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Everything posted by PureGenius

  1. I'll be the one laughing a couple years from now when I win the Nobel prize I won't forget how you attacked me out of fear and ignorance I guess people l like you individuals are the reason we're still using combustion engines as to crash and his lol comic book characters are not scientists and you quoting them is a sign of your childish understanding of science in general sixth finger lol is someone who gets thier science out of comic books really questioning me that's Actually really funny Time is acontrollable phenomenon get over it science is moving past your outdated notions off physics.
  2. Basically I'm talking about the creation of a stable black and or white hole through the controlled environment of a laboratory in conjunction with the ability to regulate size and direction . The exact mechanics cannot be posted online, nor will I give further explanation. As to the video it explains my overall theory about the creation of the universe and its arrival through a black hole .Also there is a long history of persecution among scientists for new our radical ideas I will not fall prey to petty people dissecting my idea's l like they would a living woolly mammoth if they could I believe in knowledge it's pursuit and it's results I never worry about the opposition of those with positions and ideas to defend.
  3. It is a fact that there is a. Supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy it is also a fact that the big bang has never been proven to be a fact. It is also a fact that my theory is not a proven fact. It is a theory I think it is allot more probable than the big bang theory . I never said I was an absolute authority on anything nor do I claim infallibility . I will not be argued against with no logical reasoning behind it . Also Ac I may have been overly overt in my comment towards you no offense .I understand people's uncomfortable attitude towards my theory and line of thought but I assure you people were very nervous when they found out the earth wasn't flat.Or when suddenly some guy decided earth wasn't the center of the cosmos. Science does not stop moving forward and ideas are the future not erroneous facts crash mull that over...
  4. Ac just because u have never had an original thought in your life and you are a big banger don't take it out on me . Defend your pathetic and borrowed ideas if it pleases you . Those who can't create destroy I guess that's why my ideas make u angry u aren't very smart.As to Swenson what u and I consider facts maybe completely different sorry I didn't meet your criteria.
  5. Well there is there was the British pilot who saw an abandoned airfield 11 years in the future he had no reason to lie it only hurt his career. This was brought about by a storm under lightning conditions , I believe time variation anomalies are often unreported and they r obviously caused by electromagnetic flux within the earths electromagnetic sheath. Also modern science is just now beginning to acknowledge that time may be a quantum field and time itself is not a constant but a variable within the motions of interstellar matter ie black hole time reversal . Everything in the universe is mimicking the original flux field it passed through wen it our universe exited the black hole upon birth. It was drem airfield Edinburgh 1935.
  6. Then end of knowledge is pure awareness it can only be reached by the pure of heart the flawless karma of a jnani cannot be understood until that state is reached yet even in total enlightenment one still exists therefore there is technically no end to knowledge or ones ability to grow into a higher potential state of consciousness .
  7. If the concepts in my theory are to grand for your minds it is no fault of mine thanks for watching the video when science proves me right you can send your apologies to my inbox . Localized time variations have occurred many are well c documented check your fact before u embarrass yourself. Again .
  8. The theory you propose is exactly what.i came up with I call it the dual universe time mirror black hole theory it's on u= tube the idea of the big bang is a mostly baseless and erroneous concept the universe did arrive through a black hole. Black hole anomalies are and have been happening on earth for millennium I.e. localized time shifts . I will in the future give a detailed version of my time differentiation modulation and the black hole mechanics involved . A great topic indeed !!!
  9. Enlightenment isn't about invincibility it's about wisdom and actual mental advancement saying the chinese kill enlightened people doesn't mean their not enlightened. The awareness that one attains through meditation is a reality though most cannot reach any actual state of enlightenment doesn't mean it isn't real and yes u cannot tell if someone is nor can u accertain thier abiltys unless they show you. So it could be construed as a matter of faith in human potential until one sees actual proof.
  10. PureGenius


    I was trying to answer but ii see your point I will read up thanks for the input if I'm off subject it's surely due to my distracted mind and krash I would never disregard einsteins work it is what I base most of my current theories on.
  11. PureGenius


