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Everything posted by PureGenius

  1. My apartment building is being sold, so I'm not going to be able to get on here much have fun...

  2. Warning !!! Don't become popular, other member's will gang up and have your threads locked... seriously ...

  3. Watch out for acg if you respond to him, he'll get your thread locked ...

  4. Pigeon Holed !!! Open my thread please, unless this is what you want !!! Tesla had a universe theory our government has it.

  5. I responded to so many insults , it was mostly me defending my intelligence, how do you shut down a thread because it's too popular,too controversial.

  6. I cannot believe My B.H. thread has been. closed if I cannot express myself then I won't. Thanks acg you finally accomplished your goal, Until my thread is restored I can't contribute my fantasy so everyone got what they wanted.

  7. Lol acg52 Thread hijacking doesn't even begin to describe your endless amount of insulting and frankly idiotic attacks just because the mods have chosen to ignore my reports doesn't mean you are not the rudest and most contradictory member of this forum , why are you so fixated on my posts.
  8. Although the surface of a black hole is only in a slight excess of The speed of light The center of the black holes plasma tunnel will be at a velocity of c2 186,000 times the speed of light, the outside area of the black hole ie our universe is also under similar speed parameters ie 186,000 mps up to a maximum velocity of 186,000 times the speed of light. These are what was shown in my terrible diagram, This is the bones of my mathematical structure. I am Shawn j the creator of the Dual Universe Time Mirror Theory thanks for reading.
  9. No substance was an overstatement , you have literally no substance lol

