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Ok I have a question about time travel and I'm no scientist so you guys are all a great deal smarter then I am but I do have some understanding of things so no need to dumb it right down for me. So hypothetically speaking let's assume the multiverse and universe never existed untill the Big Bang happened creating the universe but not a multiverse, as time passed intelligent live evolved to a point similar to where we are now and begun contemplating time travel they realise the paradox's that can occur but decide to time travel anyway believing they can avoid any paradox. However they fail and accidentally kill say a grandfather of there's before he has any children. Currently we believe this can't happen because if you killed your grandfather before he had children you could never be born to travel back to kill that grandfather, but what if it could happen and the result of it wasn't just that you had travelled back in time but instead you had created a new universe at the same time as traveling back in time starting the multiverse. You are now trapped in this new univers' time line unable to get back to the future you came from. Is this a possibility? Because if it is don't we have a strong possibility as to why we're not receiving visitations from the future for example the very act of traveling back in Time and doing absolutely anything even as innocent as moving a cup from one side to another or picking up some litter and throwing it in the bin would create a new addition to the multiverse. This would remove you from the universe you come from effectively leaving your universe exactly the same way it was when you traveled back in time. This would mean that when you travel forward in this new universe you created you'll end up in a different future where there are now two of you your faced with a choice now kill the other you take his place and live his life or live on the outskirts of society as homeless person or move far away from where you lived and start a new life for yourself in this new universe. Meanwhile in the universe you came from it would be established that you had simply dissapeared like so many people do or that you discovered time travel and you were lost in time or died trying to make it a reality leaving no trace of your body? Or in the case of killing your grandfather you end up in a future where you were never born meaning u don't technically exists there even though your are physically there this means you would have one option become a homeless person or a criminal as you would not be able to get a bank account or job or anything like passports! Does this idea make any sense at all is it even possible
On the Physics of Time Travel
lukemcleod replied to ydoaPs's topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
Ok I have a question about time travel and I'm no scientist so you guys are all a great deal smarter then I am but I do have some understanding of things so no need to dumb it right down for me. So hypothetically speaking let's assume the multiverse and universe never existed untill the Big Bang happened creating the universe but not a multiverse, as time passed intelligent live evolved to a point similar to where we are now and begun contemplating time travel they realise the paradox's that can occur but decide to time travel anyway believing they can avoid any paradox. However they fail and accidentally kill say a grandfather of there's before he has any children. Currently we believe this can't happen because if you killed your grandfather before he had children you could never be born to travel back to kill that grandfather, but what if it could happen and the result of it wasn't just that you had travelled back in time but instead you had created a new universe at the same time as traveling back in time starting the multiverse. You are now trapped in this new univers' time line unable to get back to the future you came from. Is this a possibility? Because if it is don't we have a strong possibility as to why we're not receiving visitations from the future for example the very act of traveling back in Time and doing absolutely anything even as innocent as moving a cup from one side to another or picking up some litter and throwing it in the bin would create a new addition to the multiverse. This would remove you from the universe you come from effectively leaving your universe exactly the same way it was when you traveled back in time. This would mean that when you travel forward in this new universe you created you'll end up in a different future where there are now two of you your faced with a choice now kill the other you take his place and live his life or live on the outskirts of society as homeless person or move far away from where you lived and start a new life for yourself in this new universe. Meanwhile in the universe you came from it would be established that you had simply dissapeared like so many people do or that you discovered time travel and you were lost in time or died trying to make it a reality leaving no trace of your body? Or in the case of killing your grandfather you end up in a future where you were never born meaning u don't technically exists there even though your are physically there this means you would have one option become a homeless person or a criminal as you would not be able to get a bank account or job or anything like passports! Does this idea make any sense at all is it even possible -
True ed I am not writing poetry niether am I william Shakespeare writting a sonet or a play I'm not good at punctuation I was terrible at English in school but I will do my best as always bear in mind it goes against my nature I am laid back relaxed person and I prefer casual chat over formal enquiry
you guys miss understood me I ment the star dies and as ed says that's not quite right but my understanding is mass creates gravaty so a star is the mass the gravaty is the force created by that mass when a star reaches that point to where it collapses the mass is no more so really the gravity should disperse but it doesn't why is that could it be that the purpose of the black hole is to one day compress enough matter to cause a reaction that re-ignites the star thus starting the cycle of creation evolution and final destruction again
that wernt the same video I saw
wheres the text talk
titor wanna be stop adding to the hype of conspiracy u claim to b similar to john titor by that I guess you mean your a middle age man with intricate computer knowledge and a life that's so obviously dull you have to fantasize about being from the future. well if that were true stop being so vague about things and get precise write up the formula for your time travel a list of components used to create your time travel device and a manual on how to use these components to build it then when its done tested proven and confirmed you can make all the crazy ass statements about the future you want and don't try to say u cant affect the timeline like that coz john did now you are doing it and if you were from the future your history would have a record of johns interference and he would have not been aloud to travel through time and the same goes for you either that or people got really stupid in the future
- 31 replies
the reason I ask is because I just watched a film called the black hole that is based on the story of exploring the inner workings of a black hole so naturally it got me thinking and what I thought was why does a black hole suck everything into its self besides the whole gravity thing I mean it only seems logical to me that once something is dead it loses any ability to produce any kind of force think of it like a human that drives a bus for disabled people has a route each week to pick up his clients and take them out for the day if he died those same disabled people would stop receiving there weekly trips at least until the driver was replace so why does the gravity not disperse once the body has collapsed? is it possible that the gravity remains for the sole purpose of one day reigniting the loss star and restarting that particular solar system. what I mean by this is what if the purpose of a black hole was to draw in enough matter and compress it so much that one day a reaction will take place that causes a new sun to spark into existence. after all we don't no how stars came to be but we do no they are a great source of energy which would leave me to believe a much greater force of energy would be needed to create a sun so could a black hole be that greater force needed and if so would that mean instead of having an ever increasing universe or an ever diminishing universe what we would have is a universe that alternates between increasing in size and decreasing in size. this is all just a thought process I would like some proper input from those that work in this field as I don't have any formal qualifications in the subject I simply would like an analysis of my thoughts and validation on what is correct or possible and a clear statement of what is not possible and why please. thank you for your time
The following quotes were made earlier in the conversation can any one explain to me what the conspiracy pwagen mentions is about thank you very much Just out of curiosity
I thought it was a little mental but they just keep popping up these giant videos I keep seeing new ones on you tube and I just think to myself this is madness if they ever exsisted they would not have gone extinct we would be another meal to them as cows are to us they would farm us and use us as slaves for entertainment because they would be the dominant species on the planet not us. With that said has anyone seen Prometheus there are giant beings in that film that actually look plausable because they are not incredibly larger then the tallest humans they are also humanoid so here you talk about larger bones the impact of there weight etc. However if there were humans alive today that were two to three feet taller then the tallest men in the world would they still suffer these issues?
