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Everything posted by aroowolf

  1. hi everyone, while browsing the net i found this page and decided to clear some things up (i have only read the first page of posts). Furrys are not all sex crazed fantics. its a media thing. sure, sex fantasies may sometimes exist but not with everyone. everyone you ask has a different understanding of furs and this is mine. i believe its a way we can meet friends and truly express ourselves through different types of media, eg. artwork, stories and music. its a way we can better understand ourselves and the world around us. its enjoyable, and fun to take on the character that you dream you are every night. Think back to when you where ten years old. Where you fascinated about animals? did you use to watch cartoons with anthromphs running around? its the same but your just older. Well thats pretty much my impression, you could have a look at wiki fur, google it. o yeah, its more about finding people that can accept you and talk to you, not about your looks. written by a red and black wolf.
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