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Everything posted by PureGenius

  1. Funny I wonder if any of you are capable of understanding the complex interrelationship between time velocity energy and consciousness , I'd like to see your individual calculations for the age and size of the universe show your work so everyone can see your advanced knowledge of physics , As I see it what I've done is revolutionary and you all should be thanking me .
  2. In other words you don't understand it the idea that I've invented a better way to measure space time . I find it telling that acg arc and swan have formed a committee against me thanks for the compliment. It's like your against New ideas not very scientific if you ask me . I have also noticed that I've shown allot more supporting structure for my theory than half the members of this forum.
  3. Energy is modulated by the base frequency, with a system, this frequency is easily calculated.

  4. Well I would explain the math but it would take ten pages , The model is a dual universe the basis of all my calculations is high velocity relativity and the basic structure is purely mathematical and the conceptual make up is beyond the scope of this forum. I understand that I don't show my calculations but I do most of the formulaic variables in my head and writing then out might take 50 percent more time and that would be extremely inefficient, I will say my system conserves more energy than current physics by a factor of five. Base speed 31.596 billion 5times base time dilation = 998307216000000000000 miles across I just realized this must be doubled for actual size our universe 5 times c2 = diameter. 9 sextillion miles across.Divided by speed of light 186,000 mps 5367243096774193.548. That's five quadrillion years at 1Xs the speed of light from one side to the other. Now if we divide this in half we should have an estimate of The age of our universe, 10734486193548387.096 divided by five for times speed of light dilation =I incorrectly used just 5 times instead 5Xs c should have been930,000 Xs substituted then divide 11542458272.633. Divided by c = 62056.227. Age of our universe... accurate. Or age universe will exist. So energy has a direct relation to time and the velocity is only a means of attaining that increase of energy .but this equation also limits the amount of space to time dilated specifications. Ie 9 sextillion miles across our universe. Any more than that and no object will ever be able to get there. Without suffering absolute time stoppage. Ie every electron every planet ie all energy nullified. These are some v of my calculations without corrections.
  5. the size of the universe is 200000000000000000000 miles across., or 20 sextillion miles. I have also recalculated the age of the universe to be exactly 16,000,000,000 or 16 billion years. I'm just using a combination of extrapolation mathematics and High Velocity Relativity . I do all my calculations on a five inch tablet, my paper notebook is only five inches I completed all of this in about ten inches of workspace . That's why Einstien said imagination is more important than knowledge .It's about perspective really. I am Shawn j and these numbers are accurate.
  6. Negative 7 ok maybe I didn't stay in the proper theory boxes .

  7. Negative 7 ok maybe I didn't stay in the proper theory boxes .

  8. Thanks for all the info, but I maintain its possible and probable that these meteors are between galactic arms. You guys are awesome smart such deductive reasoning.
  9. All of my posts are, under construction. Saturday's timeline Xs 5 base time.

  10. Being married can be like walking uphill in the snow barefoot with someone yelling at you to hurry up and stay dry lol

  11. The fact that these meteorites keep escaping detection, and that they are most likely lingering remnants of planetary impacts left behind, if they are outside all gravitational influence ie not accelerated then it stands to reason , these object's are lingering between thegravitational potential of our galactic arms. I'm saying these meteors are moving at 1000 mph and that our galactic arm ie our solar system is what ran into the object at 52,000 miles an hour . So velocity a 1000 +velocity b = 52000 = 53,000 miles per hour impact. And yeah I've seen big ones but nothing this big .
  12. Check out my New meteor post in Astronomy !!! any endorsers ?

  13. Check out my New meteor post in Astronomy !!! any endorsers ?

  14. MAJOR FIREBALL EVENT: Two nights ago, a ~100 lb meteoroid traveling 53,000 mph hit the atmosphere over the southeastern USA and exploded, producing sonic booms and a fireball as bright as a full Moon. Researchers are now scouring the countryside for fragments that could reveal the nature and origin of the meteoroid. A movie, more information, and updates are available on http://spaceweather.com. I postulate that this object was only moving at 1,000 miles per hour . This leads to the conclusion these meteors are almost at rest from an astronomical standpoint. These are resting between the galactic arms of our galaxy . I think Slow interstellar meteors would be a sufficient name, for these object's. The solar system we are in is spinning around our galactic center on a galactic arm at 52,000 miles per hour . This also explains why it's so difficult for astronomers to spot these slow moving objects. I am Shawn j
  15. I calculated all the variables including time dilation and speeds above the speed of light ,using my High Velocity Relativity theory, I arrived at the conclusion .That our universe is11,542,458,272 years old. I am currently working on my black hole theory but this was a fun distraction.
  16. Time is energy , under magnetic influence...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ajb


      "Of course it's only a theory." That choice of phrase does not instill me with confidence.

