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Everything posted by grantzam

  1. Thanks to both of you. If anyone wants to take a stab at how to complete #2, you're more than welcome to You do not have to complete it, just a short explanation of how you would come to that conclusion would be fine for the type of assignment I have for this. I already got #3.
  2. Thanks to both of you. If anyone wants to take a stab at how to complete #2, you're more than welcome to You do not have to complete it, just a short explanation of how you would come to that conclusion would be fine for the type of assignment I have for this. I already got #3.
  3. I've done this multiple times now to try and check this and I've been getting b to equal -h/l^2 instead of your 3h/l^2. I did get the same answer for a however.
  4. Thanks a lot bloodhound. I appreciate the time you took lol at the edits
  5. That just confused me more :x
  6. Thanks for replying. So... P(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d and P'(x) = 3ax^2 + 2bx + c so... P(0) = d and P'(0) = c What should this tell me though? Are the values 0? I was thinking that d was equal to the height. I'm assuming that by looking at x=L that P'(L) is 0. P(L) is h? I guess this is the part that I'm not quite understanding. Or I might not be understanding how to use some of the previous info I know.
  7. Hey all. I'm doing the following for an assignment in my Calc class, and I just need some help finishing up the problem. I'm having trouble with #1 of the first project here: http://www.math.washington.edu/~m124/Stewart5Eprobs/appliedproject.pdf I have looked at it, analyzed it, figured out a lot of stuff about the problem, but I just can't put it all together to get a final polynomial. I have things listed out such as the derivative of P(x) = 0 at x = L and x = 0 and other various conditions I believe to be true. I just can't put it all together. If any of you can help with this last step in acquiring the answer to this problem, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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