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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Could you learned folks please express yourself, if you care, on this idea? post 708 made reference to the model of the universe as a spherical object and on post 50 wqs posited the thought that the void outside the universe would "repel" matter on an escape track. using these simple analogies, my questions are: 1)The ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle, disk/sphere,- d x 3.14= c - is linear. so would not the modest expansion, stretching of the universe/space "outer border/edge," by a mere 6 meters give enough added interior room everywhere to stick the arm out of the imaginary universe without having to go into the "void"? what does that show for the rate of expansion versus size/time elapsing? 2) since all entities including the universe have zero gravity at the center. and Maximum Gravity is at the surface (not just outside the surface), would it not be the repelling by the void (post50), but the gravity of all the matter this side of the void make for a strongly defined edge? then; if it can be imagined that every point is at the edge of the universe, would not any motion in space generate the centrifugal force that counteracts gravity and maintains the ever slowing expansion that 2r x 3.14--= c suggests? if we consider r the direction of movement through the 4st dimension? would not such centrifugal force diminish as the universe got "flatter" and "flatter" (flattering thought)? simple questions from a simple mind
  2. where would such an old, long-lived star get the energy, mass to continue to radiate? should we not exploit that to keep our star and us from premature old age?
  3. think of the light not coming from a point but from a point on an already expanded "bubble" and not from "You" , but another, already distant neighbor. the light you see is not the light that "You" emitted, and it is taking the LONGEST way, a Great Circle around that expanding bubble universe to get to you. Stick around, there is more light on the way. from every way.
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