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chris logan

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Everything posted by chris logan

  1. too much knowledge, I don't think so. the discoveries are not the problem, the way in which we use them is the problem. You talk about nuclear weapons that could erase civilization in 30 minutes, it could but it didn't. civilization is not as bad as it seems, it didn't wipe itself out. With time civilization will be better able to cope with it's new discoveries. We'll make new discoveries, we'll make bad moves, we'll survive.
  2. someone made the comment "when you are ugly, don't play hard to get when you are already hard to want". OPINIONS PLEASE. i believe that beauty can not be defined and like art it has a deeper philosophical meaning, so it is impossible to lable something as 'ugly'. What do you think? P.S if you think the actual comment was a bit shallow and immature, you're not alone..
  3. yeah i am presently working on the architecture part or atleast all the technical aspects but i love buildings from other eras...... i still believe that art, architecture and history can't be seperated (you would think finding job options that include all three would be easier to find).
  4. you don't have to be selfish just a bit careful, watch your assets, watch your back, when you are 'successful' you are in a better position to help others. more cash to go around?
  5. did i mention 'bickering' and 'annoying'.... Thanks for telling me about the other debates (it might take a while to find them though).
  6. Oh no...... there are 'debates' (alot of bickering and annoying). If you ever look one up, have fun, don't remind me.
  7. Why should anyone even care if God and science mix....If someone believes in God, that is their choice, if they live by science, good for them. The facts won't change, the world will keep spinning.... life goes on does it not?
  8. the whole evolution vs. creation debate would never even exist if both sides didn't have facts to support their point of view. ( i read such a debate once....i forgot everything i read....oops! )
  9. hey before you get snappy, remember i said that religion uses the facts to advance their point of view. I apologize for the comparison between yoga and quantum theory, i admit that it was a bit far fetched. why i think they will overlap is because both hope to uncover some sort of truth. People want answers and they turn to different sources. when I say people want answers i mean to questions like "how was the world created" and "what happens after death". religion offers 'answers' like "souls go to heaven" and the like. those are your 'answers'. Whether those answers are logical or not...... that is a whole other story. Science is logical ...
  10. i love art, architecture and history and i was wondering what career options are out there. What careers would have me working with 'historic' buildings? What qualifications are necessary. Hope you can help me out a bit...
  11. This is not homework but i would like a question answered... In a building technology class a discussion about doors started. It started out with a particular style of door but later progressed to a style of architecture and art. The rest of my class complained that i was straying from the topic, that the topic is doors and the only thing relevant was an actual door. I believe that architecture, history and art are connected and can not be separated. Am I right or wrong? How important is history to architecture?
  12. we need a god because people need something to believe in. At this point in time 'God' is just a belief, a somewhat controversial theory that has never officially been proven. At the end of the day, when all is said and done we are humans and the human mind goes beyond a theory of zeros and ones.
  13. it all depends on your definition of 'broken'.
  14. maybe science and god can mix.......in yoga it is believed that everything gives off a specific viberation, quantum theory states that energy comes off in quanta or photons and is atomic in nature. Both theories have their differences but at the same time they have their similarities. Science and religion will always overlap because both have the same basic function: uncovering truth and explaining how our world works. The difference is that the facts are treated differently- religion uses the facts to support a theory based on a 'higher power', science is more 'open', science is looking for answers and new discoveries in any form.
  15. thank you so much Atom
  16. Hi! I'm new and i need a bit of help........ I had a question where you needed to find the weight of an object without the use of a scale... Materials given were: the object you were finding for, standard weight, meter rule and fulcrum. I thought the best solution would be to make a lever and use the law of moments. I was wondering, what would be some of the limitations of such an experiment. It was an at home experiment. Could this experiment be improved? Is there any advantages to doing such an experiment in a lab?
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