  10. I just realized acg is a science heckler those who can't think insult those that can, I've looked through your posts and found nothing but attacks and insults no substance at all right acg kind of projecting aren't we.
  11. I didn't know acg had become a mod your random never-ending attacks are predictable if nothing else .
  12. Thanks endy my calculations were all based on 186,000 times c being possible also a 930,000 times time dilation variable that could be why my numbers don't match. Current theories. I'm saying the electromagnetic field of our galaxy's central black hole sets the boundaries for our galaxy's width 110 light years across . In the same way our universes black hole white hole complex, sets the boundary for our universe ie the edge of our space time . The size of the black hole is directly related to the distance it's field travels in free space ie space without electromagnetic potential or flow. Back to the vortex physics in free space a black hole should not be able to form unless a massive amount of gravitational forces are exerted on it ie what nothing in empty space has v the necessary energy required to generate a black hole. So if there are black holes in empty space, a their internal velocity is regulated by the rotational velocity of the distance from the center of the giant black hole. This is basically because the magnetic fluid is spun into vortices ie electromagnetic space time holes . if you are aware even our own sun produces a magnetic field that is very similar to the magnetic field of the universe galaxy etc . This small amount of rotating electromagnetic potential has enough energy to keep all the planet's rotating by measure of size and distance for billions of years.
  13. Sayo do you know anything about air traveling over wings , well back in the old days before high tech computer models the designers of airplanes ran into a problem the wind was flowing over the wings perfectly it wasn't a flaw in this design . Thier test pilots r reported that at a certain speed the wings began to shudder and the result was they had to slow down to eliminate the possibility that the wings might structurally fail. Ok this is all the tv special I saw then it went to commercial. I immediately blurt out after 30 seconds of thought, the wind is smashing t together and causing the wings to vibrate from the force of the impact, they need to reduce this impact by changing the shape at the front of the wing. So the show comes back from commercial and they go into the whole air shudder effect and how they corrected it exactly as I stated during the commercial, the point is it took 100s of engineers years to figure that out, it took me 2 minutes. I'm just saying what if I'm right and science forums . Net is The place I strategically chose to share my theory with the world. I think the gravitational potential of our universes black hole will be discovered soon. Also I've made several mathematical errors I've over stated some aspects I've mixed up variables, but at the end of the day from a modern physics standpoint my theory is perfectly possible. Consider this the ancient Mayans knew there was a black hole at the center of our galaxy, they called it Hunab ku it was represented as an interlocking black and white spiral. This doesn't prove anything I'm just giving you a small window v into the scope of my knowledge base.
  14. I find it beyond funny that the moderators have no issue with acg and arc having a private conversation in my thread but even though I have tried to provide to the best of my ability what I was asked. Even volunteering private unedited notes I'm still being threatened to have my thread closed.acg has attacked me verbally since I entered this forum, is this really about evidence or is this a blatant lack of consideration for other members opinions acg. Also My ideas although to some may seem like fantasy, I've demonstrated extreme self control , considering the insults I have sustained just during this thread. I have worked on my theory for over a year.
  15. Ok so if you look at vortex physics, and the mechanics of black holes you can see from Wikipedia that the fact is Black Holes are Electromagnetic liquid as vortex physics clearly state a vortex is a system that will sustain itself indefinable if it weren't for v viscosity of the liquid itself, thus it stands to reason, that our universe has a black hole at the center a because space is filed with an electromagnetic field, this field is strong enough to regulate the speed of light throughout the field of its influence ie our universe, light is energy traveling in an electromagnetic field . The rotation off our universe produces black holes in free space this free space is electromagnetic fluid held in place by the gravitational forces of our central black hole . I'm really not great at drawing either .
  16. The truth is I'm not that smart my wife often tells me exactly that .. Now for example if we tried to measure say how many atoms are. In our solar system. That would be very difficult indeed, but maybe possible but if instead we quantified the energy content of the whole system, then we have a workable equation. For if that energy goes up ie increase 1c then we just take energy content and times it by five. And that's just the most cohesive thing I could find at the moment I have to look through my disorganized notes , ok so if anyone has specific questions that would make it easier to respond because I've gone over so much material in this thread. Ok so matter when observed from a stationary observers position, as it nears the speed of light barrier , would have all of the effects Einstein described , but the mass of an object does not increase only it's potential energy if and when it makes contact with another system object, then the potential energy is translated into e=mc2. Also consider this if an object is traveling c past a stationary observer, the light from that object ie reflection of visible light Will not be visible, for in the time it takes light to bounce back from an object is 1c therefore any velocity beyond. C. Will render an object physically invisible.
  17. My Wi-Fi gets shut off for one day , I can't say it doesn't seen like you're all a little over fixated, I didn't know not responding for 24 hours was enough to get a thread closed , how can I respond v if my service is do wn. I'll try to organize some notes.
  18. Hmm haven't heard a dinosaur joke in a long time well played big nose what were your calculations for the size and age of The universe I missed em. show your math. Ok let me explain there is most likely a black hole at the center of our universe , this black holes angular momentum creates black holes, throughout the universe there is no other physical possibility based on the speed and rotational force required to create a new black hole. In free space aside from star implosion etc .Also i postulate space time is an electromagnetic fluid generated by the magnetic field of our universes central black hole , combined with the high speed mechanics of vortex physics I can say the most probable scenario is , we our universe is a gigantic accretion disk and we are our galaxy is rotating at velocities between 186,000 and 34,000,000,000 miles per second. This is why I also postulate that the spiral magnetic field lines from our universes black hole are theexplanation for all the unaccounted for gravitational force within galactic clusters, not dark energy or anti matter , gravitational potential from our universes spiral arms that extend from the center of our universe to the edge. It is my prediction that the movement of galaxy clusters Will continue to be erratic consider dark flow, until we ascertain were our universes magnetic spiral arms are located, most likely somewhere around where the galactic clusters are moving in the dark flow, they are most likely very close astronomically speaking to that location in our universe. These magnetic lines are gravitational superpowers within the scope of our universe.
  19. Ok I'll try I don't want you to close my thread . My notes are really chaotic so it's not easy and I was never good at writing out multiple stage math problems, without doing some in my head . I'll try and write out don't more cohesive extrapolations I didn't mean to offend anyone with my statements. Taken from 9.89 sextillion divided by c or sol. Worked up to years. Age of universe 16 billion years distance across 20 sextillion miles or 1536754033. Light-years across. 48,000,000,000 multiplied by one light year 5,565,000,000, 4.45 sextillion miles hmm I think time dilation is the only difference and I'm taking into account a maximum velocity of 31,596,000,000 billion miles per second.
  20. With great power comes great responsibility ( Spidermans uncle )

  21. I've never had a thread closed if I am not allowed to explain new ideas and not be vilified for it, I'm not going to retract statements until I've found enough contrary evidence to dissuade my original idea that time dilation has happened in earths history .
  22. Closing this thread would be ludicrous , at almost a thousand views and some very interesting debate your going to petition to have thus thread shut down. I may be arrogant but I'm not stupid, and I've stated over and over that I didn't have the education level of a PhD. Why does this thread receive so much attention from moderators ? I think just on the merits of my popularization of relativity this thread deserves to remain open.
  23. Acg you did not show your calculations. At least I tried, I'm not going to apologize for pushing the limits of theoretical physics .
  24. It took me one hour to recalculate the size and age of our universe using high velocity Relativity and I'm wondering when you guys are going to be done with your calculations ? Out
  25. I think I've given all the necessary variables for the concept of time dilation I did not go to college , and most of my theory can be found in modern physics papers Einstein Stephen hawking etc, you have to understand I'm only working with theoretical physics, as far as I am aware no one person could say 100 years of scientific study was wrong. I think I'm building on current theories, it's a matter of perspective and I could be wrong and I do make mistakes .
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