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Everything posted by PureGenius

  1. Time dilation and the aproxximate variables for the measurement of its modulation are plentiful einstein was always in search of a universal constant he found this in the speed of light it is not a subject of study so much as a reference point for further investigation. Time is actually a definable movement of energy and its immediate affects on things within its field. The calculation we must accertain is the modulationary effect of speed and mass on the object and or field of influence.
  2. Mass is trapped within an electromagnetic field in almost all instants without motion there wouldn't b any inherent effect on space time around a static object now if an object is accelerated in any direction then the space time begins to shift into a potential time effect Ie the time dilation thus the velocity of time flow is increased therefore the mass of the object increases the electromagnetic freqeuncy into a higher energy state were time flow is reduced this alteration of the time flow the effect is described in your qestion. Bassically time is modulated through the electromagnetic field space is curved by the strength ie potential field of that object repelling the forces in the universe that cause the current speed of time .
  3. Person a would observe the increase in speed in person b and would continue to watch thier speed increase until only a streak of light person c would b unable to observe person b at even 99.9 % the speed of light as thier observation point is too close to the accelerating object . Person b would continue to grow in gravitational strength and time space would then curve around them reducing their time flow by a factor of approx 5 times reduction their observation perceptually would b that they were moving slowly but everything outside thier field would in turn sped up by a factor of 5.Therefore the observer a would then witness person b disappear. Person cs time frame reference would b affected by bs excessivly high velocity only when b passed by person c as in his immidiate surroundings would blur and wobble as person b passed by in electromagnetic proximity ...
  4. I think the dual notion as in particle wave are actually nothing more than a flaw in human observation not in the nature of reality itself. It is indeed a good qestion science moves forward on the wheels of curiosity.
  5. PureGenius


    Time is the measurement of the motion ie mass and electromagnetic volume inherent in a moving object so the static field from wich one references these factors is always I would say a qestion until we can accertain the current speed of our galaxy within the universe. What we do know about time is it is modulated by mass and speed therefore it is a contollable and localized phenomenon based on this odes we can then extrapolate the variables that can control this motion and our time field is then a controlled mathmatical eqaution. As an example if u speed an object up to around 57.000 miles per second u would reduce the flow of time by 1/5 the mass and velocity of the object then generates the electromagnetic field that modulates the flow of time In and around that object. Therefore our view of time and the speculations about our inability to eventually control it are in my opinion premature at best .
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