I need help with my unkown project, this is my last resort.
Gram reaction: negative
Morphology: cocci
Color on nutrient agar: cream color
Motility: motile
Oxygen requirements: faculative anearobe
Amylase: negative
Gelatinase: positive
Glucose: acid/gas
Lactose: negative
Methyl red: positive
Voges-proskauer: negative
Citrate: positive
Oxidase: negative
Catalase: positive
Lysine decarboxylase: negative
Ornithine decarboxylase: negative
Phenylalanine deaminase: positive
Urea hydrolysis: positive
DNase: negative
Hydrogen sulfide production: positive
Nitrate reductase: positive
Nitrite reductase: negative
***PLEASE help!!!! I can't figure it out! I need both genus and species, so far it think its neisseria but I can't find the species.