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- Birthday 01/13/1965
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On the Origin of Relativity Sam Azar Abstract: In the search to explain Coulomb's law, the electric permitivity eo, and the magnetic permeability uo, the structure of the universe from the cosmos to the atom itself is revealed, and possibly the actual cause of the Earth's magnetic field. The paper is concluded with proposals to test the arguments · The velocity of all mass via the big bang is the speed of light. It has direction and velocity; hence it shall be called the expansion vector. · There is only one fundamental entity in the known universe, loosely known as corpuscles, photons, strings, or quanta. I shall refer to it as quanta "q". · Everything in the universe thus travels through space at the speed of light, thus an intrinsic magnetic field about every entity q, whereby the most fundamental equation known of a magnetic field is B = (q*k'*v)/r2. Where k'=uo/4p e. uo is the magnetic permeability. Thus a "north" and "south" field about entity q. · The force between quanta traveling together through the universe via expansion vector is exactly the same as the magnetic pinch effect between charges. · If the magnetic field B = (q*k'*v)/r2 is caused by each quanta thru space, · And f=q*v*k'*B is the force on q in a magnetic field B, · Then the force between quanta is F=(k'*q*q'*v2)/r2 · K' multiplied by v2 is Coulombs constant K! · Thus, Coulombs constant is the magnitude of force between quanta that has resulted from the energy via the big bang which resides itself in the magnetic field of each quanta. Full Text: Electromagnetic Wave or Corpuscular Photons? It is known that the scientific data gathered via experiments and observation fall with equal weights under a perfect bell curve for a bootstrap wave with Maxwell Hertz or for the classically applied corpuscles "elastically" held to idealized blackbody vibrators. It was Newton who first coined the term corpuscular, as he believed it to be so. With the aid of further advancements since Newton, particularly the theory of relativity by Einstein, "atomic" physics, and an understanding of Magnetism, it is concluded that all matter is composed of corpuscles, which possess an intrinsic magnetic field via the big bang, which are in themselves the "additional" reason for "wavelike" behavior along with the vibratory nature of atoms. The following is strongly believed to be correct in the "major form". I begin with the special theory of relativity to start the argument. E = m* c2: Energy of radiation has been equated to mass. The energy of radiation "given off" by the body of mass is equivalent to the mass loss of the body, conversely the energy, E, of radiation "absorbed" by the body is "converted" to mass of the body. These statements are fundamental to the whole subject of atomic physics. Thus, by Einstein, "The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content".2. M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2) "The relativistic mass equation". The relativistic mass M is a function of its rest mass, Mo, and its velocity in space. 3. The most fundamental equation for magnetism is B = (q*k'*v)/r2, whereby k'=uo/4p e. uo is the magnetic permeability. The magnetic field, B, is a function of an entity q's velocity thru space. It will be shown that M=(the product of B and q), which in essence means that mass is electromagnetic in origin and a function of its velocity thru space. 4. M=Mo when v=0: A very important realism is seen here and yet not fully appreciated. Mo is the rest mass. Though it is called "rest mass", the "rest mass" is not at all at rest. It has an enormous value of energy "intrinsic" to it. Truly all states are relative. Relative to our home planet Earth, we are at rest relative to earth of zero velocity when sitting and accordingly some value when we walk or run. Relative to the surrounding space encompassing the Earth we travel at a large velocity without our slightest knowledge via the earths spin. Relative to the sun, we travel at approx, 72,000 miles per hour. Our solar system has a spin about the galaxy of approx 600,000 miles/hour, our galaxy has a spin about its own galactic center, and our galactic cluster has a velocity around the central point origin of the universe. The overriding and most precedent of these "relative" velocities is the outward expansion of the universe dubbed the expanding universe and theorized as a result of a big bang explosion hurtling all mass outwards from "center". This overriding and most precedent of velocities I shall name the expansion vector, for it surely has velocity and direction. 5. Mo=M' /((1-v2/c2)1/2) Thus, the "rest mass" of now is the result of some primordial mass M' prior to expansion velocity, for we cannot simply ignore it. It must be understood now that although many "relative velocities" are taken place, only the most precedent and largest of the velocity components is considered. All mass, including earth, is traveling through space at the expansion vector. All smaller velocities are relative and not important in this paper. For example, in the understanding of electricity, if 100 volts were impressed onto a conducting wire and made to perform work, the power is a function of volts times current as depicted by Ohms law. It is inconsequential if on that conducting wire "other voltages" of smaller value (rule of thumb in electrical power is less than ten times can be essentially ignored such as a 5 volt noise component or a 100 millivolt noise component of different frequency). The analogy being all smaller velocities relative to space are insignificant to the overwhelming velocity of the expansion velocity. This is analogously mathematically equivalent to disregarding all terms beyond the first in the binomial theorem. 