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Everything posted by Kylonicus

  1. Kylonicus

    Which ones yours!

    My opinion is that we will invent new technologies to produce more resources, the more people, and combined with more education, there is a tendency towards more invention. The larger our connected planet becomes in population and creativity, the faster everyone benefits from it. Eventually when we overpopulate on this planet, we will go to other planets. If we H-Bombed Europa, and projected into Mars, meanwhile, we H-Bombed the surface of Mars, we could make a habitable planet. Europa is mainly water, while the surface of Mars contains alot of iron oxide, if we were to nuke the surface, the iron and the oxygen would seperate, creating a extremely hot, but breathable atomosphere. Then comes Europa, Europa, or a chunk of it would provide enough water to cover the entire planet of Mars, or however much we need in order for it to be habitable. THe fact that Mars is farther away from the sun could be taken care of by Fusion energy, we could keep the planet warmer with our own suns, and we could produce an endless supply of tritium through the particle smashers they use to study sub-atomic nuclei. There you have it, that's what I believe will happen.
  2. I really think that a criminal of that degree should simply be turned into a slave. I mean really, it cost a HUGE amount of money to keep some one in prison. To execute them is a relatively simple punishment, and provides no gain to the victim but some emotional reconcilation(please excuse my bad spelling). We need to lobomize them, and implant chips into their heads, then give them over to the victims. Think about out, the victims could decide exactly what kind of punishment they want the criminal to suffer, the criminal has the worse punishment of all, not death, but living with an impairment so severe that it has permanently altered his/her personality and where they are completely dependent on the person that they have victimized. I know for a fact that being handicapped in many cases is worse than death, I suffer from several. Then the criminal could work as a slave, to provide economic compensation to the victims families. True, it wouldn't be complete justice, but its closer and cheaper than what is currently being done.
  3. Has anyone else here heard of Epigenetics? Essentially, what has to do with instead of altering the code itself, it alters the chromatin, which in turn silences or less a gene go full blast. When the chromatin curls up the gene becomes silenced, when it is loose, the gene becomes heavily active. The great thing about Epigenetics is, although it is less permanent, it is heridetary, and controlled by your environment, and especially various types of nutrients. I believe(I think I am not the only one who believes this, a few, VERY few obscure scientist may think this also) that chromatin may be in a transitional state when notch signaling, a cellular signaling system associated with maturation, is downregulated. I believe this could be used as a form of genetic therapy. Anyway, if you would like more information http://www.sciencemag.org/feature/plus/sfg/resources/res_epigenetics.shtml Or type "Epigenetics" on the web. Whatcha think?
  4. 6'6 to 6'8 Not quite sure
  5. I'm certainly not a scientist, but I do have a four out of six of those conditions. If possible I would like SOMEONE to cure these conditions, so that I wouldn't have to live with them anymore. That's basically why I am posting. I can use all the knowledge I have collected, and combined it with your highly efficient and correctly proportioned brains, to try and solve this problem.
  6. We still do not fully understand how the brain works, because if we did we could easily create AI. If we fully understood how the brain works, there would no longer be any brain diseases.
  7. We still do not fully understand how the brain works, because if we did we could easily create AI. If we fully understood how the brain works, there would no longer be any brain diseases.
  8. Specific portions of the brain can enhance intelligence, i.e concentration portions of the brain, memory parts of the brain, abstract thought ect... They have linked the size of weirneckes area, the part of the left temporal lobe responsible for meaning and understanding, to intelligence, and IQ scores. It also acts as an extremely good neuroregulator, it manages the frontal lobe. In people who are Autistic, weirneckes area tends to be smaller, which in turn would explain mental retardation and at the same time the lack of understanding of social cues. In people with Asperger's syndrome, I presume that a large parietal lobe makes up for the inadequacies of a small weirneckes area. The parietal lobe can also neuroregulate the frontal lobe, however it is not as effective as weirneckes area in doing so. In people who area schizophrenic, which means possibly bipolar as both diseases are strongly related, the parietal lobe, among other things has a tendency to overactive, and that probably means that it's compensating for a faulty weirneckes area. A highly developed and used parietal lobe would allow for better understanding of spatial/mathematical things, as well as increase your logic skills. So you see, if we enlarge weirneckes area by inducing growth specifically in this part of the brain, and the number of synapses, then we can increase intelligence, and eradicate three extremely horrific diseases.
  9. Specific portions of the brain can enhance intelligence, i.e concentration portions of the brain, memory parts of the brain, abstract thought ect... They have linked the size of weirneckes area, the part of the left temporal lobe responsible for meaning and understanding, to intelligence, and IQ scores. It also acts as an extremely good neuroregulator, it manages the frontal lobe. In people who are Autistic, weirneckes area tends to be smaller, which in turn would explain mental retardation and at the same time the lack of understanding of social cues. In people with Asperger's syndrome, I presume that a large parietal lobe makes up for the inadequacies of a small weirneckes area. The parietal lobe can also neuroregulate the frontal lobe, however it is not as effective as weirneckes area in doing so. In people who area schizophrenic, which means possibly bipolar as both diseases are strongly related, the parietal lobe, among other things has a tendency to overactive, and that probably means that it's compensating for a faulty weirneckes area. A highly developed and used parietal lobe would allow for better understanding of spatial/mathematical things, as well as increase your logic skills. So you see, if we enlarge weirneckes area by inducing growth specifically in this part of the brain, and the number of synapses, then we can increase intelligence, and eradicate three extremely horrific diseases.
  10. Howdy, I am working on a cure for bipolar, schizophrenia, autism, stupidity, stroke, and Alzheimers. I am primarily trying to due research on neurotrophic agents, synaptogenic agents, agents that reverse maturation, and neurogensis in purkinje cells or the adult cerebral cortex. I have 2 out of 6 of those conditions. Anyway, so I spend ALOT of my time doing research and all I want is for the cures to be made. Anyway, You can double check everything I say at pubmed, go to google, pubmedat national institute of health What I have come up with so far is, - That Glial cells inhibit synaptogensis, due to mylenination, the synapses can't easily connect to the Axons because they are insulated. Thus, steroidic acids may be able to demyleninate axons, and possibly allowing increased synaptogensis. - Neurogensis often follows possible synaptogensis, which makes sense, because why should the brain differeniate new neurons, if they can't make synapses. Or like buying computer chips which you can never put into your computer, can't usem why havem. - Progesterone is an extremely powerful neurosteroid. It is a neurotrophic agent(mood stablizer), an anti-pyschotic, and unfortunately a depressant. But it can induce and tends to induce neurogensis in baby mice brains. - The primarily culprit besides mylenination for maturation of the cerebral cortex, and therefore the inability to make more neurons and make new synapses is known as Notch signaling. Notch signaling is upregulated when neurons make new synapses, and down regulated when neurons lose synapses. If you use a notch signaling inhibitor on a bunch of neurons, they act as if they are immature, and then sprout a huge excess number of synapses. Anyway I have more stuff, but that's pretty much the core of it. I have some ideas for treatments but I don't wanna post them right now.
  11. Hello, my account became inactive, so I made a new one, I do not have multiple accounts. Okay, to cut to the chase, I heard about how if you recorded information about a particles position, then the particle would act according to classical physics. I also heard if you deleted the information, then the experiment would change, even after it had occured. So I was thinking, that this could be made into a form of communication, supposing that it would change automatically once the information is deleted regardless of distance. Does it change it immediately after, or is it delayed? because if it changes it immediately after, then you could have large sums of information about an experiment stored on a ship somewhere, or a probe, then it deletes it to send back messages, and have two way communication. Anyway just my thoughts.
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