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SuperExistence: Unveiling the Mystery of Homeopathic Medicine
MahaMon replied to MahaMon's topic in Speculations
Thank you all for your valuable opinion. I have noticed with sorrow that many of us are not effortful to understand the fundamental thing of preparation of Homeopathic medicine. From the beginning, they are extreme malicious against Homeopathy, without having no knowledge about Homeopathic medicine and about its preparation. For a science-minded person, to against anything, one needs to acquire enough knowledge regarding that thing. Only serially dilution procedure is not the method of preparation of Homeopathic medicine. Serially dilution and collision (Trituration or Succussion) according to the rules or system of Homeopathy –is the basic thing of medicine-preparation. In this procedure that what can be occurred, has been described in my topic= ‘SuperExistence’. There are many things in this world which are not perceptible by the sense. Some of them we can conceive (about their existence) only by their influence, effectiveness, feasibility etc. ‘SuperExistence’ is such an existence. The action of Homeopathic medicine is one of its evidence of existence. Those who are unable to accept the ability of recovery of Homeopathic medicine, will it be possible to accept my theory for them? -
Thank you for your valuable opinion. I have practiced Homeopathy only for research, –to know the truth (free of cost). I have many patients those who had no faith in Homeopathy. Thank you for your valuable opinion. I have practiced Homeopathy only for research, –to know the truth (free of cost). I have many patients those who had no faith in Homeopathy.
Thank you all for partaking in this discussion. A medicine, besides its medicinal effectiveness, also it may produce curative actions from different respects, such as– natural way, faith, hope, preprogramming or hypnotic suggestion etc. Therefore, recovery is not a subject to proof of a medicine, always. To understand the action of a Homeopathic medicine, best way is– to apply a symptomatic medicine to a diseased patient of rheumatism or eczema or any chronic skin disease, or asthma, knowingly or unknowingly, repeatedly in a large dose. You will be astonished, observing the aggravated symptoms of disease of that patient. Aggravation of disease or action of poisoning of homeopathic medicine is the informing symptom of capability of Homeopathic medicine. Having no right conception about Homeopathy –is the cause of misunderstanding. Actually, Homeopathy is unsuccessful to prove its reality for the problem of its medicine-selection procedure. To overcome that problem, I have made a few complex Homeo-medicines. To realize the action of recovery or aggravation of Homeopathic medicine, my complex-Homeopathic medicines are very helpful.
- 27 replies
SuperExistence: Unveiling the Mystery of Homeopathic Medicine
MahaMon replied to MahaMon's topic in Speculations
Thank you all for partaking in this discussion. A medicine, besides its medicinal effectiveness, also it may produce curative actions from different respects, such as– natural way, faith, hope, preprogramming or hypnotic suggestion etc. Therefore, recovery is not a subject to proof of a medicine, always. To understand the action of a Homeopathic medicine, best way is– to apply a symptomatic medicine to a diseased patient of rheumatism or eczema or any chronic skin disease, or asthma, knowingly or unknowingly, repeatedly in a large dose. You will be astonished, observing the aggravated symptoms of disease of that patient. Aggravation of disease or action of poisoning of homeopathic medicine is the informing symptom of capability of Homeopathic medicine. Having no right conception about Homeopathy –is the cause of misunderstanding. Actually, Homeopathy is unsuccessful to prove its reality for the problem of its medicine-selection procedure. To overcome that problem, I have made a few complex Homeo-medicines. To realize the action of recovery or aggravation of Homeopathic medicine, my complex-Homeopathic medicines are very helpful.- 23 replies
I am not saying in favor of Homeopathic theory. I know that very effective medicine which is created in Homeopathic procedure. In case of overdose of Homeopathic medicine, aggravation of symptoms or action of poisoning of that medicine can be seen.
Thank you for your partaking in this discussion. I have practiced Homeopathy for a long time to know the truth. I have realized that it is not any trick or fraud or faith cure. It has an excellent ability of recovery. Thank you. Its Ok. I have posted the link to read the book of MahaPath, for better discussion.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, it is about ‘MahaPathy’. To read about MahaPathy, please log on -- link removed
Thank you for your comment. We know Homeopathy as an alternative system of medicine.
Many of us do not acknowledge Homeopathy’s medicine existence and its action. Even till present, no way has been invented to prove the Homeopathic medicine. Besides the action of recovery of Homeopathic medicine, it is more evident by its action of poisoning (aggravation).