6. E = h*f, and m*c2= h*f, and then m = h*f /c2: Postulate one: The fundamental entity is the corpuscle, or quanta in which I shall refer to hereafter, is when f=1, m=7.37* 10-51 kg. Thus, a proton contains 2.27* 1023 quanta (mass of proton / mass of quanta). An electron, or cloud, or orbital, contains 1.24* 1020 quanta (mass of electron / mass of quanta) I use f=1 for it must be the fundamental quanta, any multiple of f such as f=1014 or visible light is implying the atom oscillate at 1014 and at each oscillation quanta is broken from its "layers". 7. These "layers" are in fact related to (though not exactly) the circular orbit layers, "n", which are neglected in Bohr's theory as a physical reality but critical for another purpose, and also the radius values in quantum mechanics are closely tied to these "layers", more appropriately via mass-spring systems. Bohr noted himself that it was just as applicable to note circular "stationary" orbits of layers were possible, but then how could he get his intrinsic magnetic spins and balancing act as he did so with revolving electrons. There is no revolving in an atom, there is no spin on its axis of an electron or any "charged particle". All intrinsic spin is the magnetic field and is inherent via all entities traveling thru space at a very large velocity. This field is a function of some fundamental "primordial entity" q, with a velocity in space. Space will be distorted about q as a function of Uo, a natural "resistance" of space itself. This is magnetism. 8. Postulate Two: Each individual quanta has an intrinsic magnetic field about it via the expansion vector. Magnetism by definition is the velocity of q in space. A fundamental understanding must be appreciated here in that any q with a velocity to space will have a magnetic field with respect to space. This magnetic field is a deformation of space. To describe a magnetic field it must encompass equally its effect on the surrounding space (r2 about entity q). 9. A characteristic of magnetism is the resulting field of flux surrounding the charged entity. By convention, a negatively charged entity traveling in one particular direction will have a determined orientation of its flux lines. The intensity and orientation of the flux lines are relative to the speed and direction of the charged entity. The opposite orientation of flux lines is exhibited with a positive entity with same physical parameters of speed and direction; only the orientation of flux lines has changed (for example a clockwise direction around the electron in a direction along an axis, whereas a counterclockwise direction around a proton traveling in the same direction). This realization is best described with the "field concept" as developed by Michael Faraday. Also, and of the most significant consequences, entities of same charge and direction will attract one another (magnetic pinch effect), repel if opposite charge with same direction! This is a critical statement in respect to static charges whereby a static positive and negative charge attract each other and like charges repel each other. 10. Postulate Three: Mo = B = (q*k'*v)/r2: Rest mass Mo is equal to the entity quanta traveling thru space with the expansion velocity as a function of magnetic permeability Uo of space. Thus, mass is a function of the expansion energy via the expansion velocity. "q" is quanta in its "electric charge" sense, v is the expansion velocity, Uo is magnetic permeability. R2 is the distortion of space about an idealized entity q. 11. Postulate Four: The velocity of the expansion vector is the speed of light. When this is true uo, magnetic permeability, becomes eo, the electric permitivity. As amazingly unbelievable this postulate might sound, it makes mathematical sense, besides what in the universe and life itself is not amazingly unbelievable? For example, If the universe is expanding at the velocity of light, then the magnetic force between two point charges traveling side by side thru space is equivalent to and is the "magnetic pinch effect", -(This is the most fundamental postulate and physical process occurring in this paper) is given by: F= (k'*q*q'*v2)/r2, where k'=uo/4p e (K' is a measure of the force between charges q) Coulombs law is: F = (k*q*q')/r2, where k=1/(4p eeo) (K is a measure of the force between charges q) When the expansion of the universe is equal to that of light , v2= k/k'=c2=1/(uo*eo) (k'*q*q'*v2)/r2 = (k*q*q')/r2 Thus, the only fundamental facet of space is uo, or magnetic permeability. When quanta travel at v=c, then the force between quanta becomes eo or coulombs law. The earth, and the universe, is at constant velocity of c thru space, uo becomes eo in our "relative state". The electric permitivityeo is the "relative state" of uotraveling at the expansion velocity. Also, how many equations are known in physics that include the speed of light. We travel at the velocity of light. 