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Everything posted by PureGenius

  1. The universe seeks to be discovered , curiosity drives us to ever higher levels of understanding ..

    1. Unity+


      And then humanity falls behind because of disagreements of ideology.

    2. PureGenius


      No comment but it seems things that were meant to bring people together are now pulling them apart .

  2. Time is subject to the laws of relativity, there is nothing to argue ...

  3. Time is subject to the laws of relativity, there is nothing to argue ...

  4. Memories do eqaul a kind of measurement for existence how else would we even know time was passing or that we exist and also have in the past.
  5. I think the equations are missing the electromagnetic stability issue. Mass Xs the speed of light = electromagnetic field strength 1 e 2Xs the speed of light 2e, and so on.thus we can ascertain the appropriate time variable .When a black hole forms it punches a hole in time and space this hole is maintained until it loses its ability to maintain its gravitational field. The wormhole is most likely filled with super ionized plasma ie white plasma I think it's the electromagnetic strength of that plasma that maintains the wormholes opening. When no matter enters a black hole there is no matter to turn into plasma, at this point a black hole tunnel collapses under extreme gravitational forces. This violent collapse could be what causes a white hole to form at some extraordinary distance from the black hole, black hole 10 to 1000 Xs the speed of light = distance to white hole opening.Maybe if we could measure the number of spaghettification lines at a certain distance from a black hole we might be able to ascertain a way to calculate the speed of light variable and thus ascertain the exact distance to opening , a as corresponding with spaghettification lines within a galactic black hole . So. yes there are wormhole equations but they don't work. It's probably because there isn't any sure way to calculate wormhole lengths or velocities. The white hole is in a positive magnetic polarity while the black hole is negative this creates a type of electrical flow between the respective white and black hole.
  6. Also I was mistaken I did not ask Ajb to help with any time modulation theory.brad I think your asking the right questions , time is also one of my favorite topics.
  7. It is an effect of the mass and velocity on individual atomic systems and their energy to mass ratio higher energy longer length of rotations etc . But Ajb might be able to explain it better .
  8. Ajb is right that is not time travel but a form of time modification To have actual time travel one must create a electromagnetic black hole these can be caused by extreme weather.The variables are nothing more than the combination of several electrical factors I.e. ionization and vortex rotation due to wind factors.Also I think time travel will be possible soon if anyone takes me seriously . Ajb has already had an offer to help me with the math but declined . The persons on earth age as we do now ie 80 year average life span .The individuals on the ship will have aged 20 years, those on earth one hundred years. So time flow affects aging there is no doubt. So if the pilot was 20 when he left he would be 40 when he returned if he had a twin brother his age would be 120 .So yes the clock on the ship ticks slower but only when observed from earth.
  9. I think the time variable would be 80 years so he would arrive on earth 100 years would have passed and everyone on earth would have experienced 100 years passing. On the ship they would only experience 20 years of time flow. Does anyone want to build a time machine ? Also the amount of energy to create the necessary variables is well within modern technology as far as an electromagnetic vortex time machine .
  10. Correction it is not due to time dilation that the wormhole remains stable I'm just pointing out that the time spent inside a black hole would be under the effects of time dilation thus from inside it's a longer journey than the perspective of an outside observer . Also I have reason to believe the transfer of objects through a electromagnetic black holes is instant, one just has to maintain the correct variables to keep it open. Galactic black holes are stable and so are thier wormholes.
  11. I think this is possible , building a physical time machine . It's a matter of creating the variables necessary for the proper time flow alteration within a confined radius. One method would be a mirror vortex with ultrahigh frequency lightbeams..Another possibility would be to create an electromagnetic vortex of the proper strength and rotational speeds , this would create a wormhole between two different times , this wormhole would remain stable dependant on its size and the proper variables kept constant . Great topic ajb might be the smartest guy in this forum. Also the fact that speeds inside the. Tunnel are between 10 to 1000 times the speed of light so due to time dilation there is no danger of collapse before one arrives at their time space coordinates .