SuperExistence: Unveiling the Mystery of Homeopathic Medicine
MahaMon replied to MahaMon's topic in Speculations
Many of us do not acknowledge Homeopathy’s medicine existence and its action. Even till present, no way has been invented to prove the Homeopathic medicine. Besides the action of recovery of Homeopathic medicine, it is more evident by its action of poisoning (aggravation). -
SuperExistence: Unveiling the Mystery of Homeopathic Medicine
MahaMon posted a topic in Speculations
SuperExistence Unveiling the Mystery of Homeopathic Medicine ( An invention in the field of fundamental physics ) To know the hidden truth of Homeopathic Medicine, firstly we need to have good knowledge of the ‘SuperExistence’. ‘SuperExistence’ is another existence of all beings. Lack of appropriate word has caused to mark or name this unearthly existence– ‘SuperExistence’. This ‘SuperExistence’ identity is so subtle –unperceived –unfelt that many may think it –‘building castle in the air’. From fundamental particle to every element, – matter and energy have two different existences in its form. The formations of matter or element, components, quality, energy etc all are present in its ‘SuperExistence’. Generally, this ‘SuperExistence’ is inseparable mixed with material existence. In case of living body it is same; it also has ‘SuperExistence’ –unearthly body or supernatural body. ‘SuperExistence’ of mind, – vital energy and sense etc are also present in the supernatural body. With matter and energy, their ‘SuperExistence’ is also mixed inseparably. With support of material body or matter, mixed with it– its ‘SuperExistence’ is present. Without ‘SuperExistence’ any matter– anything cannot be there. If there is change in matter or body’s shape –quality, similar change takes place in its ‘SuperExistence’. This supernatural body or matter is a true copy of material body or matter, which is not a known matter –is an unknown and different matter –is made of unearthly matter. When there is an action and reaction between a matter and other matter, then there takes place similar action and reaction and change between their ‘SuperExistence’. When a matter comes into contact with its antimatter, –both the matters as soon as the union of their ‘SuperExistences’ –both loses their independent existence. As a result of this union, can occur the dispersion of energy, and can be created different kinds of particles, new matters –elements and energy –depending on the condition and velocity of the union. When any matter or particle of matter has repeated collisions with other matter or matter-particle, then their SuperExistences will put a contrary impression* on each other’s ‘SuperExistence’. Everyone’s ‘SuperExistence’ will carry the contrary impression of other ‘SuperExistence’, till the time– the carrier matter or matter-particle and along with their SuperExistence’s disorder– deformity or change takes place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This contrary impression is not like two dimensional stamp-print or reverse-print. This contrary impression is a thorough –three (or more) dimensional impression of super (natural) existence which is externally inactive and just opposite impression existence of ‘SuperExistence’ of any material thing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From that contrary impression of ‘SuperExistence’ (CISE) which is a burden to the matter’s ‘SuperExistence’, many more copy of that can be produced, –then only if repeated collisions takes place with the matter or element-particle carrying that impression and similar or other matters or element particles. But in this case, contrary impression of that impression of ‘SuperExistence’ will not be made. Depending on other matter’s ‘SuperExistence’, this contrary impression of ‘SuperExistence’ (CISE) is merely a (material or supernatural) bodiless impression. As it is not having its own body, it is unable to impress any contrary impression on others. As a result of collisions, from that– many similar copies can be made, but gradually those copies will get more and more fineness or subtlety. From one particle to other particle, from that to other –if in this way gradually that copy is made, then gradually the copy of ‘CISE’ will become finer to finest. if this ‘CISE’ enters the living body, then by the help of the software of bio-system, is able to get a supernatural body. Usually this ‘CISE’ is inactive –quality less. But anyhow the ‘CISE’ on entering the living body, reaches the particular center of brain with help of nervous system. There with the special work capability of the software of bio-system, that copy of impression (CISE) gets the supernatural body. That is to say, ‘CISE’ turns into contrary super (natural) body or existence. Then it is not merely inactive impression, an active supernatural (body or matter) existence –endowed with quality and character –properties. The birth that it took from matter or element as ‘CISE’, and then it becomes contrary SuperExistence of that matter or element. Then, that contrary SuperExistences spread through the circulatory system and nervous system– throughout the creature’s whole body –similar to defense force. In search of enemy– culprit or evildoer those who are causes of diseases, –thoroughly searching the whole body, meeting its contrary existence –immediately it jumps on that. As a result, disappear the identity of both. The subject is absolutely new, so let’s repeat in short, –when the CISEs come into contact with the body’s nervous system, –in electrical speed, they reach a particular center of the brain. There, with the help of bio-system’s software, the CISEs get supernatural bodies or ‘SuperExistence’ –according to their quality –nature –property, everyone. From there, following the defense system of the living body, –they spread out the sickly parts of the body or throughout the body –in search of alike-contrary