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    I'm not sure yet.

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  1. Good evening everyone, I have a great interest in science, am sixteen years old, and totally stuck in what I should choose to study when I'm done with school. I live in the netherlands, we have a very different school system then other countries, but basically, I will have to choose a "package" of things to learn, math english and dutch are basic, but all the rest is decided by me. I don't know what job I want to look forward to either, I'm just in general very interested in science. I love stephen hawkings' documentaries, I get fascinated by them, and by einstein's theory of relativity I enjoy reading about mutation, I am interested in CERN (even though I don't know alot about them, been checking it out lately) I don't know which path to choose. My talents are Mathematics, Logical thinking and spatial awareness. I love math so that comes in handy. Does anyone know a good place to find job, or a job that would suit me after reading this? Does anyone have a job in science and would be able to answer questions of mine and help me with this? I'd greatly appreciate it, it would love to learn and understand more about these things. Thank you for your time!
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