Thank you d h really appreciate the time you took to answer my question very informative
Thanks ed to be honest I've never studied any advanced areas my schooling was very basic chem, biology, actually I don't really recall ever doing anything other then that but even that was very dull basic add magnieseium to water record effects and dissect a pigs heart stuff I wish they had taught more things like this It is litteral all self taught through internet and sci-fy occasionally a good documentary So I guess to gain a propper full understanding of the subjects I would be on the basement level
Lol yeah I think I'm quite good at judging what does sound like nothing but bs but it's always good to listen even If only some of what they say seems plausible sometimes they make sense sometimes they twist things to suit their own agenda what ever that may be
That's wicked I never heard about that wen obese searching before but I'll definitely look it up thanks
Fair enough so has there been any new development in the field of time travel like any new theories
Ok I know your probably gonna laugh at this and call me a nut job but what the hey whilest surffing the good old you tube site for crazy paranormal stuff I came across a video I never watched fully coz I shuned it as being a hoax but it was of a supposed archaeological dig in india I think and it was showing a man standing next to a large human skeloton so big that if you imagine it laying flat on it's back with the ordinary man standing next to the head the ordinary mean would probably only just reach the ear lobe. Can anyone tell me for certain that there hasn't been such a discovery in the scientific world.
Awesome very educational post but d h does that mean I was sort of right about the super massive sun just completely wrong about there being planets and smaller stars around when the super massive suns were
Oh yeah I missed that thanks again ed so is swansont like a founder of the web site or something like that coz that message looks like one of the oofficial warning signs you would get from people running a site before they boot you of and there's that bit specific to me so I don't wanna get booted of I joined to find answers and to improve myself by improving my knowledge
All really great post guys really enjoy getting feed back. Ed and swan you both make excellent points but ed I think some of that may be just a little too advance for me but if you could give me the names of a few good lecturers to look for I will get around to doing that at some point Mr smith I'm not sure I quite grasp it right but do you mean to say a wave like as in a sine waveform like in a three phase supply but with frequency relating to the amount of waves and heat energy and it's all on the atomic level? And uncool very helpful thank you for giving me some subjects to research Once again thank you every one
Thanks for pointing out my mistake ed I did mean to say hadron and I don't quite understand what this message is about the official lookin one but from now on I'll respect it's wishes but let it be known I'm typing on a phone most of the time and spell correct gets it wrong from time to time And lite thank you for the complement I find in subjects that intrest me my ability to soak any knowledge offered is far grater then when I don't particularly find intrest in that is why I think I am able to grasp the basic understanding of things quickly and once in a while maybe even the more complex concepts of subjects
Ok fair enough I see ur point one has to be truely be unbiased toward the subject to arrive at the true and properly conclusion other wise the experiments become tainted and unfair thus false results and I appreciate your contribution I would like to here your thoughts on something I heard about the hydrogen super colider in Switzerland apparently there were some unexpected side effects from it being operated I heard something happened that apparently caused a micro black hole or something like that it was only big enough for an atom to get throught and dissapated wen the equipment was switched of I'm highly skeptical of this but would like to be better informed very informative thanks for the links
Ed you said please elaborate more as I was under the impression a seminar was like wen a writer brings out a book and holds a public gathering in which they speak about their book and the driving force's behind what their publishment is about and how they reached their conclusion
Yeah but how do u explain one how one scientist would believe that string theory is correct but another scientist might believe it's wrong and prefer to believe the unified field theory or m theory is correct instead is that not believe After all if isacc newton didn't believe there was a force holding us on this planet would we have discovered gravity or if scientist don't believe splitting an atom could create incredible energy out put would they have run the experiments that created the atom bomb on the contrary I think believe is part of what drives the search for answers through scientific experimentation along with the drive and passion for understanding our universe better