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Everything posted by PureGenius

  1. I had fun then the moderators started locking my threads, now why post being insulted isn't science

  2. Science is fun but scientists are bitter, a paradox of sorts.

  3. New ideas bad old ideas based on Newtonian physics good I think I get it now.

  4. Once again pigeon holed , this proves most new ideas are quickly repressed by the scientific community, why would the mods continue to lock popular threads ?

  5. Don't upset Ajb he'll get your threads locked.

    1. swansont


      Don't delude yourself. YOU got your threads locked. It's what happens when you break the rules.

  6. The exact distance the magnetic field of our central black lack hole expanded to that defines the edge if our universe.
  7. The great and powerful Ajb has spoken !!! I guess it's not up to the moderators huh .
  8. I'd like to know why they let you stay in forum at all you have no content and do nothing but attack members and get threads locked. This is not your personal forum you don't make the rules can't you act like an adult.
  9. I think I have the flue so don't stand to close. !!!

  10. The plasma described as the origination of the cosmic microwave background as my theory explains came out of a white hole and was distributed to the edge of our universe, this is most likely a visible product of the electromagnetic fluid, interacting with em frequencies in the weak magnetic field in between galactic clusters.
  11. I can't apologize for others lack of understanding , nor will I be dissuaded from what I see as stepping stone science needs to move past some outdated ideas like the big bang. Phi are you saying my verbal and linguistic skills are Magical ?
  12. It is 3 dimensional in our universe, 4 dimensional inside the plasma tunnel and the definition of an extra dimension can only be defined from the lower dimensional system, so I think the definition is not as important as the vortex physics of a black hole to be properly understood. Thanks again Kris miss great question. So the plane event horizon of our universe is 3d but once you enter black hole this space I's in the fourth dimension, s according to modern sciences interpretation. I hope this helps clear up any confusion you might have Kris miss.
  13. I was thanking her for an earlier comment in this thread I find your overt misperceptions say more about you phi than they do about me did you actually read this whole thread ? Considering that my posts receive an amazing amount of moderator attention it is difficult to maintain an objective attitude when the comments are so personal and offensive... I am just defending my position the only way I can which is logic and expanding the details of the Dualiverse Theory.
  14. The electromagnetic field is defined by our black holes electromagnetic expansion distance this has been exactly the same as when the universe formed as it arrived at faster than light velocities. This fluid is rotating with the accretion disk of our universes plane.The signature of this field is that it is evenly distributed throughout the universe, in other words it's everywhere . Does it flow yes this liquid can form vortexs by the rotational velocity of our universes accretion disk plane. These vortexs we call black holes. In the absence of this liquid time cannot flow forward, as all energy interaction within our plane is em in nature ie the flow of light would not be possible it would be a universe of potential energy instead of our universe which is in an active energy state ie em can propagate in any direction at a velocity limited by the size of our universes black hole white hole complex. So yes this fluid I'd in motion at the same velocity as our galactic cluster . The speed of light is dependant on the magnetic field of our central black hole not the relative motion of the electromagnetic fluid.
  15. Well thanks Kris miss I'm really 100 percent on the black hole at the center of our universe Ajb you keep asking me were the center of the universe is well my answer is simply exactly were the largest black hole in our universe is . I think the fact that my content is very popular speaks for itself, my question is this if and when I'm proved right will you swan and Ajb be able to accept it.