12. Conclusions: There is only one fundamental entity in our local universe called quanta, also loosely called corpuscles, photons, or "strings". Its mass is m=7.37* 10-51 kg. It has an intrinsic magnetic field about it via the expansion of the universe and uo. In our relative "stationary" state, the attraction between quanta is eoor coulombs law. They are fundamental magnetic components. It was mentioned that in respect to static charges whereby a static positive and negative charge attract each other and like charges repel each other. The proton is an accumulation of quanta; the magnetic components bind together to a fundamental density in the shape of a sphere. There are two very real possible proton formations possible. One: Magnetic polarities of each quanta in an arrangement to make a "magnetic monopole". For example, all magnets have north and south, this is merely a relative statement for the idealized point charge/entity. For example, if they bind together in such a way as if all "south or north poles" of each quanta face outwards then the surface of the spherical proton will depict either all north or south, somewhat like an idealized monopole. Thus protons would not bind to each other, they are repelled (like charges repel), also they still have their south or north monopole field about them, thus all free quanta will still be attracted to the proton like "a sphere of uniform positive electrification", as J.J. Thomson once said. It will accumulate onto the proton until the proton field is cancelled, "an electron layers worth". Second Proton formation possibility is dipolar in aggregate which lends itself to an overall intrinsic magnetic dipole nature. Thus electron quanta layering will also be dipolar. 13. I have yet to see the "repulsion" of electrons as the second category of like charges. As is known, static generators can accumulate large values of electron charge onto a sphere, thus where is the repulsion? Deflection via electrostatics in cathode ray tubes is realized as "electrons" or free quanta are attracted to the "proton" or "positive side", not repulsion from the "negative side". 14. A question arises as to why is the mass of the proton much greater than the mass of the electron layer with same charge values. It is speculated that with the initial quanta formation into a sphere, the proton, it's "Guassian" field value ends up this way. To cancel or neutralize this field only requires so much quanta, an electron layers worth? 15. The nuclear force, which binds the nucleus, is a function of the neutral particle the neutron. Of course the neutron itself is an aggregation of quanta only. Whether it is a collapsed hydrogen atom with additional quanta, or disorganized arrangement of quanta for overall charge of zero, and magnetic moment. Nevertheless, the neutron is some kind of interface between the protons. 16. The atom is an aggregation of one entity, quanta. Each quanta has an intrinsic magnetic field and is binding to the atom like a crystal lattice with vibrational modes via Planck's blackbody idealization and subsequently quantum mechanics. To break the bonds of the "layers" of the atom via n*h*f, one must match the energy which binds it to the atom. Greater amounts of quanta are more layers removed per oscillation of the atom. To achieve Radiation form of quanta, the energy of all rest mass or rest quanta is via the expansion velocity, its energy resides in the intrinsic magnetic field per quanta and now binding to other quanta in an atom. To break the bond, energy is needed to match the binding energy. The quanta will be broken off like a bound spring under tension. It will release isotropically from the atom in layers of n*h*f with a speed of c because this was the energy given in the beginning, and something fundamental to space itself. The process will continue via quantum mechanics until the plasma state or ionization state of a layer of quanta "electron" is removed, these are the electronic states, and continue linearly through ionization as n*h*f radiation still occurs as more energy is released, however now at x-ray to gamma ray wavelengths, where each period of the "wavelength" is an amount of quanta layers. A quote by Samuel Glasstone from his book "Sourcebook on Atomic Energy", "It may perhaps be permissible to consider radiation as consisting of photons whose statistical distribution is represented by an equation of the form applicable to the propagation of waves". 17. There is no "rigid point particle" alone in space with rigid boundaries, about the entity q is the magnetic field. Its boundary walls are magnetic described by r2", thus a "springiness" to it. It's appearance is that of a "bubble', or more precisely a "magnetic bubble". The quanta, q, has a velocity thru space via expansion vector, thus an intrinsic magnetic field about it, B=(q*k'*v)/r2. the r2 is the distortion of space about q. It is the magnetic field. The de Broglie equation of l=h/mv is realized as lambda, the wavelength, is r2 magnetic field about q. Thus, de Broglie equation is depicting the special theory of relativity whereby an increase in velocity of the mass will correspond to wavelength variations as in B = (q*k'*v)/r2. An increase in velocity will change the magnetic field about q. Einstein's special theory of relativity of mass increase from v=0 up to v=c is an energy increase via velocity thru space and exhibited in a stronger magnetic field about fundamental q as exhibited by B= (q*k'*v)/r2 per quanta. Thus, the theory of relativity is a statement about relative velocities with respect to space, its physical significance is now understood in the realm of magnetism which in itself is a function of velocity in space. 