thing which are poisonous –harmful for body. If the nervous system and the software of the body is weak, undisciplined or incapable, that ‘CISE’ may not be able to get a super (natural) body or existence and not be able to follow its working role properly. After entering of ‘CISE’ (of anything) in the body, if that ‘CISE’ converts to ‘SuperExistence’ with the help of body-mechanism and if that ‘SuperExistence’ does not meet the contrary existence in the body, –in that case if the number of SuperExistences are too many, then they are the contrary existence of which matter or element, who were able to create as like action of poisoning in the body, these (contrary) SuperExistences are able to create contrary or opposite symptom of poisoning of that thing. For example, if main thing or matter is able to create constipation, then its contrary ‘SuperExistence’ (about which is discussing) will create diarrhea. But if these SuperExistences’ number or amount is less in poisonous limit, then they will do similar activity, but it will be not so acute –not be unhealthy. Rather relieving constipation –will help to clear the bowels. That will work like mild purgative. This action will not be stable. The cause which created the constipation, that cause will not be stopped in this case. If the number of (contrary) ‘SuperExistence’ is too low, then any action may not be felt. Except it, cause behind the constipation (or other incident) if there is present any strong reason or poison, in that case, the ‘CSE’ may not be successful in its work. But if this ‘CSE’ comes in contact with a thing which is similar in every respect (form –quality –character etc) in the body, then Homeopathy’s ‘Similia Similibus Curenter’ principle’s curing procedure occurs. In the body, when ‘CSE’s are able to do their own work, at the end of work –end their longevity. But those who do not get the opportunity of work, they slowly go out from the body through different paths or outlets. But everyone has its own life period. Matter is material form of its ‘SuperExistence’. Any matter can never be without its ‘SuperExistence’. In case of energy, it is same. But the ‘SuperExistence’ in some cases, without its material form, that is without the material body– able to remain, depending on some unearthly things. If any ‘SuperExistence’ meets with its (exact) contrary ‘SuperExistence’, the identity of both disappears. Along with that, if they have the material identity or existence, that also destroys. Just like its material body, this ‘SuperExistence’ is made by combination of quality-full unearthly particles. Atom and its inner energies and particles, fundamental particle and all other particles have ‘SuperExistence’. Every particle of matter or element has the similar ‘SuperExistence’ –present in it. Within the reach, perceivable instance of ‘SuperExistence’ or ‘CSE’ or CISE’ is Homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic medicine is ‘CISE’ (contrary impression of ‘SuperExistence’) of anything (matter or element or energy) which stays or remains as a burden on the ‘SuperExistence’ of sugar or alcohol. From another view-point –it is a kind of prepared sugar or alcohol which is possessed by ‘CISE’. The ‘CISE’ that entering the body– after getting the similar ‘SuperExistence’, connecting with the harmful contrary existence, –both disappeared or destroyed. –This is the principle of ‘MahaPathy’ medicine’s recovery procedure. I shall make an acquaintance with ‘MahaPathy’ next time. If repeated collisions takes place between two molecules or particles of similar nature and quality –for some times, –does not produce contrary impression on each others ‘SuperExistence’. No particle accepts its contrary impression –does not accept its contrary impression on it. Here we have to keep in mind, (contrary) impression of ‘SuperExistence’ (CISE) and ‘SuperExistence’ –not same. Now what will happen, if bodily enemy or poisonous matter or anything causing the action of poisoning –instead of being exact contrary of medicine (prepared in Homeopathic procedure), if it is partly contrary –then? –Contrary ‘SuperExistence’ (CSE) in medicine form (produced from CISE), after searching in the body, if does not meet its exact contrary existence, meets any partly (largely) contrary existence, then also it jumps to get united –in extreme attraction of union. In that case– depending on both’s energy, amount, quality and strength along with body’s condition of that time, can cause various incidents. Can occur partly alleviation or partly cure. If capable, the rest of part– body can manage oneself. Result of union can create– new matters –particles, and dispersion of rays can take place at different levels. Except it, if any harmful poisonous germ is present in body and be attacked by that medicine, then it, for the self-defense, can assume very violent angry-looking, and can create indiscipline in bodily system. Or by escaping, can go exterior portion of the body like skin eruption. Or can try to self-hide, just like the snail. Another thing is, if contrary impression (CISE) of any matter or element (as Homeopathic medicine) is applied repeatedly on any sensitive person, in that case, action of poisoning can take place and symptom of that poisoning can be seen. Those (medicine form) CISEs after becoming ‘SuperExistence’ in the person’s body, if they do not meet the contrary impression or contrary ‘SuperExistence’, then also they (because of their majority) can create action of poisoning by themselves. After any poison enters the body, medicine (CISE) prepared from that poison, at many times– is incapable of making that poison inactive. One of reasons of this is– many times, after any poison enters the body, connecting with other poisons or things present in the body, –that poison takes different form. For this reason, same poison takes different form in different bodies. As a result, the medicines (CISE) created from that poison is incapable of making inactive –the same poison. Then that has to be made inactive by any other medicine. But anyhow, if the (mixed or unmixed) poison, is collected from body, and medicine (CISE) is made from that, –if that medicine is entered into the body, then that poison becomes inactive. Except that, any poison, after entering the body, gradually changes take place in its form –quality –nature etc with the passing of time. The contrary ‘SuperExistence’ of that changed condition’s poison can make this changed poison– appropriately inactive (within the body). The noticeable thing is– due to eating some amount of calcium (Calcarea Carb. In material form) –along with other symptoms, the secretion of bile from gall bladder will increase and with it– the temperature of the body will increase. But the potentized medicine (CISE) prepared from that calcium, as a result of eating a lot of that medicine (Calcarea Carb.) repeatedly, –the symptoms appeared in the body, that is opposite (symptoms) to material calcium. How it happens? The happening is–, in the body, the particles of contrary ‘SuperExistence’ (CSE) of calcium (which are converted form of ‘Calcium Carb.’ Medicine or ‘CISE’ of ‘Calc. Carb.’), destroy the equal amount of calcium particles of the body. As a result, deficiency of calcium takes place, in the body. The symptoms of deficiency of calcium are the main symptoms of ‘Calc. Carb.’ in Homeopathy. The contrary SuperExistences (in a large amount) of calcium particles– create that kind of action of poisoning– in the body that is just opposite symptom of material calcium. In a very low potency medicine (3x, 6x etc), –as minute particles of the main constituent are present, so the ‘CISE’s of the main constituent are also present there, but, comparatively –the presence of amount of ‘CISE’s are more than minute particles of the main constituent of the medicine. When any medicine (CISE form) enters into the body, the CISE is converted to ‘CSE’ –by the system of living body. After that, if CSEs are able to meet– with similar or almost similar minute contrary existence (matter or element), –in the body, immediately CSEs join them, and the result of that, both lose their individuality –being disappeared or extinct. If that CSEs are not able to meet with similar or almost similar minute– contrary existence (matter or element), in the body, or remain some quantity –after meeting with contrary existence, then they create action or action of poisoning of different degrees –depending on their existing amount in the body. If there is present –from before, any matter or element –endowed with similar action of poisoning, –that is to say, if similar action of poisoning is all ready present in the body, in that case, by their united action of poisoning– intense action of poisoning takes place –in the body. In such a condition, to remedy this intense action of poisoning, the defense system of the body– creates more quantity of antidotes or antitoxins. As a result of that, the poison produced from medicine, along with former poison –both are destroyed or disappeared. Besides, as medicine form ‘CSE’ has no material body, –the span of its life is finished in a short time. Now the question, –is very low potency medicine (3x, 6x etc) able to supply to the body, the minute matter or element particles –present in it, –as par need of the body-cell? –Or, are those particles of medicine destroyed or make to disappear by the ‘CSE’, –produced from same medicine? Yes, before being absorbed in the body, those matter-particles of the medicine –are destroyed. So, ‘Biochemic’ medicine fills the deficiency of the body-cells, –that principle or theory of Biochemic system of medicine doesn’t come true. Actually, Biochemic medicines work following the principle of Homeopathic medical science. Because, the symptoms of Biochemic medicines are largely similar to the symptoms of same medicines used in Homeopathy. Although, very low potency medicines (like 3x, 6x etc) work within the body –also in different way. Any medicine of very low potency– from which matter or element –it has been produced, this medicine excite or incite that bodily matter or element, and it destroy or try to destroys them. The result of that, the production of that bodily matter or element –is increased. Such as–, Calcium 3x or 6x medicine– after entering into the body, it destroy equal quantity of bodily (similar subtle or almost similar subtle) Calcium particle (together with the subtle particles of Calcium –which entered into the body with medicine), and along with that, itself also become destroyed. With the purpose of remedy, –the system of the body –as it gets ready to destroy or antidote the ‘CSE’, so, it takes the initiative to recover the losses gradually. Now, it comes to light that, although, any low potency medicine is unable to fill any deficiency of the body-cells –directly, by its own minute matter or element particles, but it has an important role in covering the deficiency or losses –indirectly. Many of us do not acknowledge Homeopathy’s medicine existence and its action. Even till present, no way has been invented to prove the Homeopathic medicine. Besides the action of recovery of Homeopathic medicine, it is more evident by its action of poisoning.- 23 replies
2012 has presented us a new system of remedy with a new medical science– that is ‘MahaPathy’. MahaPathy (briefly– MPathy) is a super excellent system of Alternative Medicine, like Homeopathy in some respects. Also it is very effective system for universal treatment. When traditional / current systems of medicines are unable to cure– curability of 'MahaPathy' has been proved astonishingly in suchlike some cases. Besides it, in the book of 'MahaPathy', there the mystery of Homeopathic medicine has been unveiled clearly. To know more about it, please go through Google search= MahaPathy. url deleted