johnpeel 100
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Everything posted by johnpeel 100
I find it extremely unlikely that there is no ET life elsewhere in our or any other universe , but until we conclusively find the evidence then its all guess work . Lets assume that life elsewhere within our universe dose eaisist and that intelligent life(comparable to us ) exsists then ,since our universe is not infinite , the number of intelligent civilizations could be determined. So out of all these civilizations a list could be drawn up with least-most advanced where we would be on the list. We , of course , could occupy the top spot ie most advanced. If this is so then for us to find other intelligent civilizations would , at our present level of knowledge , be extremely improbable. As we advance our knowledge then the probability would increase. Now lets assume that there is much more highly advanced ET's than us and that some of them have the knowledge (and the means) for inter-stellar travel (ie can travel to our solar system) then its probable that they already have. Now , alot of "evidence" for ET visitations ( past and present) is out there. From ancient cave paintings , to Egyptian hieroglyphs , to stories of abductions , crashed space craft , ufo sightings , etc . And the list goes on. Theres alot written about government cover ups ,about aliens being amongst us today , about aliens working with the military etc. Well I for one DONT believe that advanced ET's capable of travelling to earth are amongst us today . This is not to say that they havent been here in our distant past. My reason for this is that if they were here now then you , me and the majority ov the population would b aware of them. They would have no reason to hide themselves from us , nor would they need to ally themselves with any government . Its more likely that they would share their knowledge to benefit the population as a whole . I say this because if I had the knowledge/technology to travel to another civilization in our universe and seen atrocities being inflicted on the population like those being inflicted on us (ie war , starvation etc) and had the means to stop them (which I most probably would have) then I would step in and stop the atrocities . Its for this reason that I DONT believe that advanced ET's are among us at present , nor have been amongst us for quite some time if at all.
There is a mathematical way of obtaining something from nothing . Anything raised to the power of nothing = 1 . Maybe this rule explains how there has always been something and always will be.
I agree . Its the what happened before scenario. It wasnt that long ago (1990's) when the question of what happened b4 the big bang was deemed a nonsensical question by leading physicists . These sane physicists some years later changed their tune and (i think it was when the infinite universe theories gained credibility) said of course u can ask what happened b4 the big bang. If you keep asking the question "what happened b4" will the answer ever be NOTHING?? I doubt it. If there was a state of "NOTHING" then u could argue that it is "EVERYTHING" . Let absolutely nothing at all being represented by 0abs and absolutely everything being represented by §abs then 0abs=§abs. ie everything is nothing and nothing is everything . nothing=infinity . Because there is something then I reckon that there has always been something and always will be.
I read once how a device that produced mircowave radiation that was pulsed at elf . It was used to stop a dog from having siezures . The author of the article was an academic from a university in the US. He stated that his dog suffered from numerous siezures daily and after using the device the siezures ceased entirely . Could someone tell me how to make a similar device or point me in the right direction. Thank you
Off the top of my head I cant give specific examples of the circles am interested in , but , if u browse sites such as 'crop circle connector u will find many such examples. U wil see close ups of 'blown stems' and of fused iron . Also there was a tv program where 3 persons from MIT attempted to create a simple pattern overnight , with fused iron particles and where residual microwave radiation could b measured. I recommend viewing this program. It wil b in the inet somewhere. As for the targeting in public places I can only assume that by "hiding them in plain sight" must have its advantage. One is that they will be attributed to tom,dick and harry making them with grass rollers and/or boards with a roll of twine and another reason is that the Wiltshire area is steeped in mystery due the abundance of prehistoric monuments , henges ,barrows , etc etc. which has led to a vast amount ov theories , speculation , paranormal , extraterrestial etc. Which is used to to turn secret weapons testing into into an array of conspiracy theories. They may b targeting governmet crop fields but discovery on fields of government grown crops would remove the mystery surrounding such circles and place the blame squarely at the governments doors. If you visit Wiltshire during crop circle season you wil see alot of travellers , hippies etc of which a large proportion want the circles to be mysterious , unexplained , spiritual etc.
alternative views on 'crop circles'.I've no evidence to backup this 'theory' but just want to put it out there and hope for replies. Although there has been a vast number ov 'circles' recorded I am just discussing those that have appeared in and around Wiltshire , England. Out of those I am only concerned by the ones that can't be attributed as physically "man made" by someone on the ground . I want to concentrate on those where the bottom od the stems have been "blown out" , where residual EM radiation has been detected and where (but not in every case) small balls ov iron has been found . My theory is that these circles are not some supernatural, ET,derived but are made by man using technology , (probably MASER's) . In the 1970's the STAR WARS projet was started , this was to develop energy weapons that could be used to destroy missiles in,the air(this is just one use) .,Supposedly this technology didn't work and the projet scrapped. Well I think the technology was a great success and rather than being scrapped ,.it was developed clandestinly . I think that the 'circles' , which at first were just simple ones , were made by the testing of these weapons and became more and more complex over the years due to the refining/development of the MASER technology. This is how r&d works. Having worked in a research/developing environment I have have first hand experience ov how over time a product is taken from the drawing board into lab scale then methods developed to refine the process to scale up to pilot schemes then into full production,.,In my case it was a polymer(high temp polyimide) for aero space industry From drawing board to pilot plant production took approx 3 years. Back to topic in hand , we all remember the STEALTH BOMBER which the US military denied for years and thus sightings being,attributed to UFO's . Then they admitted it after about 10 years of denial. Well I for one believe that the "crop circles" increasing complexity is due to refinements in the development ov the weapons and are using peoples desires for them to be messages from ET nd using Neolithic structures ( of which Wiltshire has in abundance ) to detract from what is actually going on. Wiltshire is an ideal place to test these weapons without being discovered.,What brought this to my attention was not only that the 'circles' were becoming more and more complicated , but also my,father used to work at a company called TSL( thermal syndicate ltd) where they made ruby's for LASER's in the 1960's and he told me that they had the technology then to generate high energy ruby LASERS that could be 'fired' at and burn through a 6 foot thick block of steel 400 miles away . Also one of my friends has an one inch cube of solid glass with a 3D image of a head burnt into it. This was done by focusing a laser beam within the cube at numerous points and burning tiny portions until the image was built up. This was done at an outlet in a large shopping centre and that a large number of different designs were possible., oh and while I remember , this technology was available in the 1990's , maybe even earlier . what do other people on this forum think of this theory. ?? All replys are welcome . Thank you Further to my crop circle theory , if am correct and they are formed by MASER weapon testing then it's highly likely the MASERS are generated from satellites in orbit . If so then it would be possible to find out which satellites were overhead at the time of the formation of the circles . If it's found that the same satellite/s are overhead for numerous different circles theb it's likely that it's this/these satellite/s in particular which carry the weapon/s. I have lots of other topics which I would value greatly input from other parties . Depending on interest of this topic first .Thank you all again j peel