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Everything posted by User_10^-3

  1. I for one, have no problem with you two having this conversation in this thread, I would very much like to see where this is going.
  2. @Genecks Thanks, your input has been super helpful, I definitly feel alot better now. I'm somewhat familiar with the field of biophysics, unfortunately my school doesn't offer any courses (to my knowledge) really dedicated to it. Though, like the wiki says, most schools don't and it's a cross disciplinary kind of thing. I will be sure to hold on to this info and see what I can find out. And a tutor for calc would probably be a really great idea. I should have thought of that myself since I know there is a tutoring thing in the math department, I'm going to have to look into that. Thanks again, I totally appreciate it.
  3. I decided last night I was going to take pre-calc over the summer and I'm in the process of rearranging my schedule for the Fall to include general physics I so I should be able to do two semesters of physics. I'll probably be able to do one semester of calc in the Spring, there's absolutely no way I can squeeze it into the Fall and at any rate I'm going to really need to dedicate a semester to it if I want to do well.
  4. Yeah, okay I will definitly be increasing my math. The reason I haven't taken higher math before is, like I said, it really does scare me. I've just never in my life been able to wrap my head around it, it just seems so abstract to the point that I don't understand why this exists- maybe for that reason physics will be better if there's an obvious application. I wonder if it's too late to register for summer classes...
  5. Thanks guys, I have been meaning to reply but have just been so busy with school. I've already registered for the fall semester but if I play this right I should be able to squeeze in a semester of general physics and pre calc (a pre req. for calc). Not optimal, no, but I suppose it's better than nothing.
  6. Hello world. [The obiliatory] Sorry if this is in the wrong section, this is my first post on here. Forgive my wall of text/mini rant. I have some anxieties about graduate school and was hoping for a bit of guidance; I am nearing the end of the second semester of my junior year so I will be applying to grad schools before long and wanted to hear your thoughts on some things. I am working toward my B.S. in psychology with a biology minor and I have realized that the area I really want to go into is neuroscience, in particular I think I am leaning toward the molecular/cellular side of neuroscience/neurobiology. I chose a psych major because the brain has always been of interest to me but I've come to realize that psychology is not where my heart is, it's down in the proteins and the DNA. My major interest is really in neurodengerative disease, everything about the entire spectrum of neurodegenerative disorders is simultaneously utterly fascinating and the most tragic thing I am capable of imagining, both reasons why I want to pursue the topic. I have questions about these disorders for which answers do not yet exist and I think if I'm going to find my answers anywhere then it's on a molecular scale. In looking at graduate schools, almost all seem to say something along the lines that competitive undergrads have taken courses in calculus/organic chem/physics/advanced bio. The thing that makes me anxious is that by the time I graduate I will not have taken organic chem, physics, or calc. I've got bio under my belt, and by the time I graduate I'll have done general chem. However, I haven't taken calc or physics because I am terrified to death by math, and by extension physics (high school physics was one of the worst expereinces of my academic life, though it likely was just because of my teacher I've been put off from physics ever since). Additionally, there was a hiccup in me getting general chem done (the first time I tried to take it, the classes filled up before I could register and the second time I learned that my math prereq for psych did not qualify me for chem, so I had to waste a semester taking a 100 level math class). Frankly, that single greatest regret I have about my undergrad career is that I'm not going to get to take organic (or biochem). That said, I'll will have taken two semesters of general chem, genetics, two semesters of anatomy/physiology, molecular bio, a molecular bio lab, cell bio, the lower level bio (two semesters of intro bio, biodiversity), sensation & perception, psychopharmacology, physiological psych, behavioral stats, and any other science that I can cram in in the next two semesters. I have a 3.6 GPA, I haven't taken the GRE yet but I'm studying for them, I have begun working in my schools lab for comparative neuropsychology so I'll have about a year under my belt when I graduate. I'll have three reccomendation leters from faculty who actually know me- one from the lab, two from biopsych professors who I have TA'ed for (one is chair of the department, the other recieved her Ph.D. in molecular neuro if that adds anything). Finally, I have been trying to learn organic on my own, I can't say that I took the class but at least I can say that I put in the effort to acquire the knowledge, right? What I'm trying to get at is, does my lack of organic and physics totally kill my shot? I know it puts me at a disadvantage and I don't claim I'm ivy league, but I do know a thing or two about a neuron or two. If I were interested in something like cognitive neuro then I would not be as worried because alot of schools say that that requirements for acceptance are flexible, but in going for molecular- I just don't know. I just need someone to put a pipette in my hand and give me the opportunity to show that I am capable of doing something astounding. Can I just get some thoughts, please?
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