    Time is the motion of a field generated by gravity momentum and electromagnetic stability, I am no authority but time is one of my favorite subjects. Is there anything like time yes time is everywhere even between black holes there would be a reverse time frame moving backward or forward depending on spin.
  12. Have u not read history is it not full of individuals who displslayed various powers like levitation the ability to heal others, Rasputin for example was almost impossible to kill. There would be certain qaulities but I don't think anyone would notice them was my point that by no means removes the integrity of individuals that have transcended the physical world and attained enlightenment.
  13. Thank you for your understanding arjun i find your name very interesting the root word being arjuna the warrior who was personally instructed by Krisna in the bagavad gita. Also your comments on neoroplasticity are very interesting. I agree with most of what u said check out my video on the dual universe theory it is early in its stages but accurate nonehtheless.
  14. There can't be a way to recognize an enlightened person this is why we must all respect those around us, that way we can be sure not to offend someone who can control time and space or expunge our karmic record . Meditation is the gate to wisdom and wisdom arrives at it's own kind of power. For example can u see the best violinist in the world walking down the street in his casual clothes u not being a musician would you instantly recognize him as talented or even being a musician probably not I thinkwe must apply the same logic when speaking of an enlightened person .
  15. The infinite capacity of the mind to absorb and retain information is unlimited as ideas can be further systematized into symbols this gives the mind still further capacity. There can never be an end to progress in science for human curiosity drives us to dream and create beyond what is visible. I also believe we should balance knowledge with respect understanding with tolerance. The answers are important but the questions we ask say say alot about who we are . Can the higgs boson change the world I don't believe it's probable but maybe well discover a limitless source of energy on accident or a way to create antigravity. If there were a limit to human understanding then our thoughts might just not be able to understand beyond a certain definable idea and our group of ideas, the human brain has not shown that it can be appeased by the available information . This is why the universe is becoming known this is why we have electricity and flight imagination and work build the world we live in. Unity isn't a bad idea I don't know why more people aren't into the concept.
  16. Oh ok so fire is a plasma state ? Because a candle has no electical charge nor the ability to maintain spacial integrity while moving at high velocitys ?
  17. It usually travels in a type of cloud ball formation at high to medium velocities 600 800 kilometers per second in the case coronal mass ejections originating from sunspots. They will hold onto thier formation and when they strike earths magnetic field sometimes cause huge electromagnetic disturbances on earth, one was so powerful it fried telegraph wires all the way across the u.s.. These are actually clouds of plasma supercharged by a magnetic twist on the surface of the sun if one of these clouds.were to directly strike say a small space vessel it would most likely fry its electrical circuits instantly .
  18. I will in the future refrain from expounding upon my theory until such time as penalization is removed from the equation I can understand the need to keep crazy theories from populating this forum though my theory is radical I have put a large amount of thought into it. Let me put out this way if all things in nature are cyclical wouldn't it also make sense that the universe is also cyclical in in its motions.My theory accounts for this also I have dozens of examples of why my theory explains more than the current model used today. Moderators let me know if that would be ok ?
  19. Two simultaneous points in time separated by vast space is not a possible variable for one would have to know the exact time differential between galaxys as in relative speeds and rotational speeds affecting the immidiate momententum of that specific event ie time this is beyond current sciences. Also the moment we experience now from say 100 light years away is already in the fast distant past . As in viewed from 10000 years in the future if this helps dispel some of your confusion about the nature of time and why its difficult to understand .
  20. Yes the reading of texts but in what context and are they being given the guidance needed to realize the deeper meaning of the metaphors that will lead then to actual enlightenment.When an individual attains this state powers are gained as history has proven. So if one is truly enlightened they will have some type of supernatural power whether they chose to display Them would be up to the individual.
  21. I would like to explore enlightenment in the actual sense of the word I have studied many ancient religions and found this concept in one form or another. There aren't enough people who understand this idea so it is a fundamental shift brought about through intense meditation this state is attained by few even among the innitiated. It is a state in wich the mind becomes purified through mental dicipline in this heightened state of awareness were the brain can access more information faster and also certain powers are gained these vary depending on the individual . This is the missing ingriedient in most modern religions. It is not a phsycological state as some have theorized, if that were the case none of these individuals would have displayed any actual powers and there if ample evidence to the contrary . Therefore enlightenment is real if not extremely rare.
  22. I will in the future try to restrain myself from hijaking I am not claiming absolutism nor would I lie to promote a theory I read about this experiment about a year ago ... Also I have been writing about black holes since I was 16 . I understand the need for moderation and I respect your opinion this site is amazing ...
  23. Atoms are actually miniverses at their core lies a black hole the edge of an atom is moving at the speed of light therefore it appears to be a wave and a particle because u can't see into an atom unless u were moving at the speed of light then u could witness a black hole surrounded by particles. This is why when they did an experiment with shooting light into a single atom it came out of the other atom at some distance from the first. The light traveled through the speed of light layer as light moves at the proper penatration speed then entered a black hole in the center traveled through time space and exited the other atoms black hole and then traveled out into the speed of light layer and out into the laboratory. Atoms r twins but I think they r neither a wave not a particle. But in fact they r miniverses thus oppenhiemers statement I have become the destroyer of worlds ie plural what was he referencing we only have one ???
  24. It seems as if the heavier weight would slow the accelleration due to increased mass thus gravity comes into play reducing the ability of the car to accelerate. Also when the car reached the point of breaking its overall mass would b increased therefore its kinetic energy would increase its breaking distance I agree the frictional pressure would b higher and therefore add to its initial breaking power ,would this completely offset the increased mass I can't say. Also i agree there should be a friction eqaution that is exact in order to deal with this qestion. Also we need a eqaution to deal with mass acceleration and kinetic energy increase due to velocity ...
  25. Dual Universe theory = on u tube channel = dadiojames007 I believe my theory is sound and provable ...
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