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Everything posted by elemis

  1. Could you please be a bit more explicit ?
  2. I'm guessing we have to consider the time average of cosine ? Can you help me a bit more ? I'm guessing we consider the time average of Cosine ? CAn you help me out a bit more ?
  3. 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data 2. Relevant equations In question. 3. The attempt at a solution To be clear it's part (vi) that's unclear to me. In order to ignore the cosine term it has to reduce to 1. This can happen, only if k(x1+x2)/2 = ωt Is this a correct assumption ? Also, it is known that k = 2∏/λ and ω=2∏/T However, I'm trying to think in what way these two components could be equal but I can't get it. Could someone give me some help, please ?
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