  12. Good movie and I still don't think the symbols would match but I do understand your point imasome of the mathematical structures would most likely be similar I'm just saying without a key we can't be sure information could be shared or not. Although it might be the most logical approach. I'm thinking some type of symbology like the plaque it's more likely to be understood in a context of other obvious symbols ie planets Sun's etc.
  13. If something exists then the universe conserves it's energy so from a physics standpoint one has to ask were does consciousness go when something ceases to exist. I won't speculate on were I will just say energy conservation laws postulate the universe and individual systems will always conserve the maximum amount of energy possible. Also mathematics always always seems like a good communication device for extraterrestrials but I doubt the symbols would match and mathematicians on earth don't always agree on the best way to solve a problem. Simple explanations for existence life human behavior these are hard to find. I still think if a being is aware of the idea of existence that in itself is proof of existence .
  14. Either everything exists or nothing exists as far as humans understanding absolutely anything, that's a question of confidence. . Essence is existence the energy that animates us is the same energy that makes galaxy's spin it's a matter of perspective. We cannot say math doesn't exist before time or that it did but that the universe is mathematical in its overall structure is beyond argument. To define a moment is to spend a new moment remembering a past moment so one cannot define their particular existence unless they have transcended their own limited perception ie used their imagination to see outside of their perceptual limitations. Then that is an idea and cannot prove we exist.
  15. I think deja vu is very hard to explain because in the past I have had the experience so intensely I knew what everyone in a room would say before they said it . A few times I actually altered my own responses just to see what might happen , it never seemed to change the scenario . Also your idea is interesting, controllable deja vu now that is original .
  16. We exist to express the living consciousness within the universe a part of an infinite and creative process which will eventually lead to intergalactic travel and colonizing other worlds. We exist to be caretakers of the universe I think. To exist is to think I exist there is no need for further proof.
  17. I think we should strive to be better I think your questions are intelligent I wasn't trying to be insulting , also yes I was saying the speed of light is both a universal constant and an reference as to the scope and ultimate purpose of of the space time construct. Mass Xs s.o.l. = 5Xs t.v. = + 90 percent Mass .
  18. Space time is effected by velocity and mass also gravity and electromagnetic fields our understanding of time is not complete but I suggest learning the details of special relativity, the idea of a constant and universal frame of reference has been proposed before, I think his name was einstien . The point at which time reverses has not been figured out by anyone as far as I know although I'm close to discovering it.I think it's really a matter of knowledge observation and continuous testing of an idea then one can build upon that foundation . The speed of light is constant in all frames of reference Einstein's theories have been proven again and again there is no one comparable to his level of thought alive today.
  19. This forum is great but scientists are very unforgiving Kramer good luck with your theory.
  20. I'm saying you would see a highly energized version of the object that would appear almost like an negative photo in appearance just before the speed of light was reached That frozen image would then frame drag across the visual spectrum. Of course I could be wrong maybe there is reason a black hole would be created but it seems highly improbable.
  21. Tesla designed almost every piece of equipment he used but if something already existed He would use that , he actually short circuited one of his own power plants because he pulled to much electricity during one of his many experiments . Also patent law wasn't what it is now there were many patent disputes concerning radio parts Tesla designed.
  22. He would not become a black hole only highly energized and creating a time differential of 5 times slower time passage from outside of this brightly glowing time differential one could only witness a brightly glowing motion frozen in space.
  23. My fault I misread the main point it's still an interesting idea Kramer.
  24. I believe the electromagnetic flux created by the time variable is the answer Black holes are within the microscopic realm you are on the right track Kramer ...
  25. Imagination is more important than knowledge " Albert Einstien !!!

    1. Iota


      Why exactly do you, personally think he said that? Just out of interest.

    2. Unity+


      Because it requires an imagination to think outside the box in a unpredictable world.

    3. PureGenius


      Because knowledge is already known we can only extrapolate from it linearly. The imagination is endless and therefore has more potential to discover the unknown.

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