I from time to time read books and other printed study material, often hoping that i can remember the things i am reading. i have no trouble understanding the things i study. the method of study i use, i read over the things i wish to retain, once, then in break each thing down by writing, one by one, what i've read. it seems that many things like books, and my study materials, i understand while i'm reading them, i enjoy reading them, but retaining the information becomes much more difficult. the types of things i have been studying are things like fallacies and cognitive biases. things that i hope to make a part of who i am, not something for say, a school test. i suppose in these field of study "fallacies and cognitive biases" i'm good at spotting, say, fallacies, when i see them. i cannot however, say, its this particular fallacy, and then proceed to define what that is. i think thats important to note. seeing as i cannot selectively point at and label what i'm identifying, i'd be interested in getting some tips for long term retention and recognition, as specific identifiable memories, not just something i might recognize, but be unable to identify. i have taken antipsychotics for 15 years now, and i hope to be able to return to school. i do feel that i must be able to get this process of memory much more under control if i am to succeed.
it occurs to me that when i was young, i had heard of certain amino acids or maybe even vitamins, that might help promote memory. if anyone can recommend something that might help these memories stick for the long term, i'd be appreciative of that too, as well as any study tips for my condition.
thank you