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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello Enthalpy! Thank you soo much for taking time to reply And thanks for the warning! But finally i got a topic, it sort of deals with the inhibitors of nitrosamines, and application of that into industrial products. Hope it will work out for me. Lemme know what you think and also feel free to post any comments Thanks again!!
  2. Hey Everyone! I'm interested in doing an undergraduate level research in something to do with nitrosamines in latex. An idea my supervisor gave me is to find out the effects of temperature and other factors that affect nitrosamine formation. Can anyone please help me by suggesting more possibilities that can be researched at my level (undergrad) and i have one year to do the research along with my course work, so that's not really a lot of time. But also this contributes to a major portion of my GPA, so it has to be good enough too.... One other thing, i'm from an asian country, we have rubber trees growing here but we don't have so many high end lab facilities/equipment like the states or germany or UK does. I'd really appreciate if you help me out Thanks!!
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