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Everything posted by NickLee1983

  1. i have been building a current sensing PWM useing plans that only have one MOSFET but i am wanting touse more fets and my question is to use more than one fet would i just connect all of the gates, drains, and sources? or would i need to hook multiple fets up a different way? oh yeah and also would hooking the fets up that way increase the output?
  2. Thanks for the help adding the 2s in front of it pulled them right up... found out they are 8 amps and 120 volts... saddly not what i need
  3. Can anybody help me identify the specs of these mosfets?... the are on a stereo amp and i want to see if i can use them before i de-solder them sorry for the crappy quality of the pics but the numbers on the front are: K D718A O___OF and the other one is: K B688A O____OF I am just wondering how i can get the specs for them.... thanks for anyhelp
  4. NickLee1983


    Dose anyone know where i can find copper clad board that is blue underneath the copper?... i have been looking and cant find it anywhere if you doo happen to find it can you please give me a part number and website... thatnks!
  5. NickLee1983


    what its for is i am building a lawton PWM and on the potentiometers i am wanting to put leds that change their color as i change the resistance... how would i go about that?
  6. NickLee1983


    Is there a color changing LED that changes its color based on the resistor attached to it? If so where can you get them?
  7. Where do I need to post a thread for help on building a capacitor bank charger?
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