  16. This is an article in nature , I think everyone will understand this is so close to my theory, I'm actually both excited and a little curious if there is any possibility of my original version of this theory to be accepted by the scientific community. It could be time to bid the Big Bang bye-bye. Cosmologists have speculated that the Universe formed from the debris ejected when a four-dimensional star collapsed into a black hole a scenario that would help to explain why the cosmos seems to be so uniform in all directions. The standard Big Bang model tells us that the Universe exploded out of an infinitely dense point, or singularity. But nobody knows what would have triggered this outburst: the known laws of physics cannot tell us what happened at that moment.f For all physicists know, dragons could have come flying out of the singularity, says Niayesh Afshordi, an astrophysicist at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada. It is also difficult to explain how a violent Big Bang would have left behind a Universe that has an almost completely uniform temperature, because there does not seem to have been enough time since the birth of the cosmos for it to have reached temperature equilibrium. To most cosmologists, the most plausible explanation for that uniformity is that, soon after the beginning of time, some unknown form of energy made the young Universe inflate at a rate that was faster than the speed of light. That way, a small patch with roughly uniform temperature would have stretched into the vast cosmos we see today. But Afshordi notes that the Big Bang was so chaotic, its not clear there would have been even a small homogenous patch for inflation to start working on. On the brane In a paper posted last week on the arXiv preprint server 1 , Afshordi and his colleagues turn their attention to a proposal 2 made in 2000 by a team including Gia Dvali, a physicist now at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. In that model, our three-dimensional (3D) Universe is a membrane, or brane, that floats through a bulk universe that has four spatial dimensions. Ashfordi's team realized that if the bulk universe contained its own four-dimensional (4D) stars, some of them could collapse, forming 4D black holes in the same way that massive stars in our Universe do: they explode as supernovae, violently ejecting their outer layers, while their inner layers collapse into a black hole. In our Universe, a black hole is bounded by a spherical surface called an event horizon. Whereas in ordinary three-dimensional space it takes a two-dimensional object (a surface) to create a boundary inside a black hole, in the bulk universe the event horizon of a 4D black hole would be a 3D object a shape called a hypersphere. When Afshordis team modelled the death of a 4D star, they found that the ejected material would form a 3D brane surrounding that 3D event horizon, and slowly expand. The authors postulate that the 3D Universe we live in might be just such a brane and that we detect the branes growth as cosmic expansion. Astronomers measured that expansion and extrapolated back that the Universe must have begun with a Big Bang but that is just a mirage, says Afshordi. Model discrepancy The model also naturally explains our Universes uniformity. Because the 4D bulk universe could have existed for an infinitely long time in the past, there would have been ample opportunity for different parts of the 4D bulk to reach an equilibrium, which our 3D Universe would have inherited. The picture has some problems, however. Earlier this year, the European Space Agency's Planck space observatory released data that mapped the slight temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background the relic radiation that carries imprints of the Universes early moments. The observed patterns matched predictions made by the standard Big Bang model and inflation, but the black-hole model deviates from Planck's observations by about 4%. Hoping to resolve the discrepancy, Afshordi says that his is now refining its model. Despite the mismatch, Dvali praises the ingenious way in which the team threw out the Big Bang model. The singularity is the most fundamental problem in cosmology and they have rewritten history so that we never encountered it, he says. Whereas the Planck results prove that inflation is correct, they leave open the question of how inflation happened, Dvali adds. The study could help to show how inflation is triggered by the motion of the Universe through a higher-dimensional reality, he says. Nature doi:10.1038/nature.2013.13743 I actually think my theory is more accurate , it wasn't a simple star collapse that formed our dualiverse it was a white hole black hole complex that included all the matter in our universe . This fourth dimensional space they speak of is improbable, unless we're already in this fourth dimension ie inside a black hole . I have not ascertained weather we are inside or outside our black hole white hole complex, yet I have stated repeatedly that there is a black hole at the center of our universe. My theory describes the expansion of our universes space and the white plasma that originated at the beginning of our universe. I am Shawn j the creator of the Dual Universe Theory .
  17. There is group of cosmologists proposing my theory , it would be great if someone could help me get the credit I deserve. MY dual universe black hole time mirror theory has been on v the internet since April of 2012 when I posted it Shawn j and I discovered there was a black hole in the center of the universe.
