we use emotions to describe such things as good and bad. This is why I think I was never able to fully rid myself of emotion, I must have known emotion plays a deep role in understanding and without it, structure cannot be sustained. In any case, I've attempted to decipher the meanings of such disregarded thoughts (such as emotions) because I feel as though society does not recognize the potential of emotions. Emotions are building blocks and if structured to a certain pattern someone can be entirely manipulated to do as they are told. For example, religion. People believe that by doing certain actions and preventing there association with other actions, they will be rewarded. This drive alone makes people abide by these rules, therefore our standards of good and evil are base off of religion in this case, but for someone with no religion, there basis of good and evil originates from there surroundings. Therefore, if a society has a nationally accepted religion, the society will base the representations of good and evil off of that religion (conformity). But if no religion whatsoever exists then what? I theorize that people will conform and attempt to overcome obstacles, eventually they will learn that cooperation is key. The individuals will conform, but in order to maximize "profit" they will set guidelines and rules. Religion (in my opinion) is just a way to get people to conform to a certain set of rules and to do this, religion rewards a person for following the set rules. And I do not disagree with the goal intended to be reached from this. However, when rules conflict with other rules, structure deteriorates unless a compromise is made. If a compromise is not, one will dominate. However, the domination of one rule over another does not fulfill the intended goal of stability within a society. It is not the better working structure that is retained, but the structure that has the most power due to various unrelated factors. The deeper I delve into topics such as this I begin to realize the immense complexity of human beings. I had continued to write more theories but could not finish them due to all of the various factors associated with complex human behavior, actions (irrational and rational), and understanding (limitations). It's very difficult to understand emotions due to the source of the emotion (the human). To better understand the emotion we must understand the human. To understand the human... Well that takes a lot of time and knowledge. However if I can learn from those who preceded me, I can surpass them. Then those after me will surpass me and this cycle will continue. The reason I am so passionate about the understanding of the human mind and human interaction is because I believe that the mind can understand the way it understands. If humans can control and progress how they understand things. They can then understand those things in a more understood (or advanced) way. I know the source of human progression is the mind, so if the mind can progress itself, then progression of the human race will continue. I theorize the way to progress the mind is as I stated before, through the development of understanding. And I know I digress. I am constantly shifting topics because this collection of writing is actually me spilling my brain out and as it comes out I attempt to understand it without the actual intention or priority of organizing or categorizing any of this information, which I may do in the future. Anyway, I would love to discuss topics relating to any information I talk about, in hopes of furthering my understanding of such things and knowing others views on my thoughts. Not sure if this would go with philosophy, religion, or other sciences (sociology and psychology) sooo I just posted it here, if you believe I should post this elsewhere please just tell me where this thread belongs, thanks .