18. A statement by Einstein,"Thence we conclude that a balance clock at the equator must go more slowly, by a very small amount, than a similar clock situated at one of the poles under otherwise identical conditions". This is realized as the increase in energy/mass as a result of velocity increase is by the stronger attraction via the quanta within the atoms. Again the magnetic pinch effect is given by: F= (k'*q*q'*v^2)/r2, where k'=uo/4p e. The relativistic mass increase above the rest mass is realized as a stronger magnetic field within the atom themselves as a function of velocity thru space. Thence we conclude atomic processes are affected. 19. The relativistic mass equation M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2) is relative to our stationary state of the expansion velocity. The relativistic mass equation relative to "absolute space" must then be M=Mo/((1-(v2+c)/2c2))1/2). The limit of velocity of free quanta is the speed of light relative to our stationary state. Relative to "absolute space" or the expansion vector, it is twice the speed of light. 20. There is no "positive" or "negative" charged entities in space. There is only one entity q with an intrinsic magnetic field as a function of its velocity thru space. In our stationary state of "now" which is at a constant speed of the value of light, they bind together as generally discussed in 12,13 above to give "relative values" of north and south about itself and consequently via coulombs law as positive and negative as Benjamin Franklin has named. Thus, we may say that the proton is a concentration of a "south field"(south or north is arbitrary, however, maybe in time there will be a proper nomenclature of south and north, and is possible we are now making the same mistake as Franklin). An electron layers worth of quanta is attracted to the proton. An electron layers worth of quanta may be ionized from the proton, and as magnets would still bind together in "free space" as in cathode ray tubes and behave as individual particles (photoelectric effect). 21. Gravity: In the aggregation of magnetic quanta into atoms themselves, the overall balance that results is the attraction of gravity itself. Gravity is the resultant composite field of the atom. General relativity is the description of the curvature and distortion of space itself by mass. Quanta is the fundamental entity in the universe. It has an intrinsic magnetic field about. The magnetic field itself distorts and curves space. The whole atom is the composite field of balanced magnetic quanta. Thus, G, the gravitational coupling between matter is the composite of uo and eo in the overall binding of the complete atoms. 22. Inertia: Lenz's law describes the "resistance of space itself" via uo as a function of a change in velocity, only during accelerations as in all ac circuitry does it occur. Inertial mass is analogously the same during accelerations. Magnetic permeability uo is applicable for individual quanta, free charges as electrons and protons during acceleration. It is the relativistic mass of the moving body M= Mo/((1-v2/c2)1/2), and conversely B = (q*k'*v)/r2. As with gravity, inertial mass is the composite of uo and eo of an atom during acceleration with respect to space. Inertial mass will behave analogously like ac circuitry of idealized point charges with acceleration. 23. About the entity q is the magnetic field described by r2. This field is permanent via the expansion vector. The magnetic field is created as a result of entity q's movement thru space and space's natural resistance uo. Why? I have no idea. Questions like this make me feel like Alistair Sim in the Christmas Carol when he declared, " I don't know anything, I never did know anything, but now I know that I don't know anything". 24. To Test only free quanta. I propose the following to settle this matter. Oscillate a super conductive wire to act as a simple dipole transmitter. If the wire only possesses a magnetic field with no emission of an electromagnetic wave, the matter is settled. There is no bootstrap wave in space and thus no Maxwellian displacement current as a function of the ether. If the above is true there is only free quanta, in a superconductive state it will continue to oscillate as there is not enough "resistance" in the superconducting wire to "rip" quanta from their atoms. 25. To Test the expansion vector A question via the above argument, it has been argued that absolute space is nearly impossible to find, only relative values. Is it possible for the expansion vector which is assumed to be the greatest of the relative velocities to have an impact on the molten core of the Earth. Is this the true reason behind the Earth's magnetic poles? Does this give us an understanding of our place in the universe? Is there more to the brightness of the North Star? Spectral data of surrounding stars about Earths magnetic poles which are then assumed to be in line with the expansion vector may be used for analysis. Pole reversals may be caused by meteor impact like a demagnetizing hammer or internal earthquakes.