  18. I'm just responding to questions , big nose but I also understand your point , and yes it matters without this field the motion that makes existence possible wouldn't take place, all energies ie em frequencies would have no movement thus all the energetic actions interactions etc like star formation biological life these things rely on a electromagnetic field to propagate.
  19. Yes the field itself i.e. the electromagnetic fluid much as Soundwaves travel through water leaving a path of agitated molecules in the wake of the vibrational frequency ie sound that passed through the fluid medium . If not for this electromgnetic fluid light could not move in any direction at any velocity. This same effect is realized by the inability of sound frequencies to propagate in empty space ie outside earths gravitational field Without the air molecules ie sounds fluid field no movement is possible for it has no medium to travel within. Light is matter at the speed of light the electromagnetic field ie the underlying liquid state of the electromagnetic spectrum allows the propagation of vibrational frequencies through its ability to carry the light ie em radiation by itself becoming agitated like the molecules in air or water . This electromagnetic fluid is not vibrating unless it's agitated thus all of the universe is permeated by it, but science cannot see it as they cannot understand a substance that is so undefinable by its very nature and purpose.
  20. The light from a distant star travels through an electromagnetic fluid this fluid is created by white holes , the reason the speed of light is invariant is because the electromagnetic field of our universe is also invariant ie constant symmetrical equilibrium attained by a constant rotational velocity. If our universe were larger by say 20 percent our speed of light would be proportionally increased i.e. a higher velocity before the matter became physically invisible as it would be moving too fast for light to reflect or light emitted to be visible. Also I appreciate it Ajb I'm trying to make as much sense as possible. Yes the ripples they are moving in what medium, electromagnetic fluid this fluid is emanated by our central black hole which is in the exact center of the universe. I'm saying all electromagnetic energies ie every frequency is directly related to the viscosity of the universes electromagnetic fluid. This friction is a variable dependent on the size and rotation of the respective universes black hole.
  21. I'm saying the propagation of em radiation is directly dependant on the electromagnetic field that is radiated by our universes black hole, this is the field that supports the electromagnetic spectrum. Without this field I cannot speculate what direction and or velocity em radiation might travel at, or weather em activity is possible without an underlying electromagnetic fluid . Submitted on 14 Aug 2013) The centre of our Milky Way harbours the closest candidate for a supermassive black hole. The source is thought to be powered by radiatively inefficient accretion of gas from its environment. This form of accretion is a standard mode of energy supply for most galactic nuclei. X-ray measurements have already resolved a tenuous hot gas component from which it can be fed. However, the magnetization of the gas, a crucial parameter determining the structure of the accretion flow, remains unknown. Strong magnetic fields can influence the dynamics of the accretion, remove angular momentum from the infalling gas, expel matter through relativistic jets and lead to the observed synchrotron emission. Here we report multi-frequency measurements with several radio telescopes of a newly discovered pulsar close to the Galactic Centre and show that its unusually large Faraday rotation indicates a dynamically relevant magnetic field near the black hole. If this field is accreted down to the event horizon it provides enough magnetic flux to explain the observed emission from the black hole, from radio to X-rays. Comments: Advance online publication in Nature, 14/08/13 Subjects: Galaxy Astrophysics (astro-ph.GA); High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) Thanks ajb this paper is great, right along my line of thought.
  22. I'll check that out and your always informative Ajb , the magnetic field of our universes black hole extends to the exact edge of our universe that is how I ascertained the exact size of our universe 20 sextillion miles across, it's all explained in previous posts I appreciate your interest your scientific knowledge is extensive. These magnetic fields are the result, of white hole formation, it is An effect of the initial electrical discharge accompanied with the electromagnetic plasma. This energy is what keeps galaxy's from flying apart, at high velocity there is a gravitational component to the interaction of the electromagnetic liquid and , the magnetic rotation of the white hole .
  23. The speed of light , is regulated by the electromagnetic friction within the magnetic field of our central black hole and the electrofluid nature of our universe.

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