I think the equations are missing the electromagnetic stability issue. Mass Xs the speed of light = electromagnetic field strength 1 e 2Xs the speed of light 2e, and so on.thus we can ascertain the appropriate time variable .When a black hole forms it punches a hole in time and space this hole is maintained until it loses its ability to maintain its gravitational field. The wormhole is most likely filled with super ionized plasma ie white plasma I think it's the electromagnetic strength of that plasma that maintains the wormholes opening. When no matter enters a black hole there is no matter to turn into plasma, at this point a black hole tunnel collapses under extreme gravitational forces. This violent collapse could be what causes a white hole to form at some extraordinary distance from the black hole, black hole 10 to 1000 Xs the speed of light = distance to white hole opening.Maybe if we could measure the number of spaghettification lines at a certain distance from a black hole we might be able to ascertain a way to calculate the speed of light variable and thus ascertain the exact distance to opening , a as corresponding with spaghettification lines within a galactic black hole . So. yes there are wormhole equations but they don't work. It's probably because there isn't any sure way to calculate wormhole lengths or velocities. The white hole is in a positive magnetic polarity while the black hole is negative this creates a type of electrical flow between the respective white and black hole.