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Everything posted by Sovereign

  1. Wait there are things that exist that have no length, no width, and no height? That's one of the funniest things I've ever heard.
  2. Of course something cannot exist in nothing, since there is nothing there for it to exist in. Objects aren't made of space(nothingness) they are separated by it.
  3. Hey that raises a good question, is there a science dictionary?
  4. How does the equation represent movement if non of it's terms involve movement?
  5. Perhaps I should have specified that I was looking for what you guys think the scientific definitions of these words are. By scientific definitions I mean ones that are non-contradictory and can be used consistently. For me: Exist: physical presence Object: that which has shape Space: that which lacks shape Universe: all the objects that exist
  6. I think I see now, the distance in Newton's Second Law is the distance-traveled by one object(dynamic, like a movie), while the distance in Newton's Gravitational Equation is the distance between two objects(static like a photo).
  7. Scratch that it just dawned on me.
  8. Maybe I'm missing something here but I don't see how mass is motion, or how distance is motion, or how the gravitational constant is motion.
  9. That depends how you define space. If I define space as that which doesn't have shape, then space has no borders, since borders only apply to objects(that which has shape). For anyone who claims space has shape, what gives shape to space? What contours it?
  10. I define it as static since there is no motion involved.
  11. Is acceleration not the change in velocity over time? If nothing is moving then there is no acceleration.
  12. So a(acceleration?) = G(universal gravitational constant?) times m(mass?) divided by r^2(radius?) None of those terms involve motion.
  13. Well first you should define quantum and force. Quantum is a continuous particle, while force is a mathematical concept relating to motion. So what you're asking is if there is a particle of a concept. Seeing that concepts are relationships amongst objects the question becomes easy to answer. No.
  14. Since force is dynamic I've been wondering why gravity is called a force. Something like: F = ma <---dynamic since it involves acceleration F = GMm/R² <---static since no motion is involved Shouldn't it be: Tension = GMm/R²
  15. I was wondering what the people on this forum define the following words as: exist - object - space - universe -
  16. Of course we are made of stuff, not space. Nothing is made of space.
  17. I'm suggesting that space is nothing, it is the lack of shape. Shape being that which objects have.
  18. Yes thanks for splitting it, it was unfair to the original author to have his thread sidelined. I think the main thing is what we mean by our words, the definitions we use are different. If expansion means increasing distances between objects, measured by redshift(I think), then I would agree. Now if objects are what have shape, like tables, planets, or atoms, then they can move. However I think when we come to the definition of space there is a difference. I think of it as the lack of shape, there is nothing there, no shape. I really like the last question: So in what sense is space without shape? I would say what is shape without space? Also do you have any links I could read on measuring the curvature of space?
  19. When you say there is mass/distance/time do you mean they exist? What is your definition of exist?
  20. Finite in matter since matter can neither be created nor destroyed. But as for the space between matter, since it has no shape, is neither finite nor infinite.
  21. No I said space doesnt have shape, but apparently spacetime does so I asked. Thanks for the reading material I shall have a look. Edit: Those are interesting reads indeed. Although none of them clarifies what they mean by 'universe'. I noticed a picture showing a sphere, saddle, and flat surface. I assume one of these is what people think the universe looks like. But what is the white stuff that gives shape and contour to the sphere/saddle/flat?
  22. What does spacetime look like? Is there a drawing somewhere?
  23. Saying that which does not have shape cannot expand is wrong? How so?
  24. The universe is all objects and space. The objects in space move around, but the space can not expand since space does not have shape.
  25. Charge transfer implies moving charge from one location to another. In order for something to move it has to exist. So what is this thing called charge that moves? Is it a little ball attached to a particle that sticks to another particle?
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