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Lepton (1/13)



  1. So just to check that I'm understanding this correctly, if a Ferrofluid is subject to a constant external electromagnetic field, it will retain it's magnetism and react accordingly to the external field? Also possibly along with Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic materials? Thanks for the quick reply too!!
  2. Hey guys, just thought I'd bounce a random thought off of you. Since we can now "3D Print" on a molecular level, would it be possible to construct a body (crystalline maybe) using say Carbon G60 and other compounds to create multi-level data storage? I know there have already been advances in storing data in crystals, but from what I've read so far they are only on small discs. Maybe during the "construction" of such a thing different electrical pathways could be created by using different carbon molecules. Also while I have your attention, any thoughts behind using extremely dense carbon as a form of extreme heat-shielding?
  3. Hey guys thanks for reading. Usually I would float on down to the local University, however due to newly imposed campus laws only students are permitted. To start with, classic rookie question, when a metal (Let's say Iron for example) is in its liquid/molten form, does it react to magnetism the same as it would as a solid? And if not, are there any metals that do? (Tried googling a lot of the questions I have to no avail) Cheers again!!
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