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Everything posted by Kylonicus

  1. True, but a society can be arrogant, while individuals remain humble. People as a group are dumb masses, people as individuals can be smart. Essentially with societies, you can have a society which puts on a superficial face which is arrogant and full of itself, while the individual members may not really embrace it that much, but simply accept the atomosphere. Remember highschool? Also, if a society presents itself to be full of itself, then those are the people it's most likely to attract.
  2. I suppose so, guess we won't know until you takeover.
  3. Oh Azure Phoenix, two other possibilities to acquire a small country, 1) Mind control cults, systematically begin mind controlling people, having them join cults and conditioning them to think the way you want them too. 2) If you somehow invented AI, you could build one great army, and whipe out enemies. I suggest the former, for the latter is much too much work. Using neurosteroids and cybernetics you might however, be able to produce super intelligent monkeys(although I don't know how practical this would be, it seems if you had super intelligent monkeys they'd be just as rebellious as humans, and it's much easier to brain wash humans).
  4. I am not saying red tape and procedures are not without problems, I am just saying that they have some advantages, and that they obviously have more advantages than disadvantages due to the fact that we still use them.
  5. I was wondering what yall think. I know groups like Mensa are where you just meet up and sort of have fun. It's alot of really smart people who get together and have a good time. However, from my knowledge, most of the high, high IQ societies, like Mega Society, and Mysterium, are full of themselves. I have heard that the Giga society is not(in fact it was specifically created to mock high IQ societies), and I am pretty sure of this. Does anybody else wanna talk about this?
  6. Howdy, this is the thread where you post the type of government system you'd like to create, if you could. This is purely for amusement and intellectual stimulation. You can include Utopias, dystopias, new political systems, a tweaked political system, ect... I hope that this will bring some enjoyment to you all.
  7. One good reason for redtape and procedures is a) it settles disputes which may take forever to resolve, b) it puts power limits on certain individuals, c) the procedures greatly increase the efficiency and reduce time which a government operation takes. It may work for the Athenians, but remember, these were the same guys who had endless time to think about stuff due to slave labor. I believe it was a 1/5 ratio, 5 slaves for every Athenian, or somewhere close to that.
  8. I completely understand, Thanks guys.
  9. The greatest form of dictatorship, is one where the citizens don't know they are being ruled over.
  10. Obviously the people of Quebec don't know the full economic toll it will take on them. Once they get done paying for the military, and all other services that were formally centralized, they will probably wish they hadn't.
  11. I was wondering, if you were to make an antibody of something, then, do to the fact that the protein structure is the complete opposite and designed to match up to the other protein structure, you made an antibody against that antibody, would you end up with the original protein, or something functionally similar?
  12. I talked to a specialist in the field, that deals with this kind of stuff, and I asked him about a hypothesis I had concerning heat and increased rates of radiation release from atoms, he said that lasers at specific frequencies can stimulate the release of radiation at faster rates. So hypothetically we could increase the rate of radiation release through specific EM stimulation, and hypothetically, we could use it as a power source.
  13. Ugh, you may have a point.
  14. Yah, the main economic revolution would be transhumanism, and possibly hyperfission(I have an idea, on how to generate energy, through the use of particle accelerators, and a way to "recycle" energy infinitely, the particle accelerators would take an endless amount of energy to break down stuff, but since the energy would be "recycled", then there would be no energy lost, and there would hopefully be an energy gain. It's a really wierd idea, but so far it should work, and from a physics standpoint I don't see any violation of the laws of physics).
  15. Maybe life can live there, but is it life we should respect? I know I can respect alot of things, but is it worth not establishing Earth life, versus Marsian life?
  16. If it's too cold, then life couldn't start up there either. Either way, too hot, too cold, life can't live there.
  17. True, which is in reality much easier, all I have to do is do something during the prenatal stage that upregulates a particular gene, and the chromatin structure will be altered for the rest of the child's life. Man I enjoy epigenetics.
  18. If we go to Mars, find out there was once life, then we will have our answer, and then we can nuke the planet. It's too hot+dry for life to live there. If it were hot and wet life could exist if it were moderate and dry, life could still live there but it's hot and dry, with a very messed up atomosphere. I say we expand as a species, and spread ourselves to the stars.
  19. It's called overseas labor, and since we would be an oligarchy, depending on how loyal you and your parents are, would determine how high your abilities were made. Adjustments to intelligence could be made later Thus, the most intelligent would rule, because whoever rules determines whose most intelligent. There would always be those that would reject the parties view.
  20. I even have a systematic approach on how it would be possible. Current state = slightly crazy, but a bright student I have been doing research for over 9 months on neural regeneration, my approach has been to look at the differences between a child's brain and adults brain. Hypothetically if these differences were eliminated neural regeneration would be possible. Presupposing this worked, I could also use neural regeneration to enhance my intelligence to whatever I wanted to become, which I would do to an extreme degree. I could then focus heavily on education, and on making money. Once I acquired a average amount of money like 60-70 grand a year, I could focus on acquiring followers. I could take the destitute, the poor, the diseased, and the elderly, and give them hope, promise, and a cure. I could cure the diseased of neurological disorders, individuals of spinal disorders, and the poor would be promised prosperity. We would then focus on corporate interest, with a large number of highly intelligent individuals, we could make alot of money, and we could focus on expanding our membership and, once we would have sufficient backing, we could begin a cue to takeover a foreign country. Once we tookover someplace like Columbia, and I stop drug production, do you really think that anybody would care? Everybody would be glad for us to eliminate the drug lords. We would only improve the quality of life. Eventually from there we could expand my operations, and we could form an oligarchy.
  21. I say make everyone immortal, make everyone simultaneously have an IQ of 230, and you'll end up with a solution for the problem immortality creates. As we deplete our world of resources, we will go to another world. I was thinking we would use pure fusion war heads, nuke mars, breaking down the iron oxide, releasing massive quanities of air and producing an atomosphere. For water, we could break apart Europa, guide it by blasting nuclear explosions, have it collide into Mars. This would put a massive amount of water on mars. Hopefully the combined masses of Mars, and the chunk of Europa that we blasted off, would be enough to allow Mars to have enough gravity to keep it's atomosphere. Then we plant life there. We wait like 25-50 years, and then we begin shipping people to Mars. I think there would be a million other solutions created.
  22. I concure, humanity is the solution to, and cause of all it's problems, and natures problems. We could make this world a paradise if the corporations weren't so greedy, and if our ethics were more utilitarian. Nobody would have to worry about food, nobody would have to worry about disease. But because of human nature, we as humanity fear science, fear change, fear progress. We instead want something evil and vile that we know, than something that could make our world perfect that we don't.
  23. The less resources you use fighting, the more resources you can use building.
  24. If one controlled a large number of third world countries, one could begin focusing on building a empire. You could impose your political beliefs on a large number of people, and succeed. I would like to create a group of transhumanist, with some sort of ethics system, that due to prenatal manipulation of hormones, epigenetics and genetics, would have an extremely high level of intelligence, and so the whole civilization could focus on highly technical jobs. The whole population having high intelligence could do things like research, engineering, innovation.
  25. Neural fry bombs... Nerve agents?
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