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Christian.D walker

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Everything posted by Christian.D walker

  1. Is it possible to put two solar power satellites in space to capture more sunlight ? Maybe you can install a battery to the satellite then store the energy for 100 years then plug the battery up to a power plant?
  2. I know this is crazy but is this even possible? Because if we knew exactly how strong the pull is you could possibly find out how to avoid them.
  3. Is it possible to install solar panels on rocket ships? so they can move through space without using gas but instead using the sun rays for charging.
  4. Is it possible to adjust a rocket ship while in space? If so we could study the Kupier belt and see exactly. How long it is so we can know exactly how high to adjust the ship before entering the belt and avoid hitting asteroids to reach the outer parts of space instead of going right through the belt and risking a crash.
  5. Planet Earth has 30% oxygen, all of that oxygen comes from plants. So if we take some (frozen)samples from Neptune and heated the water down could be drinkable Here on earth? Planet Neptune is mainly Hydrogen which sits at 80% but there are small traces of both Helium 18% and Methane 1.5% (Both are gas) (Theory) Could it be possible, that if we were to loose our drinking supply here on earth. We could take chunks of ice from Neptune and and make it drinkable here on earth? Maybe, I was looking at some articles where some guy was explaining exactly what helium does to the body. It cuts off oxygen supply but , earth has plenty of oxygen to make up for the damage of helium in the first place. We could always avoid getting chunks of ice from the area in which the hydrogen and methane is placed on the Dwarf Planet.Another thing is Neptune doesn't seem to hold any kind of rocks so the drinking water wont taste like salt water.So if Big amounts helium gets rid of oxygen and we have plenty oxygen here in earth to breathe would't the oxygen here effect the water from Neptune and make it drinkable even though only a certain part of Neptune has Helium and Methane?
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