I also dislike video "proofs", but never watched them thinking that they are actual proof. But more as another tool of information that if I come across something I didnt hear or read about before, I turn around and research it without going to any sites like youtube
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins130625.html#JvQMIdlGwHT1HiF3.99
To raise new questions, new possibilites, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science
Albert Einstien
What kind of person or group would benfit from promoting a psuedo science, but I will take your warning into consideration though.
But still think the concept of the SEG itself is still viable, I just haven't gained a true comprehension of it yet, but when I do being deterred by a psuedo science will have no effect on me.
Also at the end of the day my hypothesis is that the SEG or sceince and math behind is viable and feasable to the needs of the world, and as with any hypothesis it needs to tested, tested, tested, again and again to remove all possible doubt.