Hello to all: Where can I find a list of all Carboxylic acids and Hexose acids? Is there an easy way to tell them apart? Can a substrate be both? Can a Carboxylic acid also be considered a Dicarboxylic acid? I need a good resource to find differences between, say, Gluconic and Glucuronic acids. Some internet resources say that Guconic acid is a Hexose acid while Glucuronic acid is a Carboxylic acid, others say they are both Hexose acids.. I am researching microbial metabolic substrates but need some fundamental background. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I see Hexose acids are derived from oxidized hexose sugars - i.e., sugars with six Carbon molecules.
And Carboxylic acids are derived from sugars that have a carboxyl group on one of the carbons while Dicarboxylic acids have two carboxyl groups.
I assume that means that one molecule, say Glucuronic acid, could be both a Hexose acid, and also be a Carboxylic acid.
Also, Malic acid has two carboxyl groups and therefore is simultaneously a Carboxylic acid and a Dicarboxylic acid (though the default would be Dicarboxylic acid as it is more descreptive?)
Any further feedback or direction to resources is greatly appreciated.