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Everything posted by krash661

  1. ok thanks, and no problem on the spoken .
  2. so in other words you are saying that this is a external reacted phenomenon rather than an internal and will stay in a metastable state until such occurs,then once occurred it emits radiation with more reaction than usual??
  3. yeah, i'll post as they come to remind everyone.. and also could you provide a link for this tripple A S
  4. just so i understand, you are saying that a low energy collision of a nucleus in a nucleas shows a alpha particle and this particle is what creates the reason and time for the photon to emit radiation ( light) ? edit- or is your thought on the, metastable state ?
  5. this is the thought, " I was the first succesful physicist generating the first trace of a single alpha particle " ? and no i can not find any info on it and i do not know where this conversation started. edit- I'm looking for what is being discussed and what the journals rejected. Theory for cause of metastable state ohh, this is what you are talking about... I now understand.
  6. if this whole issue is about, The most advanced water hydraulic motor , then why not submit for a patent ? then find a manufacturer , then sell this product and distribute it. rather than spending time on this forum arguing the science of it ?
  7. i think the bottom line is, the journals rejected this thought for reasons, but I'm not sure. can you provide the link to where this thought of yours is, i could not find it in this topic.
  8. there was a list of functions and such for all these buttons for posting and post, i can not find it again, could someone direct me to this ? would anyone be interested in a desk top free demo down load of a model simulator ? I have a link for this. i played with it, it's interesting and amusing.
  9. they usually hold this every Thursday. Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:00pm in UTC+02 Google+ Hangout: Watch live on http://youtube.com/CERNTV What is antimatter? Why does antimatter matter? Series 3 of Hangout with CERN starts with a bang! A special hangout with CERN and the Google Science Fair that takes us into the weird and wonderful world of antimatter. CERN physicists Tara Shears and Niels Madsen will talk to host Shree Bose, Google Science Fair 2011 grand prize winner, about this mysterious part of our universe. What antimatter research is going on at CERN and what are the implications? If all goes to plan, CERNs Rolf Landua will also show us the Hollywood-side of antimatter! This "Hangout with CERN" is broadcast live on Thursday 18 April at 17:00 CET, on CERN's Google+ and YouTube pages, with a recording later available on YouTube. Post your questions in advance in the comments below, or on Twitter to @CERN and @googlescifair with the hashtags #askCERN and #GSF2013 . Google Science Fair is an online science competition open to students aged 13-18 from around the globe. Students can register now at googlesciencefair.com, the closing date is 30 April 2013. Find out more about CERNs involvement in Google Science Fair at http://goo.gl/N9f3G See CERNs previous hangouts via http://goo.gl/dbnrV and past shows from Google Science Fair 2013 Hangout On Air series at http://goo.gl/JfJJX Be sure to follow CERN and the LHC experiments on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cern http://www.facebook.com/ALICE.EXPERIMENT http://www.facebook.com/ATLASexperiment http://www.facebook.com/CMSexperiment they usually hold this every Thursday.
  10. some might find this interesting or useful, http://workshop.chromeexperiments.com/stars/ " If you're running on Chrome browser, check out Google's latest Experiment project - it visualizes the precise location of at least 100,000 stars in our Milky Way galaxy, using various imagery and data pulled from NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA). For your frame of reference, there are approximately 200 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. " zoom in all the way to see the sun,zoom all the way out to see the galaxy. or everything in between. you can grab this with your mouse and move any axis's plane. take the tour that's provided.
  11. is there a way to disable this rather than having to click it every time i post or something ?
  12. are you the same, kristalris from, http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showuser=154755]http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showuser=154755]http://www.physforum.com/index.php?showuser=154755 edit- and also how do i disable the auto url code ? it continues to make any word i type a link, after copying and posting a link, it's kind of annoying.
  13. here are some other usefull topics, Check out Ed Boyden's TEDucation talk, "A light switch for neurons!" see-through brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=playe...d&v=c-NMfp13Uug how the human brain works http://www.minds.com/blog/view/51224/how-t...man-brain-works
  14. interesting site. I like how there is a Brain teasers and puzzles some of those games are similar to lumosity's games.
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