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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I am on a H1 visa and have just joined a histology lab in maryland. I have done my masters in Biochemistry from India. Before coming to US I was working as a Junior Research Fellow in PGIMER ( Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research). I worked on Protein Biochemistry and Moleclar biology. During my masters I gave GRE and scored 1260 (530 verbal and 730 Quant), my toefl score was 102. I have scored 70% in masters. I applied for Phd last year, but did'nt get call from any university. I am really confused, should i go for a job or i should do a phd.....or a mba after doing job for three four years. Please help I am really confused. Thanking you Akhil
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