    3. PureGenius


      Lol I didn't think anyone really read my stuff , I'm actually working on some very interesting math . Not advanced like yours but nonetheless I'm getting some good results.

    4. PureGenius


      I'm not sure the world is ready for what I've figured out.

  17. High Velocity Relativity We know light will travel through most mediums and this is always in a uniform velocity, my postulate is the instant light slows below the speed of light ie through atmosphere or water there has already been a translation to a lower energy potential. Also as matter accelerates to the speed of light , it has been losing mass , but not within its system ie galaxy etc only as an absence, of its interaction, with the electromagnetic forces outside itself, so at one fifth the speed of light +1/5 of c minus1/5 of mass = + 1/5 energy e=mc2 = energy potential, for the mass of the total system , at the next vector of 1/5 c + - the same. Extrapolating up to the speed of light we just exchange all mass to e=mc2 Xs 5= energy potential. This exchange is the explanation of actual time dilation, for this increased energy potential equates to base time +5Xs = New Time. As the electromagnetic forces of the universe are reduced, so is the corresponding energy within that system released by a factor of five.So the net result is 1m 0c= converted 0m 1c= 5Xs e. Whatever electromagnetic force is effecting our galaxy, it is clear that force can be nullified by attaining the speed of light at least by a factor of five, consider it a type of time escape velocity. As in to escape earths atmosphere one must attain a velocity of approximately 25,000 mph. So extrapolating 186,000 miles per second is 1 factor of our universes speed limit. Creating a 5 times time dilation each factor of c up to 930,000 times base time.Then time most likely cannot flow forward. 34,596,000,000 miles per second is our universes speed limit. And our time dilation limit is 930,000 Xs base time. I have allot more if anyone is interested in publishing my ideas e-mail me.
  18. Whoever gave me green arrows thanks.

  19. Science = knowing stuff

  20. As to the 1000 times the speed of light it was actually 5.5 times the speed of light.

  21. If you realize the implications of high speed relativity, help me get published. Thanks for an awesome forum Science forums .net

  22. Light at below speed of light is mass. Light 0 = mass at 0c

  23. Light at below speed of light is mass. Light 0 = mass at 0c

  24. I will say this I think I may have figured out a way to incorporate higher speeds into relativity . I will state some new postulates. I kn No object can attain infinite velocity. No object can attain infinite mass. Light equals mass at below the speed of light The Mass of any object is equal to zero at the speed of light Mass equals energy field strength at the speed of light. M c = e=mc2. Xs5 = New e. field The calculation is this. M= e at c or m=0mass at c = e= Light equals mass at 0 velocity Moving at 1c energy fields strengthen by 5 times Mass is reduced by 100 percent at the speed of light After an object reaches the speed of light it must be converted to energy using Einstein's conversion, then this number becomes the new base number for the second speed of light vector When slowing by one c reverse the process and the conversion to arrive at the original starting mass once original velocity is attained. Time dilation is equal to energy field strength increase ie 5 times base time Time period at 1c Xs5= expanded timeframe Exceeding the speed of light, converts mass to energy slowing down below c energy returns to mass so when objects slow below c one reverses all postulates. So mass at c equals 0 +e variable which is original mass converted using e=mc2 Xs5 for 1c So if you reduce v by 1c. Take e convert it using e=mc2 divide by 5 for each reduction of 1c I am Shawn j. Thanks for reading
  25. I don't have a way to post equations , I'm on a 55 dollar mini tablet and one third of my posts disappear because of my terrible Wi-Fi connection I am working on it klaynos. I'm still working out the variables . Some of the math I used in my , equations was off I had to simplify my variables to get my solutions . I apologize if this caused any additional confusion.
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